
Vanadis Odr

I am Odr, I am Overlord, I am One Punch Man...but I'm not bald! Oh, and I'm also in Danmachi! _______________________________________________________________ This is an OP MC and is a wish fulfilment fic. Though I intend to make this a proper story. Join my p@treon for to read early chapters in advance to Webnovel: P@treon/ Vulkizaro_Zoromi Support me at ko fi for commissions: https://ko-fi.com/vulkizarozoromi

Vulkizaro_Zoromi · Anime und Comics
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36 Chs

A smart choice?

"I refuse." I stated plain and simple.

Everyone in the bar around me paused and blinked at me. The Loki Familia members were not much different.

"What?" Loki asked.

"I refuse." I said again.

"Ahem. You're new here so it makes sense that you aren't in the know. But our Familia is currently one of the most powerful and most influential in all of Orario. In fact, in terms of raw adventurer power, we are the second most ranked. Our connections are extensive, our reputation precedes us and there is nothing you would miss out on. With that in mind, will you reconsider joining us?" Finn asked me.

"What he said." Loki gestured towards her captain.

"No." I repeated.

"May we inquire as to why though?" Riveria asked me, utter bewilderment on her face. I mean to them (and everyone else in Orario) refusing a place in her Familia could only mean one of a few things; I was a cocky bastard, I was a complete ignorant, or I was just an idiot.

"What about me interests you so much that you would just ask me to join you? From my viewpoint, you would be a group that some newcomers would kill to join."

"Well it's because of your potential." Tiona said, her eyes still twinkling.

"My potential?"

"Yes dummy. You are someone who was able to incapacitate a level five, with not even a hint of strain and effort on your part. Putting that as your base stat, one could only dream of how powerful you could become."

"Plus, that strange magic of yours which can miraculously heal people is something any right minded God would seek as a part of their Familia." Riveria said.

"What part of my magic is strange?" I asked her. Her jaw dropped in disbelief.

"Did you seriously just ask that?"


She shook her head.

"Well let's begin with the fact that you didn't even use a chant for it, just a couple of words. And then there is the fact that humans should not possess the ability to use magic before they receive a blessing and have leveled up to the point where they can acquire the ability to use magic. And even if they could, it would cost more Mind than what they should have to completely reattach broken bones together. On top of that, the magic circles you use are completely different than how they should be. I have never seen such sigils and emblems on a circle and I have spent several human lifetimes studying everything there is about magic. Take all that into consideration, and ask yourself if that truly is not a strange thing." She said a little loudly and breathlessly at the end.

"Yeah. What is up with that?" Loki turned back to me, her eyes impossibly narrowing despite the fact they were already mostly closed. "Why is your magic so strange?"

I grunted at her and stood up.

"That is confidential, not to mention personal. And I wouldn't want to reveal all my cards...not that it would matter, since there is no one that can stop me around here."

Bete who had been understandably silent up until now lurched forwards.

"You really are quite cocky aren't you?"

I looked at him and notice him slightly flinch.

"Whatever do you mean mutt?"

"Don't call me that! And what I mean is that even if you could break my arm without a Falna, there are still plenty in Orario who are stronger than me and could easily take you no sweat!"

"That a fact?" I raised my eyebrow.

"YES." They all chorused.

Gareth decided to play the role of a gently chiding uncle.

"Listen son. No one here can deny you are powerful after your demonstrations tonight. But don't let that get to your head. There are still a good few adventurers out there who are more powerful than you can believe, namely the Freya Familia's captain. The King is the only level seven in the world at the moment as far as we can tell. But he is abnormally strong even for his level. While I can relate to the confidence of youth, bear in mind that you can't take your arm back if its severed because you reached it out too far."

I wasn't going to give him a sassy quip, even though I could probably level this continent with a SERIOUS PUNCH. I didn't mouth off to elderly people who meant nothing more than to guide the youth in the right direction.

