
Vanguard Legion: Ghost 6

In a tragic turn of events, young Scott Michaelson finds himself at the center of a deadly conspiracy when a car accident claims the life of his father and leaves him with no memory of his former life. Suspicions arise as the circumstances of the accident point to foul play, leading to Scott's abduction by a shadowy organization. Unbeknownst to him, Scott becomes a pawn in their sinister agenda, undergoing grueling and merciless training under Project Ghost. For eighteen months, he endures harrowing trials designed to mold him into a ruthless weapon, culminating in the termination of all but eleven candidates. Scott emerges as the standout, earning the moniker "Six" to symbolize his unparalleled prowess. For five years, Six serves dutifully within the Vanguard Legion, executing missions with lethal precision. However, his world is turned upside down when a chance encounter with his long-lost uncle triggers a flood of forgotten memories. Determined to reclaim his identity and forge a new path, Six embarks on a journey to reconcile his past with his present, seeking redemption and the promise of a normal life beyond the shadows of his haunted past.

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4 Chs

My Past

After a grueling journey spanning 40 hours, Six and Lieutenant General Miller finally arrived at their destination. As Six drifted into a fitful slumber, haunted by fragments of his past, a familiar voice pierced through his dreams, jolting him awake with a start. His heart racing, he took in his surroundings, his senses on high alert.

As he emerged from his room, he found Lieutenant General Miller, the steady clatter of pots and pans filling the air as he prepared breakfast. Six's gaze swept over the room, taking in the comforting familiarity of their temporary sanctuary.

"Ah, you're awake," Miller greeted, a small smile playing on his lips as he continued his culinary task.

Surveying the room once more, Six couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over him. "Is this the safe haven you mentioned?" he inquired, his eyes tracing the contours of their surroundings.

"Yes, it may look like an ordinary house, but beneath its facade lies the technology and resources we need to locate your mother and sister," Miller explained, his tone imbued with a sense of determination.

"Mom and sister?" Six echoed, a flicker of confusion crossing his features as he processed the revelation.

"Yeah, well, I haven't been in touch with them for some time now," Miller admitted, his expression tinged with a hint of regret.

"Alright, forget about that. How did I get here?" Six interjected, his curiosity piqued.

"On our way here, about 500 meters away from this location, you passed out. So I carried you and treated your wounds," Miller explained matter-of-factly.

"I see. Thank you," Six acknowledged gratefully.

"Now, why don't you sit and tell me how you survived that accident and ended up in the Vanguard Legion," Miller suggested, gesturing towards the table where breakfast awaited.

"Thanks," Six replied, taking a seat as Miller placed the meal before him.

"No need," Miller responded with a small smile.

"So, do you remember anything from the accident?" Miller inquired gently.

"Not really, but as I slept, I kept seeing it. The account, I mean," Six began, his brow furrowing as he tried to recall the fragmented memories. "I was in the passenger seat, and the man in the car... I think he was my dad. He was speeding, and suddenly all four tires burst, causing him to lose control. The car flipped over and crashed through the woods," Six recounted, his voice trailing off as he struggled to piece together the events of that fateful day.

"Take your time, don't force it," Miller advised, his tone gentle and reassuring.

"Alright, um... I think afterwards I bumped my head, and then, moments later, a car appeared. I was a little conscious by then, my eyes were open just a little. Men in all black got out of the car and approached ours, but they paused for a moment. Then, one of them dragged me out, and later they... they burnt the car with my dad inside and took me away," Six recounted, his voice tinged with lingering confusion over the traumatic event.

"I see. Now, after that, when you woke up, where were you then?" Miller inquired, his curiosity piqued as he sought to unravel the mystery surrounding Six's ordeal.

"Well, after I woke up, my wounds were treated, and I found myself in the midst of other kids like me, though most were older," Six recalled.

"Alright, please continue," Miller encouraged, leaning forward with interest.

"Later on, a man appeared. He was in a military uniform, but slightly different, and he had a scar on his face, diagonal across his cheek. He then told us to prepare ourselves for the most brutal months of our lives. He said we were specially selected for the finest project yet: GHOST," Six continued, his voice tinged with a mixture of apprehension and curiosity as he recounted the fateful moment that would shape the course of his existence.

