
Vanadis Odr

I am Odr, I am Overlord, I am One Punch Man...but I'm not bald! Oh, and I'm also in Danmachi! _______________________________________________________________ This is an OP MC and is a wish fulfilment fic. Though I intend to make this a proper story. Join my p@treon for to read early chapters in advance to Webnovel: P@treon/ Vulkizaro_Zoromi Support me at ko fi for commissions: https://ko-fi.com/vulkizarozoromi

Vulkizaro_Zoromi · Anime und Comics
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36 Chs

Chat with Freya

"I am a very fortunate woman to have so powerful a child in my Familia." Freya smiled. "I look forward to what you will bring to us."

I looked up from the sheet, eyeing the last thing written at the bottom. Freya saw the look in my eye.

"I will not ask further on him from now if that is what you want Garth. You are a part of MY Familia. Regardless of that mysterious title, the fact is that your loyalty is now to me. You do understand that, correct?"

"For the stability of the Familia, yes Lady Freya."

She gave me a look.

"Sorry, I forgot. Freya..."

The smile returned to her face. She held out her hand for the sheet again and I passed it over to her. She read it over again with her head leaning on one hand.

"I have to say though Garth. If the other gods start asking about it, you will have to provide answers."

"Surely one of you must know him."

"I don't doubt that there might be. However, I have not heard of them which is a cause for concern. But I detect a little discomfort in you when I mention it. What I do not sense is any sort of ominous foreboding or the potential for any hostilities to appear in the future." She looked back at me from the paper. "You are my charge now, so I will do my best to make sure that you are as comfortable as possible now that I have taken you under my wing. That is, as comfortable as one can be when jumping down into the depths to slay monsters."

"I promise you I will not disappoint."

"If these stats are anything to go by, then I doubt you will be disappointing me much. Speaking of..." She turned to Ottar. "Ottar dear, please leave us for a moment. I'd like to have a 'private' word with our new recruit."

Ottar bowed with his arms by his sides and marched out of the door. Freya stood up, faced me and beckoned with her finger.

"Come here."

I obliged.


I obliged again. We were standing so close that I could hear her breath. She held up the sheet and pointed to my first skill.

"You see this?"

"Yes I do Freya."

"I only allow you to call me that because I had a feeling that you would have this title on you. Now that I know you do, only you and you alone may address me in such an informal manner besides the other gods.

Now your greater strengths appear to be in line with my many divinities. An enhanced relationship with fire, wind and the sea. Tidings of great wealth, and promise of strong, numerous children.

Unsurpassed beauty you could not find in other men. And your soul shines most in when In combat and war. Add into the fact you draw strength from a place that does not exist in the lower world...well, I have to say there is no one better that I wanted to be my husband. You are everything I wanted you to be.

However, there is one problem."

"What would that be?"

She leaned in, or rather up since I was taller than her, and placed her mouth near my ear. I smelled flowers in her hair and her breath tickled my neck.

"...Do you really think I appreciate being played with?" She whispered dangerously. Shivers ran down my spine. I pretended to play dumb.

"Whatever do you mean?"

She pulled back and tuned away from me, walking towards her window and staring out over the Labyrinth city, dropping my stats sheet on the table as she walked past it.

"Do you really think i would not see through it? How I was only able to see your soul when you felt my gaze on you? How you purposefully avoided talking to Syr Flova because you sensed the same gaze? How you avoided me? How you teased me by giving me just a small taste of of the sight of your magnificent soul and then left me craving for more?"

"You figured me out, huh?"

She swiveled around and crossed her arms, To my shock, she had small pout on her face. It must have showed on my face because I saw a sparkle of amusement in her eyes.

"I didn't know my husband liked toying with women's hearts."

"I don't." I promptly denied. "Just you." I smiled.

Freya's smile returned as she walked over to her chair and sat on her knees in it, her elbows leaning on the back rest with her head in her palms as she stared at me with shining eyes.

"And yet somehow that makes me want you more. That you can nullify the effects of my charms, not treat me like eye-candy as so many other men do, yet still desire me, it truly is a wondrous thing! What a miracle that would be! But we both know that is not the case is it?"

"Now you have me confused." I said raising my brows.

"Then let me make it simple." Freya licked her lips and leaned her head on her elbows this time. "You wished to be with me even before you came to Orario. You knew of me before I knew of you. And you know things about me nobody else should. Did you know that when a god bestows a Falna upon their child that they see relevant memories of that child that give the a grasp on what kind of person they are?"

