
Vast Sea Visualization

In a world where magic meets the mind's vast expanse, Lucas, reborn as Harry Potter, wields the power of visualization to master his emotions and wandless magic. With a tranquil sea as his mental fortress, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery and magical mastery.

Evoxius · Bücher und Literatur
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84 Chs

Soul Liberation

Albus Dumbledore entered the grand, circular chamber of the ICW headquarters, his eyes taking in the tense atmosphere that permeated the room. The enchanted ceiling swirled with dark, ominous clouds, reflecting the grave mood of the assembled representatives from magical nations worldwide. As he made his way to his seat among the British delegation, hushed whispers and concerned glances followed his every step.

The Supreme Mugwump, Babajide Akingbade, stood at the center of the chamber, his commanding presence demanding attention. His deep purple robes billowed as he raised his hands, calling the meeting to order. "Esteemed representatives," his booming voice echoed through the room, "we are gathered here today to address a matter of utmost urgency. A new Dark Lord has risen, threatening to expose our world and upset the balance we have worked so hard to maintain."

Immediately, the chamber erupted into a cacophony of voices, each representative clamoring to be heard over the others. "What do we know of this Dark Lord?" demanded Lucius Carrow, the austere Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement for the British Ministry of Magic, his sharp features etched with concern.

Akingbade sighed heavily, his brow furrowed. "Our intelligence has gathered that this Dark Lord, who remains unnamed, has been targeting Muggle oil refineries and tankers across the globe. The attacks have been swift, precise, and devastating, causing immense damage to the Muggle economy and infrastructure."

"But why target the Muggles?" questioned Torbjørn Ødegård, the Norwegian Minister of Magic, his long, silver beard quivering with each word. "What could this Dark Lord possibly hope to gain from such actions?"

"Perhaps he seeks to create chaos and fear among the Muggles," suggested Isabelle Dubois, the elegant French representative, her voice tinged with a melodic accent. "To weaken their resolve and make them more susceptible to magical influence."

"Or perhaps," interjected Dumbledore, his calm voice cutting through the chatter, "this Dark Lord has more sinister motives, related to his own power and ambition within our world."

The room fell silent for a moment, considering Dumbledore's words. Akingbade nodded thoughtfully, his dark eyes filled with worry. "Indeed, Dumbledore. We must consider all possibilities. However, our primary concern should be the Dark Lord's abilities and how he has managed to evade capture thus far."

"Our hit squad reported that he is a master of concealment and elemental magic," stated Maximilian Schneider, the German representative, his voice thick with frustration. "He strikes without warning and disappears just as quickly. Our usual methods of tracking and containment have proven ineffective against him."

"Then we must develop new methods!" exclaimed Ling Xiaomei, the Chinese representative, her dark eyes flashing with determination. "We cannot allow this Dark Lord to continue his rampage unchecked."

As the debate grew more heated, representatives shouting over one another to be heard, Dumbledore raised his voice, his tone commanding attention. "Colleagues, we must not let fear and panic guide our actions. This Dark Lord, while formidable, is not invincible. We are the guardians of the magical world, and it is our duty to protect both our own kind and the Muggles from this threat."

"Dumbledore is right," agreed Vivienne Myst, the formidable President of the Magical Congress of the United States of America (MACUSA), her voice cutting through the din. "We must act swiftly and decisively to bring this Dark Lord to justice. I propose the formation of a special task force, comprised of the best Aurors and investigators from each of our nations."

Murmurs of agreement rippled through the chamber, and Akingbade nodded in approval. "An excellent suggestion, Madam President. Together, we will pool our resources and expertise to track down and apprehend this Dark Lord before he can cause further harm."

Akingbade raised a hand, silencing the room. "We must give this Dark Lord a name," he declared, his voice grave. "A name by which we can refer to him in our investigations and communications."

The chamber buzzed with murmurs of agreement, and Torbjørn Ødegård, the Norwegian Minister of Magic, spoke up. "The name should reflect the nature of his crimes and the threat he poses to our world."

"What about 'Blackgold'?" suggested Isabelle Dubois, the French representative. "It speaks to his targeting of the Muggle oil industry."

Amelia Bones, the stern Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement for the British Ministry of Magic, shook her head. "Too specific," she countered. "We need a name that encompasses the broader scope of his actions and the danger he represents."

"Perhaps 'Obscuron'?" proposed Maximilian Schneider, the German representative. "It alludes to his mastery of concealment and the dark nature of his magic."

Vivienne Myst, the President of MACUSA, frowned. "It lacks the gravity of the situation. We need a name that conveys the severity of his crimes and the urgency of our response."

As the suggestions continued to flow, each one met with criticism or dismissal, Dumbledore sat in contemplative silence. Suddenly, a thought struck him, and he spoke, his voice cutting through the chatter. "Desolus."

