
Vanguard Legion: Ghost 6

In a tragic turn of events, young Scott Michaelson finds himself at the center of a deadly conspiracy when a car accident claims the life of his father and leaves him with no memory of his former life. Suspicions arise as the circumstances of the accident point to foul play, leading to Scott's abduction by a shadowy organization. Unbeknownst to him, Scott becomes a pawn in their sinister agenda, undergoing grueling and merciless training under Project Ghost. For eighteen months, he endures harrowing trials designed to mold him into a ruthless weapon, culminating in the termination of all but eleven candidates. Scott emerges as the standout, earning the moniker "Six" to symbolize his unparalleled prowess. For five years, Six serves dutifully within the Vanguard Legion, executing missions with lethal precision. However, his world is turned upside down when a chance encounter with his long-lost uncle triggers a flood of forgotten memories. Determined to reclaim his identity and forge a new path, Six embarks on a journey to reconcile his past with his present, seeking redemption and the promise of a normal life beyond the shadows of his haunted past.

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4 Chs

The New Life Begins

After a few days of the reunion, Scott embarked on his first day back at school. The classroom buzzed with anticipation as the students awaited their teacher's arrival. Finally, a woman with chestnut-brown hair and warm hazel eyes entered, exuding an air of confidence and authority in her well-defined attire.

"Hello, class! How's everyone doing today?" Miss Borman greeted cheerfully, her voice filling the room.

"We're good, Miss Borman!" the students chorused in response.

"Fantastic! I'm glad to hear that. Today, we have a new classmate joining us," Miss Borman announced, her gaze shifting to Scott standing behind her.

"This is Scott Michaelson, and he's new here," she continued, gesturing towards Scott as she introduced him to the class.

"Now, I want you all to be friendly towards him," she instructed, directing her attention to a student named Connor Benson.

Connor raised an eyebrow, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "Why are you looking at me for?" he quipped, laughter bubbling in his voice.

Miss Borman chuckled, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Nothing, Connor, just making sure you're paying attention," she replied playfully.

"Now, Scott, why don't you go ahead and take a seat next to Dave?" she suggested, gesturing towards an empty desk at the back of the classroom.

"Sure thing," Scott replied with a nod, his demeanor calm and composed as he made his way to his designated seat.

"Hey, I'm Scott," Scott introduced himself to Dave with a friendly smile as he settled into his seat.

"Hey, Scott. Nice to meet you," Dave replied, sizing up the new arrival with curiosity. "Since you're sitting close to me, I think I'll fill you in on what we've done so far. Sound good?"

"Yeah, sure. Thanks," Scott accepted Dave's offer, eager to get acquainted with his new surroundings.

Meanwhile, in another corner of the bustling school, Maria, Sarah's vivacious best friend, burst into the classroom like a whirlwind of excitement.

"Hey, Sarah!" Maria gasped, her breath coming in short bursts as she rushed to Sarah's side.

"What's got you so worked up?" Sarah asked, unable to suppress her grin at Maria's frenetic energy.

"Let... me... catch... my breath," Maria panted dramatically before finally regaining her composure. "Okay, now I'm good. You won't believe it, but there's a new heartthrob in school. Seriously, Sarah, this guy is smoking hot!"

"Oh, really? Tell me more," Sarah leaned in eagerly, her interest instantly piqued by Maria's enthusiastic proclamation.

"Mhm, but here's the kicker: he's a junior, a whole year younger than us," Maria revealed with a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

"A junior?" Sarah's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Wait, does he have dark hair and piercing brown eyes?"

"I didn't get a good look, but I'm sure he's the one," Maria confirmed, sensing the sudden change in Sarah's demeanor. "Why? Do you know him?"

Sarah couldn't contain her excitement any longer. With a gleeful grin, she confessed, "Yep, he's my little brother: Scott."

Maria's eyes widened in disbelief. "No way! This just got interesting!"

"Oh my gosh, Sarah, why didn't you tell me you had a hot brother?" Maria exclaimed, her excitement bubbling over as she processed the unexpected revelation.

Sarah chuckled at Maria's animated reaction. "I know, right? I guess I should have mentioned him sooner. But hey, now you have the inside scoop," she teased, relishing in Maria's enthusiasm.