"Thanks for the advice Sir Gareth. I shall take it into consideration. But to answer your original question Captain Finn..." I looked back at the Pallum who leaned forwards. "I will not join your Familia because first and foremost, I already have a bad impression of you and you can thank him." I nodded towards Bete, who seemed to shrink back because all the attention was back on him. "And second because I am not chasing power. I already have enough of that. My goal is to breach the lower sanctums of the dungeon that the fabled Zeus and Hera Familias could not reach because of their subsequent annihilation at the hands of a monster they severely underestimated. That, and to live a fulfilling life while experimenting with all my numerous abilities."

"Are you sure Kiddo? You could get all of thatin my Familia." Loki asked me again seemingly disappointed. I mean who wouldn't be? I was a rare gem after all. And she had lost out on the chance to obtain me for herself. The Gods were always looking for special mortals with talent. Nothing better to sate their boredom

"Absolutely. Goodnight." I tuned to go and pay my dues when someone grabbed my right wrist. I looked over in slight shock to see Ais holding it while still looking at me but with a small smile.

"Come with us on an expedition one day." She said quietly. Her friends gawped at her, as did everyone else in the tavern. Our of the corner of my eye, I could see bunch of young lads gritting their teeth with tears streaming from their eyes.

"If fate sees to it that we cross paths Miss Wallenstein, I shall be glad to." I gently said. Ais was one of my favourite waifus, but she was not on top of my priorities at the moment. That did not mean I couldn't be nice to her.

"I would like to spar with you as well. Or is that too much?" She tilted her head cutely.

"No. I would be glad to do that. Although I will warn you, I'm no pushover, and I don't fight conventionally."

"Mhm." She nodded in a much happier mood. She is a battle junkie in a way after all, and she would do anything to become more powerful, among them was finding powerful opponents. And while she did not know it yet, I was the best she could find.

As I walked over to the counter, I could hear whispers and mutters about me being arrogant or stupid, or just an outright homewrecker (that does not make sense). But I just ignored it and moved on. Dropping a small bag on to the counter, it fell open to reveal a couple thousand Valis. Mia immediately took it away. Why would she complain about me giving too much when I had stirred a ruckus in her establishment? She probably saw it as a payment for the commotion.

"Generous of you kid. But don't come doing that again. This ain't that kind of establishment. Stir up trouble again, and I'll throw you out." She smiled at me, albeit a little strained.

"I'll try not to. I never raise the first hand. It would be shame if I couldn't come eat here anymore." I smiled back at her. But I subtly released some of my Mana. Not enough to be noticeable but enough for those in close proximity to feel uneasy. Which brought me my desired result as I saw Mia shift a little uncomfortably.

No doubt she was suddenly thinking back on her threat. I've read so many fics where godlike MC's became absolute, sweaty cringe fests in front of this woman because they had to follow a stupid trope.

Not even she would be spared. Anybody pissed me off, and all it would take would be one little squeeze too hard on their skulls.

I swiftly made my way out of the tavern and into the night.

I asked around for a bit to see if I could find an inn. I got a good suggestion about one that was apparently near the guild called the 'Horseshoe'. Weird name but I literally came across a pub in my old life called the 'Black Bitch'.

(A.N. I live in UK. This place actually exists here. Just look it up.)

Good. I'd head there tomorrow. As I walked, I finally asked myself the question I'd been putting off for the last few hours.

What was I going to do in this world?

I'm literally already at the peak of power as far as mortals went in this world. I was not yet ready to see if I could take on a god with their Arcanum at hand. But excluding that, I was already the most powerful being with Saitama's strength.

Then I had Yggdrasil magic. Bell's 'Firebolt' had nothing on a First Tier [Magic Arrow}. And I still had nine more Tiers to draw from, not to mention the absolutely broken Super Tier spells. According to Overlord Lore, Super Tier spells didn't consume MP, but actually were considered close to a skill with a cool down in-game. And the devastation I could do with those were unfathomable.

So even without monstrous strength, Magic-wise I was already at the Peak.

And then there was Orlen, or Ouroboros. The World Item in my soul which I could activate at any given moment and wish for completely anything. The most powerful and most sought after World Item in the game.

The choices were clearly laid out before me.