My heart froze. I stared at her stock solid. She gained a predatory glint in her eyes.

"Husband of mine, do you know me from beyond the stars?"




'sigh' "I didn't think you would figure it out so quickly." I shook my head. "What exactly did you see?"

She lifted her head and sighed in disappointment.

"Unfortunately I could not see the memories you had of your old world. All I saw was your farewell to this 'Nekros' and your arrival right outside of Orario. There were no memories of life outside this city and I felt the foreign feelings of amazement you experienced when you came.

Now answer me. Did you know me in your old world?"

I relented. I figured trying to divert the subject would not escape her.

"Yes I did. There were several depictions of you in my world, all that described you in a powerful yet beautiful light. There once was an entire culture that worshipped you, and offered the blood of their enemies in your name.

Among the many legends was the Odr. The elusive and mysterious husband of yours. In some tales you found him, in others you were still waiting for him. I wanted to be that man. " I sighed as she looked at me softly. "My desire to be in that position was what took me to Nekros. As per his generous nature, he sent me here, so I could be with you. And he recreated me to be the perfect Odr for you."

"Fascinating." Freya said in amazement. "That you were attached to me even in another world, and that it was such an attachment that brought you here...it just makes my heart throb even more." She held a hand to her chest. But then she frowned.

"But the existence of a Transcendental God is something that will put the other deities on edge. They will find out one way or another. Not even I can hide something like this. Out of all of them, Ouranos is the one who will be most keen on breaking this puzzle apart piece by piece. Just you ridiculous power level is enough of an incentive for him to look into the matter."


"It's the class of Deity that your Nekros is."

"What is that?"

"Never you mind. What you should focus on is the upcoming Denatus. There are those who will think I unlawfully bestowed power upon you with my Arcanum. And then there are some who will stop at nothing to tear you from my side, be it through the law or some other under handed means." Freya held her face as she said this.

I walked closer to her and held her other hand. She looked at me in shock at doing something so bold.

"I will never leave you Freya. I came to this world so I could be with you. I will not leave now that I am finally here."

She smiled and cupped my cheek.

"I have every bit of faith that you will not." She smiled before pinching my cheek and pulling on it. She then huffed as I showed no visible signs of pain. To be honest I probably just looked stupid with her doing that. "Still, you played with me and now you are going to suffer the consequences."

"What is your sentence?"

"From now on, you will live with me where I can keep an eye on you. And you will only get to marry me once you've contributed enough to the Familia. And you will come to me every single day for a status update unless you're on an expedition in the dungeon." She said quietly with a sharp undertone.

"Understood." I said. It's not like any of her conditions were hard to live up to.

"Although, I do have a request."

"And what would that be?" Freya asked as she let go of my cheek.

"I don't want to live up here in Babel." She frowned. "Before you say anything, let me explain. I have a spell that can create a perfect home/slash base. I do like towers but Babel is a bit too much. I was wondering if you would allow me to build it in the courtyard of Folkvangr."

"Why there?"

"Well I'm part of your Familia. It makes sense to put my stuff there. Plus I want to flex on your other children sooooo..." I shrugged.

She thought for a moment with her finger on her chin before she lowered it and smiled at me with her eyes closed (that is not a normal thing!)

"Okay! On a couple of conditions."


"I get to live there with you whenever I want. The air does get a bit thin up here and a little boring when only Ottar is around. Plus the other condition is something special."


She leaned in.

"I want you to ask your Nekros friend in the future if he can make me able to have children. I've always wanted children after all."

"Shouldn't be a problem. He doesn't seem like the kind of guy to refuse. Though I'm not sure when I'll see him next."

"Just make sure to do it when you see him next. Now will you show me this spell of yours?"


I stood with both Freya and Ottar in the courtyard of Folkvangr. It had been a bit of a walk here. I offered to teleport all of us here but Freya said she wanted to just take a nice stroll and get a bit of fresh air.

I should have known better and remembered the tropes. Because the whole way here, Freya had locked arms with me with Ottar trailing behind. People turned their heads to stare at us and gawp at the sight of Freya in somebody's arm. No small amount of jealousy.

I just ran along with it. This was bound to become an official thing in the public's eyes someday anyway. Better sooner than later so it blows over quicker.