"So spill the tea, girl! How did he end up here? And what's the deal with him coming back now?" Maria prodded, leaning in eagerly for the juicy details.

"Well, it's a bit of a long story," Sarah began, her eyes lighting up with excitement as she launched into the tale of Scott's return. "You see, Scott was in this really bad accident with my dad a few years back—"

"Wait, what? I thought your dad passed away in that accident," Maria interrupted, her brow furrowing in confusion.

"Yeah, that's what we all thought," Sarah replied, her expression turning serious. "But it turns out, Scott survived. He lost his memory and ended up living with villagers for the past six years."

Maria's eyes widened in disbelief. "No way! That's insane!" she exclaimed, struggling to wrap her mind around the unexpected twist.

"I know, right? It's been a crazy journey for him," Sarah agreed, her voice tinged with emotion as she recounted her brother's remarkable story.

"So, how did he end up back here?" Maria asked, her curiosity piqued by the mysterious turn of events.

"Well, Uncle Henry—Lieutenant General Miller—found him and brought him back home," Sarah explained, her words tumbling out in a rush as she tried to capture the whirlwind of emotions that accompanied Scott's return.

Maria nodded, her mind racing with questions. "Wow, that's incredible. But what's he like? Is he excited to be back?"

Sarah's face lit up with a smile. "He's adjusting, but he's happy to be home," she replied, her thoughts drifting to her brother's confident demeanor and easy charm. "Maybe we can all hang out after school and you can meet him?"

Maria's face lit up at the prospect. "Absolutely! I can't wait to meet him and hear more about his adventures," she declared, her excitement palpable as she looked forward to the new friendship that awaited.

The bell rang, signaling the end of class, and Sarah packed up her books with a sense of relief. She glanced over at Maria, who was eagerly chatting away about the upcoming weekend plans, her excitement infectious. Despite the lingering anxiety about her brother's return and the challenges that lay ahead, Sarah couldn't help but smile at her friend's enthusiasm.

As they made their way out of the classroom, laughter and chatter filled the air, students buzzing with energy as they headed towards the cafeteria. Sarah and Maria fell into step beside each other, their friendship a comforting presence amidst the chaos of high school life.

But their lighthearted conversation was soon interrupted by the arrival of Jane, the notorious queen bee of their class. With her perfectly styled hair and designer clothes, Jane exuded an air of entitlement that made Sarah's stomach churn.

"Hey, Sarah, do me a favor and grab me a sandwich from the cafeteria, will you?" Jane demanded, her tone dripping with condescension as she addressed Sarah directly.

Sarah's heart sank at the familiar sound of Jane's voice, her muscles tensing as she braced herself for the inevitable confrontation. Beside her, Maria shot Jane a pointed look, her eyebrows raised in silent defiance.

But before Maria could speak up on Sarah's behalf, Sarah held up a hand to stop her. "It's okay, Maria. I'll take care of it," she said quietly, her voice tinged with resignation.

Maria's eyes widened in disbelief, her mouth opening to protest, but Sarah shook her head slightly, silently urging her friend to stand down. With a heavy sigh, Maria reluctantly relented, shooting Jane a glare before turning away.

As Sarah made her way to the cafeteria, her footsteps felt heavy with the weight of Jane's expectations. She knew she was letting herself be bullied, but the fear of confrontation outweighed her sense of pride.

As she handed Jane her sandwich, Sarah forced a smile, her eyes betraying the turmoil churning within. Jane accepted the food with a dismissive nod, her attention already drifting away to the next target.

As Sarah walked back to her table, she couldn't help but feel a pang of shame at her own weakness. But deep down, she knew that standing up to Jane would require a courage she wasn't sure she possessed. And for now, that knowledge was enough to keep her silent.

As they settled back at their table in the bustling cafeteria, Maria couldn't contain her frustration any longer. "Sarah, I don't get it. Why do you always let Jane push you around like that?" she demanded, her voice tinged with both concern and exasperation.Sarah sighed, picking at her food as she struggled to find the right words.

"It's complicated, Maria," she replied finally, her voice barely above a whisper. "I just...I don't know how to stand up to her.""But you shouldn't have to," Maria insisted, her brows furrowing in frustration. "You're stronger than you think, Sarah. You just need to believe in yourself."Sarah offered a weak smile, grateful for Maria's unwavering support even in her moments of weakness. "Thanks, Maria. I'll try," she promised, though she knew the road ahead would be far from easy.