I could be the Destroyer of this world, or I could be its Saviour. The choice was ultimately mine. And in theory, none could stop me.

Still...which choice should I make?

So occupied I was in my thoughts that I bumped into somebody, the action being followed a very audible shatter of glass and a splash of liquid against my boot.

I looked behind me to see the person I bumped into.

"I'm very, very sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going." I said hastily.

The other person did not seem at all bothered, They wore a dark cloak with the hood up. I couldn't see their features very clearly, but they didn't seem to be angry.

"It's okay." They spoke in a calm soft voice. the voice of a man. And it seemed a little familiar as well...

"A bit of a waste of a potion though. 'sigh'" He sighed forlornly. He looked back at me. "Don't worry about it. Are you by chance an adventurer?"

I couldn't shake off the feeling I knew him somehow.

"No. Not yet. I'll be going to the guild tomorrow to get started though. I'll make sure to reimburse you for that potion though."

"No, no, no. Don't worry about it. I am an alchemist with plenty to spare."

"I insist sir. It is not right to leave something like this unresolved."

I saw him shake his head inside the hood.

"No use crying over a spilt potion young man. How would you resolve it anyway?"

As I kept hearing his voice, I slowly came upon a realization. Could this be...


Title: Miach

Race: God (sealed)


Miach shivered in front of me a little. Probably sensed me doing something with those divine senses.

"Are you by chance a god?" I asked him.

He smiled under his hood before he let it down, revealing deep blue hair. One large bunch of locks hung down the middle of his face while the rest was tied into a ponytail behind his back. Just as was described of him, and true to his depiction in the anime, he had a kind face and a warm air around him.

Miach was one of the gods I really liked a lot. Although a bit too generous for his own good and that of his Familia, he was one of the few gods that truly cared about his children in a normal way.

I almost felt bad that I had my sights set on a different Familia, especially considering that he should have only one member in his family right now. A Chienthrope, who currently had one prosthetic arm at the moment.

"Why I am. I am Miach, a patron god of a medicinal and alchemical Familia."

" Once again sir, I am very sorry for the potion."

"It's okay. It was just a normal healing potion."

A healing potion huh? Should I...?

Nah, that's stupid. Ainz got away with it because he told a fib and the listeners were loyal fanatics. Giving one of THOSE potions would raise eyes like never before and they would be set on my back.

But then again...I am invincible. And I like giving things to people that they've never seen before. Seeing the look of awe, wonder and amazement in their eyes was always an exhilarating feeling for me.


Screw it. I'll just do it and see what happens.

"Tell you what Lord Miach. How about an eye for an eye?"

He raised an eyebrow, and shifted the basket in his arm with a soft smile.

"What do you mean?"

"I'll give you a healing potion in return for the one I broke."

"As I said before young man, it really isn-"

"And I have to say that it will haunt me if I don't. Take it."

My hand was behind my back in the folds of my cloak. I reached into my inventory and took out a Lesser Healing Potion. With my other hand, i pulled his free one to me and turned it over so the palm was laid out flat.

I put the lovely bottle in his hand and curled his fingers over it.

"I'm very sorry sir. I hope this makes up for what I took from you."

Miach looked down at his hand and saw the bottle with the blood red liquid inside. At first he gained a confused expression on his face before inspecting it from another angle...one that mortals could not use.

Once his divine eyes realized what they were looking at, his jaw dropped open. Never before had he seen a potion of this quality in the lower world! It rivalled those he used to make in heaven!

He glanced up again to address the person that had just handed him this miracle...only to find a dust cloud in its place which extended up the road.

"Huh...where did you...how did you?" Miach stuttered before he looked back down at the priceless gift.

"God's blood..?"


That should stir up a bit of excitement in his Familia. I've probably put a target on my back but they'll just get splattered.

It was fully dark now at this moment. And red glowing lanterns began appearing in another part of the city.

Don't take a genius to know what that place is.

And I'm staying far away from it. Unless it's to gut that disgusting rog, Phryne. And to think her surname actually mean 'beautiful' in Arabic. Talk about an author's sense of irony.