"After that, we went through dangerous and brutal training. We were treated like animals at some point. At the end of it all, out of over 100 kids, only 11 of us survived after 18 months," Six revealed.

"What? Wait, when you say survived, you mean..." Miller's voice trailed off, his disbelief evident.

"The rest died," Six stated bluntly, his expression remaining cold and unaffected by the grim reality of their ordeal.

"Oh, I see," Miller responded, his disbelief evident in his tone.

"The 11 of us who survived were now given code names, from One to Eleven. And as you know, I'm Six: The Ace of the Ghost project," Six elaborated.

"I see, wait, if you're Six, doesn't that mean..." Miller's inquiry was interrupted once again by Six.

"They gave me Six to signify that I was in the middle of the other ten Ghosts and to show that I excelled in all fields over those 18 months," Six explained, his demeanor calm and matter-of-fact despite the weight of his words.

"So, you've been serving with the Vanguard Legion for about 5 years now?" Miller inquired.

"Yes," Six confirmed.

"I see. Anyway, let's forget about that for now. You should know that your mom and sister will surely be amazed to see you again after all these years," Miller remarked.

"I have a mom and sister?" Six's question hung in the air, revealing the gaps in his memory.

"Huh? Oh, I see. His memory hasn't been fully restored yet," Miller realized to himself, silently noting the lingering effects of Six's amnesia.

"Well, yes, you do have a mom and sister, but let's focus on something else. Why don't we..." Miller's words were abruptly cut off as Six's unease escalated into a gut-wrenching realization. With swift instinct, Six grappled Lieutenant General Miller and pulled him down.

"Get down!" Six commanded urgently.

Bullets erupted through the tranquil confines of the house, shattering the calm with their deadly intent. Miller, now hiding under the table with Six, voiced his confusion amidst the chaos.

"What's going on?" he demanded.

"They found us," Six replied tersely, his tone leaving no room for doubt.

"What? Already?" Miller's disbelief was palpable.

"Yes," Six affirmed, his senses on high alert as they braced themselves for the onslaught of their unseen adversaries.

Suddenly, a voice echoed from outside. "Six! I know you're in there. You should've killed the Lieutenant General, but now you die along with him," the voice taunted.

"What's that voice? Scarface? Why is he here?" Six pondered to himself, his mind racing with possibilities.

"Hey, General, any weapons around?" Six inquired urgently.

"All the weapons are in the basement, leading to the secret pathway. I only have my pistol with two spare bullet sets. And I think there's the rifle you brought along," Miller replied, his voice tinged with apprehension.

"I see. Well, please brace yourself, because we might die here," Six stated with chilling resolve, his expression betraying no hint of fear as they prepared for the imminent danger looming just beyond the walls of their sanctuary.

Meanwhile, outside, Scarface barked orders to his armed men. "Go kill them. Leave none alive," he commanded, his voice dripping with malice. With ruthless efficiency, twenty men were dispatched towards the house to carry out the deadly assault. Five positioned themselves at the front, another five at the rear, and the remaining ten split evenly to the left and right flanks.

As they closed in on their target, the leader issued a countdown. "Attack in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1," he ordered, and with synchronized precision, they unleashed a barrage of gunfire upon the unsuspecting house. The air filled with the deafening roar of bullets as the onslaught continued unabated.

After a few harrowing minutes, the leader called for a halt. Now, those positioned at the rear were ordered to advance. But as they entered the fray, they were met with a sudden and unexpected resistance. Six emerged from the shadows, wielding a pistol with a silencer, launching a counterattack with deadly accuracy.

Moving with silent precision, Six swiftly dispatched the assailants at the rear entrance, his movements fluid and calculated. Each shot from his silenced pistol found its mark with deadly accuracy, eliminating the threat without alerting the other groups of armed men positioned around the house.

As the chaos unfolded, Six remained a ghostly figure, seamlessly blending into the darkness as he outmaneuvered his foes. With strategic precision, he utilized the terrain to his advantage, taking cover behind walls and using the element of surprise to gain the upper hand.

Despite the ferocity of the firefight, Six remained calm and composed, his focus unwavering as he methodically neutralized each threat in turn. With every move calculated and deliberate, he ensured that the other groups of armed men remained unaware of the peril that awaited them.