The room fell quiet, all eyes turning to the venerable wizard. "Desolus," he repeated, his blue eyes shining with a mix of solemnity and determination. "A name derived from the Latin word for 'desolation' or 'ruin.' It speaks to the destruction he leaves in his wake and the bleak future that awaits us if we fail to stop him."

For a moment, the representatives considered the name, their expressions ranging from pensive to approving. Ling Xiaomei, the Chinese representative, nodded slowly. "Desolus," she repeated, testing the name on her tongue. "It carries the weight of the threat we face and the consequences of inaction."

Akingbade surveyed the room, gauging the reactions of his colleagues. "Are there any objections to the name Desolus?" he asked, his deep voice resonating through the chamber.

Silence greeted his question, and Akingbade nodded in satisfaction. "Then it is decided. The Dark Lord shall be known as Desolus in all our official communications and investigations. Let this name serve as a reminder of the grave task before us and the importance of our unified efforts to bring him to justice."

With the matter of the name settled, the conversation turned to strategy and logistics. The representatives debated the composition of the task force, each nation vying for a prominent role in the hunt for Desolus. Tempers flared as old rivalries and political tensions came to the fore, but Akingbade remained steadfast in his commitment to cooperation and unity.

"We must put aside our differences," he declared, his voice booming through the chamber. "Desolus threatens us all, and only by working together can we hope to defeat him."

As the meeting stretched on, the representatives hammered out the details of the task force, assigning roles and responsibilities, and establishing lines of communication and intelligence-sharing. Dumbledore listened intently, thinking about the future troubles.

Finally, as the meeting drew to a close, Akingbade stood once more, his face etched with determination. "The ICW Special Task Force for the Apprehension of Desolus is hereby formed," he announced, his voice ringing with authority. "May our efforts be swift, our resolve unwavering, and our victory certain."

As the representatives began to file out of the chamber, Dumbledore remained seated, his thoughts consumed by the challenges that lay ahead. He knew that Desolus would not be easily defeated, and that the task force would need every ounce of skill, courage, and cunning at their disposal.

Rising slowly from his chair, Dumbledore made his way out of the chamber, his mind already turning to the next steps. He would need to rally the Order of the Phoenix, to gather intelligence and prepare for the battles to come. But for now, he allowed himself a moment of quiet determination, his gaze fixed on the enchanted ceiling above, where the dark clouds had begun to part, revealing a glimmer of hope on the horizon.

The hunt for Desolus had begun, and Dumbledore knew that the fate of both the Magical and Muggle worlds hung in the balance. If Desolus were allowed to continue his destructive streak, he could very well cause millions of Muggles to die and expose the Magical World...


Lucas convulsed on his bed, his body twisting and writhing as if possessed by an unseen force. His fingers clawed at his scalp, nails digging into the flesh hard enough to draw blood. A scream, raw and primal, tore from his throat, echoing off the walls of his small, cluttered bedroom. Nyx, his loyal snake companion, coiled tighter around his neck, her smooth, cool scales a stark contrast to the feverish heat of his skin. She flicked her tongue against his cheek, tasting the salt of his sweat and tears, a desperate attempt to comfort him in his agony.

Gradually, Lucas's screams subsided, fading to hoarse, gasping sobs. His body went limp, sinking into the sweat-soaked sheets, his chest heaving with each labored breath. The room was dark, the only light coming from the faint glow of the streetlamps outside, casting eerie shadows on the walls.

Fucking hell, Lucas thought, his mind a whirlwind of pain and confusion. What's happening to me? Why is this happening?

He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to block out the throbbing in his head, but the memories came anyway, flooding his mind like a tidal wave.

Nyx, my beautiful, brilliant Nyx, he remembered, a bitter taste filling his mouth. I gave her the gift of intelligence, and then I treated her like she was nothing. Like she was just a dumb beast, a lesser being. What the fuck was I thinking?

The image of Dudley, his face red and contorted with rage, flashed before his eyes. I used magic on him, to keep him quiet, to make my life easier. And when it started to mess him up, did I stop? No, I made it worse. I made it permanent. I fucking addicted him to it, like some kind of drug dealer. What kind of monster does that?

Blood magic, the coppery scent of it filling his nostrils, the sticky feel of it on his hands. I painted the walls with it, like a fucking lunatic. One slip, one nosy Auror, and I would've been done for. I risked everything, for what? To hide my toys? Christ, I'm an idiot.

And then there was his mind, his intellect, growing sharper and more powerful with each passing day. It doesn't make sense, Lucas thought, his brow furrowed. I was always smart, but this... this is beyond smart. This is inhuman. Eidetic memory, learning things in the blink of an eye... the Vast Sea Visualization can't explain all of it. There has to be something else, something more.