Just as their conversation turned to lighter topics, the cafeteria doors swung open, drawing their attention. In walked Scott, accompanied by Dave, who was enthusiastically pointing out various features of the school.

As Scott and Dave entered the bustling cafeteria, Maria's sharp eyes quickly spotted them, and she nudged Sarah to make sure she didn't miss the sight. "Oh, look, Scott's here," Sarah exclaimed, a bright smile lighting up her face. "Should I call him over?" she asked Maria, her excitement evident in her voice.

"Yes, please," Maria replied eagerly, unable to contain her enthusiasm. "He's your brother after all!"

"Alright, but simmer down a bit," Sarah teased, unable to suppress her own grin. With a playful roll of her eyes, she stood up and waved enthusiastically to catch Scott's attention.

Meanwhile, Dave, ever observant, couldn't help but notice Sarah's gesture. "Hey, I think that senior is calling you," he remarked to Scott, his tone tinged with curiosity.

Scott turned to follow Dave's gaze, his expression calm but with a hint of surprise as he spotted Sarah waving at him. "Oh, that's my sister," he explained simply, his smile softening at the sight of her.

Dave's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Wait, you have a sister?!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine shock.

"Yeah," Scott replied, his tone understated. "Come on, let's go say hi."

With a nod of understanding, Dave followed Scott as they made their way over to Sarah's table, eager to meet the sister of his newfound friend.

"Hey, Sarah," Scott greeted warmly as they approached. "Hi, how's everything going so far?" Sarah inquired, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"It's okay. Dave here has been helping me," Scott replied, gesturing to his companion.

"Hello," Dave chimed in with a friendly wave.

"Hi, thanks for helping him," Sarah said, her smile genuine as she expressed her gratitude.

"No problem," Dave replied with a modest shrug.

"Anyway, this is Maria, my best friend," Sarah introduced, gesturing towards Maria, who looked up with a shy smile.

"Hi," Maria greeted softly, feeling a bit nervous as she met Scott's gaze, captivated by his warm brown eyes.

"Hey, nice to meet you," Scott responded with a gentle smile, putting Maria at ease with his friendly demeanor.

As Sarah and her friends animatedly conversed, their voices rang out amidst the bustling cafeteria, catching the attention of Jane and her posse. Suzy's eyes widened in recognition as she nudged Jane subtly. "Isn't that Sarah over there?" she whispered excitedly, her gaze fixed on Sarah's table. Jane followed Suzy's line of sight, her curiosity immediately piqued. "Yeah, it is," she confirmed, a mischievous glint in her eye. "And who's that mysterious hottie sitting with them?" she added, her tone tinged with intrigue.

Ember, another member of Jane's clique, leaned in to join the discussion, her curiosity matching Jane's. "Oh, he's new. Just arrived today," she explained eagerly, nodding towards Scott, who sat composedly amidst Sarah's group.

Meanwhile, Jake, Jane's twin brother and the school's resident troublemaker, grinned devilishly as he observed the unfolding scene. "Hey, Jane, why don't you call Sarah over here?" he suggested with a wicked gleam in his eye, relishing the opportunity to stir up some excitement. Jane's lips curled into a sly smile at her brother's suggestion. "Absolutely," she agreed, already formulating a plan to inject a little thrill into Sarah's day.

As Sarah, Maria, Scott, and Dave were engrossed in their conversation, Sarah suddenly heard her name being called from across the cafeteria. She glanced in the direction of the voice and saw Jane, accompanied by her twin brother Jake, approaching. A wave of apprehension washed over her, but she tried to maintain her composure. Sensing her discomfort, Maria nudged Sarah gently, her expression filled with concern.

"Hey Sarah, you don't have to go over there if you don't want to," Maria whispered, her voice laced with empathy. "If they need you, they can come here."

Sarah hesitated for a moment, torn between her desire to avoid the confrontation and her instinct to comply with Jane's demands. She looked at Maria gratefully, her eyes silently conveying her gratitude for the support.