As the battle raged on, Six's determination burned ever brighter, his resolve unyielding in the face of overwhelming odds. With every passing moment, he inched closer to victory, determined to emerge victorious and protect Lieutenant General Miller at all costs.

"Group 4, report!" the leader called out over the radio, but there was no response. With growing concern, he waited for a few tense moments before issuing the order for the other three groups to advance into the house, their rifles raised and ready to engage.

"Lieutenant, please be careful," Six cautioned, his voice tinged with urgency.

"Don't worry about me, just do your thing," Miller replied calmly, his trust in Six unwavering.

As the armed men breached the threshold of the house, they were met with a relentless onslaught from Six. With lightning speed and deadly accuracy, he engaged the intruders, his movements fluid and precise as he swiftly dispatched them one by one.

Despite their superior numbers, the armed men found themselves outmatched by Six's ruthless efficiency. Each shot from his pistol found its mark with lethal precision, leaving no room for hesitation or mercy.

As the firefight raged on, Six remained resolute, his determination unyielding as he fought to protect Lieutenant General Miller and ensure their survival against overwhelming odds.

With his ammunition depleted, Six seamlessly transitioned into close combat, utilizing anything within reach as improvised weapons against the armed men. His movements were swift and calculated, his every strike aimed with lethal intent as he pressed the attack with relentless ferocity.

Disarming an opponent with a swift strike, Six seized a nearby chair, swinging it with deadly precision to incapacitate another assailant. As the armed men closed in, he fought with a primal intensity, his instincts honed by years of brutal training under Project Ghost.

With a ruthless efficiency, Six incapacitated his foes one by one, his hands becoming instruments of death as he utilized a variety of lethal techniques. Amidst the chaos, he moved with the precision of a trained killer, his every movement calculated to inflict maximum damage.

As the struggle intensified, Six found himself locked in a deadly dance of close-quarters combat. Channeling his inner strength, he delivered devastating blows, his hands finding their mark with lethal precision.

In a final, desperate bid for survival, Six seized upon the opportunity to incapacitate his last remaining opponent, his grip tightening around the man's throat with deadly intent. With a primal roar, he exerted all his strength, choking the life out of his adversary until he lay motionless at his feet.

With the threat neutralized, Six stood amidst the aftermath of the brutal confrontation, his chest heaving with exertion as he surveyed the scene. Despite the toll exacted by the battle, he remained resolute, his determination unwavering as he ensured the safety of Lieutenant General Miller.

"Hey, what's taking them so long?" Scarface demanded, his anger palpable.

"Sir, it looks like they were all killed," one of the men reported hesitantly.

With a smirk playing on his lips, Scarface acknowledged, "Well, that is surely the Ace of the Ghost project. Anyway, now blow it up."

"But sir," one of the soldiers attempted to interject, only to be silenced by Scarface's intense glare.

"I said blow it up!" Scarface repeated with unwavering intensity.

"Yes, sir," the soldier responded reluctantly.

An RPG was swiftly retrieved and aimed at the house, the tension in the air thick with anticipation. The order was given, "Fire!" and with a deafening roar, the projectile was launched, tearing through the air before colliding with the structure in a powerful explosion.

The force of the blast obliterated the house completely, reducing it to rubble and leaving nothing but billowing clouds of smoke in its wake.

"Well, that's it. Now, go check the bodies," Scarface ordered, his tone brooking no argument. A soldier obediently set out to inspect the aftermath, but to his surprise, he found no bodies amidst the wreckage. Instead, he discovered two military dog tags, signaling the presence of Six and Lieutenant General Miller.

"Sir, I found these close to two bodies," the soldier reported back to Scarface.

"I see. Our mission here is done. Let's get moving," Scarface declared, his voice tinged with satisfaction as they departed from the scene, leaving behind only silence in their wake.

Meanwhile, deep within the secret pathway, Six and Lieutenant General Miller lay battered but alive, having narrowly escaped the destruction wrought by the RPG.

"Looks like we made it," Miller remarked, his voice strained with pain.

"Yes, but they will find out soon enough. Now, let's move," Six replied grimly, his resolve unwavering as they pressed forward into the unknown depths of the secret pathway.