Memories of his childhood, his impossible feats of intelligence, flashed through his mind like a slideshow. I was a fucking toddler, and I was talking like a professor. Winning chess tournaments, outsmarting adults... it's a wonder I survived as long as I did. That Chinese wizard, he almost had me. If Dumbledore hadn't shown up...

A shudder ran through him, and he tasted bile in the back of his throat. The way I fought that beast, those assassins... it was like I was a different person. Cold, ruthless, efficient. I tortured a man, mutilated him, and I didn't even blink. That's not me, it can't be me...

The oil refineries, the sudden hatred for Muggles, the insatiable hunger for power and control. I was like a fucking pureblood supremacist from the books, looking down on the people I used to be. What the hell is wrong with me?

Lucas's eyes snapped open, his breath catching in his throat. It's not me, he realized, a chill running down his spine. It's something else, something inside me, pulling the strings. Manipulating me, changing me.

He sat up, ignoring the wave of dizziness that washed over him. I have to find it, he thought, his jaw clenched tight. I have to root it out, destroy it, before it destroys me.

With a deep, shaky breath, Lucas plunged into his mindscape, diving deep into the vast, tranquil sea of his thoughts. But as he swam deeper, he realized the tranquility was a facade, a flimsy mask hiding the turmoil beneath.

No more lies, he growled, his fists clenching at his sides. No more deception. I want the truth, and I want it now.

He reached out with his mind, summoning the elements, each one a manifestation of his emotions, his will. Fire exploded across the sky, turning the water to steam, the heat of his anger and determination. Waves surged and crashed, towering tsunamis born of his sadness and pain, his deepest, darkest feelings. The earth shook and split, islands and trenches forming in the seabed, his resilience and stability crumbling under the weight of his doubts. Wind howled, whipping the flames into a frenzy, his thoughts and memories swirling in a chaotic tempest. Lightning crackled and flashed, illuminating the depths, his sudden insights and realizations piercing the veil of confusion.

In the center of the elemental maelstrom, Lucas searched, his eyes scanning the churning waters for any sign of the intruder. There! A flicker of wrongness, a pocket of eerie calm amidst the chaos, like the eye of a hurricane. Found you, you bastard.

He focused his will, the elements becoming extensions of his body, his mind. Flames surged forward, battering against the unnatural resistance, the heat of his anger searing and scorching. Waves stilled, the sudden calm exposing the disturbances, the ripples of foreign influence. The earth steadied beneath his feet, giving him a solid foundation, a place to stand and fight. Wind and lightning cut through the shadows, leaving nowhere to hide, nowhere to run.

Come on, you son of a bitch, Lucas snarled, his face contorted with effort and rage. Show yourself! Face me, if you dare!

He pushed harder, deeper, his mind a battering ram, a relentless force of nature. The elements swirled and clashed around him, a torrent of raw, primal power. Sweat poured down his face, his muscles straining with the effort, but he didn't stop, didn't falter.

And then, in a moment of blinding, searing clarity, he saw it. A twisted, pulsing mass of darkness, its tendrils wrapped tight around his mind, his very soul. It was like a cancer, a parasite, feeding off him, poisoning him from the inside out.

Voldemort's Horcrux, Lucas finally realized, his blood turning to ice in his veins. It was in the scar all along, hiding, waiting. Fucking with my head, influencing me in unknown ways...

Rage and revulsion surged through him, a tidal wave of hatred and disgust. He let out a roar of defiance, a primal scream that shook the very foundations of his mind. He gathered every ounce of his power, his will, his very essence, focusing it into a single, devastating point.

No more, he vowed, his eyes blazing with emerald fire. No more control, no more lies. This is my mind, my body, my soul. And I'm taking them back.

With a final, earth-shattering cry, Lucas unleashed his power, his elements, his very being. The Horcrux shuddered and writhed, its tendrils recoiling as if burned. It fought back, lashing out with waves of malice and madness, but Lucas was relentless, unyielding. He pushed and pushed, tearing at the darkness, ripping it away from his mind, his soul.

And then, with a final, agonized shriek, the Horcrux shattered, dissolving into nothingness, like a bad dream banished by the light of dawn. Lucas collapsed to his knees, his chest heaving, his body shaking with exhaustion and relief.

It's gone, he thought, a hysterical laugh bubbling up from his throat. It's finally fucking gone.

He opened his eyes, blinking in the sudden brightness of his bedroom. Nyx was still coiled around his neck, her tongue flicking against his ear, a gentle, comforting presence.

"I did it, Nyx," he whispered, his voice hoarse and raw. "I beat that damn thing."

He fell back onto his bed, his body heavy and boneless, his mind clear and sharp for the first time in years. The road ahead would be long and hard, he knew, but for now, in this moment, he was free. Free to be himself, to make his own choices, to live his own life.