"What's going on?" Scott asked, noticing the change in his sister's demeanor. His tone was gentle yet firm, his concern evident in his eyes.

"It's nothing, I'll be back in a moment," Sarah replied, her attempt to downplay the situation evident in her voice. She forced a smile before excusing herself and heading towards Jane and Jake.

Scott watched her go, his brows furrowed in concern. When Sarah was out of earshot, he turned his attention back to Maria, his expression serious.

"Please tell me what's really going on," Scott urged, his voice soft yet insistent. He held Maria's gaze, silently conveying his trust and his readiness to listen.

As Maria continued recounting the situation to Scott, describing Sarah's intelligence and beauty, she explained how the twins, Jake and Jane Graham, grew increasingly irritated by Sarah's presence and began bullying her. Scott listened attentively, his expression remaining stoic as Maria spoke.

"They treat her like a slave," Maria continued, her voice filled with indignation. "She's always getting food for them and doing other things for them. I told her to tell her mom, but she said she doesn't want to cause her any trouble."

Scott nodded, absorbing Maria's words in silence. His jaw tightened imperceptibly, a flicker of anger flashing in his eyes before he regained his composure.

"That's enough," Scott said quietly, his voice laced with determination. "Thank you for telling me this, Maria."

Before Maria could respond, a loud sound echoed through the cafeteria, followed by the unmistakable voice of Jane Graham cutting through the silence.

"When I ask you a question, you fucking answer me, got it?" Jane's voice rang out, filled with malice, as she slapped Sarah across the face.

As Scott witnessed the scene unfolding before him, a storm of fury brewed in his eyes. Maria reached out to stop him, knowing the danger of confronting Jake, but Scott brushed off her attempt.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen," Scott reassured Maria with a steely resolve. With determined steps, he approached where his sister, Sarah, was standing. Upon seeing him, Sarah's eyes widened in alarm, and she urgently pleaded with him to leave.

"Scott, what are you doing here? Please, go. You shouldn't be here. I'm fine," Sarah implored, her voice tinged with desperation.

But Scott paid no heed to her protests. Instead, he fixed a piercing gaze on Jake, his jaw clenched in silent rage. Jake, unfazed by Scott's presence, sneered at Sarah with malicious intent.

"Wow, despite being in a situation like this, you still have a boyfriend. Very interesting, Sarah," Jake taunted, his grin twisted into a malevolent smirk.

"Hey, sis, I know everything. No need to lie to me. Everything will be fine now," Scott assured his big sister with a reassuring smile.

Sarah's eyes softened as she looked at her brother, grateful for his support in this moment of vulnerability. "Thank you, Scott," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion.

But their moment was interrupted by Jane's mocking laughter. "What, sis? Haha, I didn't know the bitch had a little brother," Jane jeered, her laughter grating on Sarah's nerves.

Jake, on the other hand, adopted a more menacing tone. "Anyway, you think just because you appeared, your sister is going to be fine?" he sneered. "He thinks he's some kind of superhero or a main character," Jane added, joining in the mockery.

Scott's expression hardened, his eyes flashing with intensity. "I believe you slapped my sister," he said, his voice low and dangerous.

Jane faltered under Scott's intense gaze, momentarily speechless. But the presence of her brother emboldened her, and she found her voice again.

"Yeah, and? You gonna slap me back?" Jane asked, her posture dripping with arrogance.

"Then he will lose his limbs," Jake added with a sinister grin.

"Hey guys, beat up this fool and get his sister over here," Jake ordered his minions, his tone laced with malice.

Despite the impending danger, Scott turned to his sister with a reassuring smile. "Sarah, please wait for me. I won't be long," he said softly, trying to alleviate her fears.

Sarah, torn between worry and hope, nodded silently, her eyes fixed on her brother as he prepared to confront the bullies.

"Look at this piece of shit thinking he can take us on by himself," one of the minions jeered, laughing mockingly at Scott. The other four loomed menacingly behind him, ready to carry out Jake's orders.

"Hope you're ready to die, you shit!" one of the minions sneered, his voice laced with malice as he flashed a menacing grin. But Scott's response was devoid of any amusement.

"Do I look like I'm joking?" Scott retorted, his tone cold and lethal, his eyes narrowing with an intense, almost murderous glare.