
Vanadis Odr

I am Odr, I am Overlord, I am One Punch Man...but I'm not bald! Oh, and I'm also in Danmachi! _______________________________________________________________ This is an OP MC and is a wish fulfilment fic. Though I intend to make this a proper story. Join my p@treon for to read early chapters in advance to Webnovel: P@treon/ Vulkizaro_Zoromi Support me at ko fi for commissions: https://ko-fi.com/vulkizarozoromi

Vulkizaro_Zoromi · Anime und Comics
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36 Chs

Creating my Avatar

Nekros sighed as he drank from his teacup and looked out over the valley of Valaron. Ever since he reincarnated, all he'd ben doing was traversing the omniverse, living out lives in every fictional universe he knew.

Who knew ascending to omnipotence could get boring so quickly?

Now he just spent his days snagging souls from his old world and giving them opportunities like the ones he had.

Speaking of...about time he found something to occupy his time again. Lyzof's time was not over yet, so he could just as well reincarnate another soul. Hopefully this one would actually be respectful and let him speak.

And so he used his Vision and pIerced the walls protecting the True Universe, searching for souls from his old world. And there he found one, somebody that just passed away in his sleep...while having some rather 'exciting' dreams.

"Another Danmachi fanatic. Well, it's not bad...no it's perfect actually."

He sent out a request to the Supreme one, waiting for a response. And sure enough he got one, a confirmation allowing him to do as he pleased. And with his mental hands, he snatched the little ball of pure life-force about to ascend mortal plane and pulled it to his balcony just as he did with the previous one.

A young disheveled man in his pajamas appeared before him about 16 years of age.

"Greetings Gareth." he called out to the boy. The boy looked at him in bewilderment. "I am a ROB."

"Have you brought me here to reincarnate me?" Gareth questioned.

"I have."

"So I died then..."


The boy looked won for a moment. His hands clenched into fists as they started trembling. Before Nekros could ask him what was the matter, the young lad threw back his hed and shouted to the skies.


Nekros chuckled at the enthusiasm of the kid.

"Well then young soul. What will your three wishes be?"


(Gareth POV)

I've thought about this situation a million times now. I know exactly what I want! Hold on sweethearts here I come!

"Can you reincarnate me into danmachi please?"

"Will do."

"Okay please for my fist wish, I'd like the power of Saitama without the baldness."

"For my second wish, I'd like you to recreate my soul and my new body using the World Item Ouroboros from Overlord, so that I can use its power at will."

"For my third wish, I'd like you to create a skill for me called 'Vanadis Odr' which I can activate at will."

Nekros nodded and chuckled again.

"A simp for Freya I see. I wont judge your tastes but be careful from now on, alright?"

I nodded, barely able to keep myself from hopping foot to foot in glee.

"Would you like to design your new body before I send you off?" Nekros asked.

I nodded and before me, a holographic game like panel appeared before me, with a 3D model of a man for me to create my new body. I made my new body 6'5 in height. I was a little on the short side in my old life. This would give my ego a nice stroking. I then gave myself Garou's physique and a head of medium length deep silver hair. Two bang were braided on either side of my head. Golden coloured eyes and a sharp jawline.

For clothing, I chose to go with a long Viking cape of dark brown fur. On my arms would be heavy metal vambraces. I would be wearing a silver chestplate that covered my entire upper half, and there were straps on my biceps, just for show.

Normal but slightly baggy cream coloured trousers covered my legs, bunching up at the top of armoured boots that were silver coloured as well.

Making absolutely sure I made other 'necessary' adjustments I marveled at my creation.

I would definitely pull off that handsome barbarian look. I was by no means beefy as Garou's physique attested to that. I looked like someone of Norse decent, but not a giant hulking mass of muscle, someone slender and defined whose entire being screamed of power.

I just couldn't wait to be transported. The best thing was that I wouldn't even have to work hard for any of this. the power, the bod would all be handed to me on a plate.

And with an entire soul created from an item that could manipulate reality to its owner's whims, nothing was beyond my reach.

Aahhh, the fun I was going to have...

"And that's done. Before I send you off, do you have any regrets?" Nekros quirked his eyebrow ate me as he questioned.

I frantically shook my head. Who gives a hoot about my old world? What was there for me?




I was going to live a dream, if this wasn't all happening in my head.

It felt too real to be the case. Even if its a dream I hope it last's forever as its way too much of a good thing for my heart to handle if I woke up and suddenly it was all gone. I'd probably end myself there and then.

"I am ready sir." I said to my sender-off.

"You are? Then fare thee well my friend. May you find happiness in your new life."

"Can you send to about a year before canon?"

"Very well."

"Thank you very much sir. What is your name?"


"I promise to name my kid after you!" I called out to him as light began fading from my vision although my eyes were open.

Everything went dark.


Only for a moment though. Because everything returned again when I found myself sitting against a tree. I stood up quickly, the adrenaline pumping so fast in me, I was actually short of breath.

Inspecting myself, I found to my surprise something so marvelous and wonderful. IT WAS NOT A DREAM!

I began feeling myself up. My new body was absolutely smoking. The muscles creaked as I flexed. Or was that the straps? Either way I was happy. I was the hottest dude in Danmachi now without a doubt.

I looked up and saw in front of me nothing but trees. But over the highest treetops I could see the tower of babel looming in the distance. Onwards!