Though I kind of had second thoughts when we arrived at Folkvangr and walked along the pillared path. Most of the other Familia were at the residency, including the executives. And the moment they saw us, I literally felt their hatred oozing out of their skin and into the air.

"Children, allow me to introduce you to our newest member, Garth. Come and greet him." Freya called out to them. They came forwards and stood in front of me the couple dozen of them.

The executives were first and foremost amongst them. They eyed me up and down, trying to intimidate me. One of them, Allen was about to speak as fitting considering he was vice-captain. I held up my hand in front of him hlating his speech. I stood straight and looked around all of them.

"Let's not put up any sort farce in front of the Lady. I am all too aware of what you're thinking and what you really feel. So let me give it straight to you. I don't give a crap who you all are, and neither is it relevant to me."

They all stared at me in shock and indignation. But I continued not caring what they had to say.

"What I see before me is a bunch of weaklings thirsty for attention they will never get, and you're all full of spite and hatred. I don't need that right now. You do you and I will do me."

"How dar-" Allen piped up before I spoke over him.

"Shut up mongrel! I'm not done talking! As I was saying, you do whatever the heck you want to do. Just stay out of my way. And if I find that any of you are trying to mess with me, and impede my endeavors and ambitions." An extremely heavy aura filled the courtyard and pushed them all down to their knees. They struggled to look up at me as I stared them down like the lowly insects they were.

"I WILL KILL ALL OF YOU. And considering I'm level 999,999, it won't be that difficult."

They looked at me in disbelief. Some even had the audacity to scoff at me. But they all collectively looked to Freya, who nodded her head happily. The look on their faces was unreal.

"Alright Garth. That's enough now. I'm sure they get the message." Freya said. Everyone there felt the pressure lift off of their shoulders. they rubbed their backs and shoulders as they stood to shaky feet.

"Sorry about that Freya. Just had to make sure my point came across."

"I understand Odr. But please take care not to nearly kill them when you're making a point?"

"Understood." I looked back at my Familia members. "I don't take orders from any of you. I don't need anything from you. I will only take instructions from Lady Freya and Ottar, because unlike the rest of you lust hazed animals, he is the only one I respect."

I looked over to Ottar and he subtly nodded. I looked back at Freya.

"Would the front garden be okay?" I asked.

"Sure." she replied.

I pushed through the crowd towards a patch of grass with Freya still clinging to me.

"This spot seems good."

"Alright. Now show me this miraculous spell of yours."

I slid from her grasp and walked forwards. I then dramatically raised my arms and shouted.


The tenth tier spell immediately came into effect as a giant magic circle appeared on the ground. It stayed there for a second before out of it rapidly rose a black tower. It was a few stories tall and the top glinted in the setting sun.

Everybody's jaws were on the ground and even Ottar was surprised at this turn of events. Freya had her mouth slightly open as she gazed up the height of the tower.

"What do you think?" I asked her. She took a few moments to reply.

"It's beautiful. To think that you could do something like this on a whim." She looked back down at me. "I'm getting all excited just thinking about the things we could do once we move in there. I doubt there are many architects that could recreate something like this."

I smiled and walked over to push open the doors. Everybody gasped as they caught sight of the dark stone floors, the lush red carpet, the gilded intricate carvings and the large spiral staircase going up to the top of the tower. They wanted to step in but before they could, Freya held out a hand and they all stopped.

"Odr, is there a bedroom at the top?" Freya asked me. She was getting too used to calling me that.

"I'm not sure. but I think there must be."

She jumped into my arms as I found myself carrying her princess style.

"Carry me there."

I rolled my eyes at her antics and walked inside. As soon as I stepped in, I felt the tower react to me, recognizing me as lord and master. Not wanting the others to come in, I willed the doors to slam in their faces which it dd promptly with a resounding bang.

"Any particular reason you wanted me to carry you like this?"

"Is it not fitting for a man to carry his wife into their new home?"

"I thought you just said I had to contribute a certain amount to the Familia before I could marry you?"

Freya childishly stuck her tongue out at me. I was honestly a little weirded out by how much she was slipping out of character so quickly.

"I meant it in an official way, before anything momentous before the public." She leaned into me to whisper. "I've waited too long for you to come to me. I will not be denied."

She leaned back and stared at me determined yet soft eyes.

"The night is still young Odr. I think it's best we get to know our household a little better don't you think?"


Read a few chapters ahead on my P@treon. We are just beginning to enter a new arc over there:

P@atreon/ Vulkizaro_Zoromi