I'd been walking for a long while now. I could run all around the city to find the inn. But that would just stir up disorder amongst the peaceful neighbourhoods. I wasn't a jerk like that.

Plus I had another problem to deal with at the moment. I'd noticed them a few minutes ago, keeping in step behind me about twenty feet away. I guess when you're watching things from a screen, its easy to tell when wrong-uns are following you around. Because the animators will shade the top half of their faces or something like that under those hoods.

But when its real time, I guess it's a little harder as cloaks are normal clothes around here. I turned slowly into an alleyway that was not so small but not so big either. I walked up little bit before turning around and waiting.

About ten seconds later, they both rounded the corner. They started for a little at seeing me standing there clearly in wait for them. Only for a second because cruel gins appeared in their faces, and they took out short but curved knives. They looked sharp but it was clear that they were old equipment. One of them spoke, revealing missing teeth and what remained were black-yellow stumps.

"Now listen kid. If you know what's good for ya, you'll-"


Their chests suddenly puffed out a little abnormally as I heard two distinct squelchy bursts that sounded painful as hell. They coughed up a little blood before collapsing on the ground. Within a second, blood began pooling underneath faces.

I stared down at my hand, seeing blood dripping from my fingers before it all magically dissipated into the air.

"I can see why this was Ainz's favourite spell. Quick and efficient." I looked over to the two corpses. "Not that you two will hear me, but if you're going to do a cliché villain villain monologue, at least be a proper villain worth a decent challenge. You don't even have falnas."

I stared back down at my hand. For a ninth tier spell, it took a lot less MP than I thought it would. Felt weird as well. It was like I literally felt a portion of my energy disappear, except it wasn't the energy I derived from my food but something else that would have the same effect on my body regardless if it was depleted.

It was still way too little though, as I instantly recovered that small tidbit of energy I lost. What was going on here? I get that I'm probably equivalent to a level 100 player here but there is no way a ninth tier spell took that little MP from me.

Or would it be called 'Mind' now that I was in Danmachi?

I'd have to look into this more later. For now I needed to find this damn inn before anymore of the night faded away. Saitama may have been invincible but even he appreciated a fulfilling sleep as did I.

I looked to the shadow cast by the building in the alleyway. The moonlight was extremely powerful compared to Earth's. I actually looked up a little to see what the moon looked like and was instantly mesmerized by the sheer size of it. It must have been at least four times bigger than the one back home.

It was a soft milky white, and I could definitely see dark marks on it, indicating craters on its surface. But it was so much more beautiful than what I was used to that I stayed there for a couple of minutes to just stare at it. Eventually I turned back to the shadows.


I saw three dark spots in the shadows start forming and swirling, drawing in more darkness to them until they became whirlpools of darkness. After a couple of seconds they stilled, and I felt three presences connected to my mind. It felt weird, like a tug on my brain matter in three different directions, but it wasn't painful nor was my actual organ affected in anyway.

Another thing to get used to I guess. I felt them waiting for a command.

"Take their bodies and store them in your inventories. Then stay with me in my shadow at all times. If you sense any magots around me with malicious intentions like those useless idiots, kill them swiftly and silently."

I somehow saw them nod at me in those shadows before a pool of darkness appeared under the corpses and swallow them whole. Once it was done, I looked up the other end of the alley to see a sign I'd been looking for on the other side.

My shoulders slumped as I saw a a green horseshoe painted on a sign hanging above an inn door. I sighed exasperatedly and began walking there, yawning as I picked up the pace desperately seeking a warm bed for the night.

I would only find out later in time that all my activities that night was being watched by somebody who had learned to hide their gaze from me.


I apologize if the dialogue seems a little strange and too short. I'm very bad and out of practice.

This story is currently two chapters ahead on my p@treon, with another chapter being submitted on it later tonight.

Each chapter is a minimum of 2400 words. It's how I'm able to keep my pace and my focus on the plot. If you think it should be increased, let me know to how much you'd like it.


And if you want to support me further, go to this link:


Tips are not necessary but massively appreciated.