But one step was all it took for me to realize my conundrum. That one step created a small crater that felled a good few trees around me.

"Ooops. Well that's not good."

But luckily, that was not going to be a problem. Closing my eyes, i reached into my soul and tried to activate my ability.

Ouroboros was a world item from Overlord that would send a request to the developers to do something in the game. The actual programming of the game would be used to accomplish whatever the player wanted. But in real life, that translated to reality.

There were some speculations in my old world that the Six Gods of the Theocracy used ouroboros to manipulate reality so the New World residents could use Tier magic.

Coming back to the point, in my mind's eye, I saw ring appear. I voiced my wish to have complete control over all my powers. The ring glowed before disappearing. It didn't go anywhere tho. Because me and the ring, we are one.

That's some serious Sauron stuff going on there.

The next step did not create a huge crater this time. It was time to test out another one of my hopes.


I did NOT want to be using useless chant magic that they used here in Danmachi. In my opinion, Yggdrasil magic was better because I could cast it silently like just now. It was going to raise a few question and eyebrows in this world from mortal and gods alike. But if anyone interfered with me, I'd just punt them into oblivion.

There was no limit to Saitama's strength after all.

Speaking lets see what It could do.

I stepped towards a tree and lifted a finger. Giving it a little tap, I watched in glee as the tree became powder before me, and a hole suddenly appeared in the tree trunk behind it, and the one behind that one, and the one behind that one and so on. I didn't bother to check how far on it went, but the important thing was that I released only as much strength as I wanted.

I decided to use Ouroboros for a few other small things before remembering to check the results of the spell I cast.

The spell itself was meant to create an item of high quality of the caster's wish and lo and behold, before me was a giant meat cleaver that was nearly as tall as me and wider. It was made from heavily compressed iron that would probably make it a few hundred pounds. But walking up to it, I simply clasped the long handle and lifted it lengthwise as if it did not weigh more than a toothpick, which it really didn't to me.

Satisfied with my work, I tossed it into my inventory, which was one of the things I made with Ouroboros. A swirling mini portal of black and purple light enlarged to accommodate the large thing passing through before shrinking ack into non-existence.

I really shouldn't use the power of the world item too much. Who knew if the gods could detect the subtle changes in reality. It was only small things I'd been doing, but I didn't want to attract too much attention to me before I was ready to cave a few godly skulls in.

Until then, as little use of Orlen as possible. Yes that was it's name now as the other was too long for me to say again and again.

I flourished my Viking cape and marched towards the tower in the distance.


It wasn't long before I reached the walls of Orario. As soon as I got there, I was greeted by the sight of two lines waiting to go into the Labyrinth city. I asked around for which line was supposed to be for someone that wanted to acquire a pass into the city. One thing they don't tell you in fics about these situations is that you have to have a pass to enter a city like this. Or that you have to pay for those passes.

Which was where my earlier gallivanting with Orlen came into play. Thanks to it, I had few million valis in my inventory at the moment. I quickly became conscious of the many stares I was getting as I made my way through the line. Even the guard who took my payment and handed me a pass after inspecting my identification papers (curtesy of Orlen once again) averted his eyes from my face.

My ego was doing cartwheels at the moment. Who new being this marvelous would make me this famous already. I could already hear the peasants a few centuries from now speaking of an unfathomably powerful yet handsome barbarian wielding his giant blade in battle, smiting the greatest and strongest monsters while venturing deep down into the depths of the dungeon on his lonesome where not even the strongest Familias would not go.

Oh this ruminating that was bound to become reality soon was starting to make me light headed now.

Can't have children of the future knowing that the mightiest adventurer and hero passed out because of his ego trip.

I soon made my way through the gates into the city. Now contrary to popular opinion, it was not amazing at first sight.

The roads were filthy compared to those of the modern world and the buildings looked ridiculously unstable to the eyes of someone who was not used to a world like this. No more skyscrapers, no more huge buildings and residential flats.

This looked like something out of the middle ages.

Save for the beastmen and elves that were going around. It felt strange at first to see animal appendages of human like beings. It looked like a really realistic costume honestly, but at the same time, it looked like it belonged. The pointed ears of elves also looked very weird to someone who was used to normal round human ones.

I just figured I would grow used to it in time.

Using the holographic map only I could see (curtesy of Orlen again) I located the iconic tavern I wanted to visit, and quickly began making my way there.

Dusk was already falling by the time I had arrived at the gates, and nightfall was only a couple of minutes away. Already lanterns and lamps were being lit outside the numerous buildings. It felt weird walking under the dim candlelight things. A serious downgrade from electrically powered streetlamps, but there was no way in hell I was allowing technology like that ruining this beautiful world.

As much as it was convenient, I didn't want modern things here. Bash me if you want, but I was not allowing anything of Earth to exist here except that which I wanted to exist.

''cough'' guns ''cough''

Soon enough, the Hostess of Fertility came into view. And what do you know it already sounded packed, as laughter and the shouting of drunken adventures bellowed out of every opening. This is a good place to get rumors going I guess.

But before I was in twenty feet of the place, I suddenly felt a heavy gaze upon me. One that was most definitely not that of a mortal...

My lips stretched out into a hidden grin as my heart started beating faster. this was the moment I had anticipated and waited for most!

With a small whisper, I activated the only skill I knew was engraved upon my soul.

"Vanadis Odr"...


And that's chappie one folks.

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