
Vampires Tale: Immortals

Hey, I know it's been a long *ss time and there has been no updates on this novel. If you actually cared, I am truly sorry for that and supremely grateful that words I wrote managed to reach you. I started this novel as a 15 year old kid who thought he could make a better book than most on this platform. I wasn't prepared for it and was unable to figure out how to continue the story in the way I wanted. So this is officially the end of vampires tale: immortals as short as it was. However, a year later I feel prepared to embark on a new adventure, a second chance. On June 1st I will be releasing a new book called 'DRAGONS DYNASTY'!!! I am truly excited for this book and have been planning it for the last 3 months and recently started writing it. However to make sure it's a high standard novel, I won't be publishing until June 1st. This book is guaranteed to be at least 10 times better than VTI, you have my word! Love you all, and see you there!!!

KIngii_ · Fantasie
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122 Chs

First Blood (pt.2)

6 hours ago in a parking lot near the police station...

A very tall man could be seen walking into the building. You couldn't see his face as it was covered by a black hoodie that despite his large stature was overly big on the man. However, you could tell he had a very good physique, almost as explosive as a bodybuilder. He walked up to the front desk where a female desk sergeant looked at him with an expression of curiosity. He tapped on the desk and as he did the female officer looked down but when she looked back up her body seemed to spasm as she stood completely erect.

The strange, well-built man was staring her dead in the eyes, it would have been normal except for the fact that his eyes were glowing a red color. The whites of his eyes were black while the irises turned blood-red, he had black veins extending from his eyes that covered most of his cheeks.

"Did you receive any dead bodies recently, a girl perhaps?" questioned the man with a slithery voice that made one's skin crawl. Although it seemed to have not caused any discomfort from the desk sergeant.

"Yes, we did receive 3 dead bodies this morning, one was male" answered the female officer with a blank expression.

While on the outside she seemed calm, there was nothing but discomfort and worry on the inside. See, she was not allowed to divulge sensitive information or she could lose her job. She didn't want to tell anything to this creepy, tall, man with the monstrous face but as much as her mind told her no, her body, her body kept telling her ye--*cough*, kept telling the man what he wanted to know.

"Good, good, now, act like nothing untoward has happened and take me to the three bodies, right away!!!" said the man with a grin that looked exceptionally cruel with his face looking like that.

"Yes, sir" the female officer replied straight away. all the while panicking and worried for her life. Of course, it's not like she could show it outwardly.

The man's face went back to looking like normal but the female officer still could not control her actions.

After arriving at the three bodies, the man unzipped the body bags until he saw her.

"Alicia Alucard" the man whispered in awe of her beauty even in death.

She was tall with a height of 1.85 meters and was 68kg. She had very pale skin as if she was, well, dead but without a single blemish to her porcelain skin. Her hair that went down to her butt was black but with red highlights that made it look auburn. She was with certainty, a mid c-cup with an amazing bodily figure.

The man then took her body out of the bag and placed it on a side table before sighing in relief and turning to the female officer.

"Well then, thank you for your service but I can't have anyone figure out a body went missing can I?" the man asked her with a wicked grin.

"Well, I think I have a solution to this little problem, would you help me?" he asked another question but he didn't hear an answer.

His previous monstrous face returned except this time you could see inside his mouth, extended canines that were menacingly sharp. He pushed the officer against the wall and without delay, violently moved her head to the side revealing her pulsating neck. He then sucked his teeth into her neck and drank until her blood was dry. After, he put her body into the now empty bodybag and changed the 'cause of death' on the report to exsanguination.

He then grabbed Alicia and suddenly vanished. When he appeared again he was outside in a black suv with Alicia in the trunk.

He then started driving and made a call.

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

"Greetings, your Majesty" said the man in an extremely respectful tone, however, you could hear an undertone of fear.

"Everblood, did you find her?" the apparent king asked in an even tone.

"Yes I did, your Majesty, I'm bringing her back now" compiled Everblood.

"Very well, and Everblood, if she is not returned here by midnight, you will be held personally responsible" said the king.

"Understood, your majesty," replied Everblood as the king hung up.

"Ugh, who does that arrogant prick think he is to order me around? I'm not even the one who helped the bitch leave 'his' clan" Everblood complained with a sour expression as he started speeding in the car.

After an hour of driving everblood heard a loud crash and skidded to a stop with the car. He looked back to check on the girl but she was nowhere to be found.

"SHIT" Everblood cursed while getting out of the car.

He looked around and saw a blur speeding through the near-by forest at a speed upward of 900 km then decided to give chase as he thought that the blur might be the girl.

He was catching up but by the time he caught up fully they were in an abandoned house in the middle of nowhere.

"Give up, young mistress, why do you insist on this foolishness?" pleaded Everblood.

"...My reason?" questioned Alicia with an expressionless face that showed none of her thoughts. Her tone chilly and even.

"...My reason for leaving the clan behind is not something a mutt working for my asshole father could comprehend" Alicia snorted at Everblood with the same cold tone and listless gaze.

"..." A vein popped out of Everbloods forehead as he heard what Alicia said.

He was about to retort when he looked her straight in the eyes. Her gaze although expressionless had a natural lazy look around the eyes. The eyes themselves were a glowing blue, red and pink mix looking like a bloody galaxy, while she had the same black where the white would usually be and the same black veins on the cheeks as Everblood. The three different contrasts painted a beautiful picture, one worthy of a museum.

"Please young miss, I would rather not resort to violence but I will do what's necessary" Everblood lied through his teeth as he spoke to the 'princess' with a tone seething with rage and through gritted teeth.

'This bitch, I hope she resists so I can teach the girl some respect' thought Everblood without showing it on his expression.

"...Alicia didn't say anything but just looked at Everblood. After a short while she just shook her head and got ready to attack.


As she was about to attack, Everblood used his unholy speed and invisibility and managed to slip behind her. He grabbed her head into a choke hold seemingly intending to put her to sleep.

"..." Alicia did not react to this but she knew she was going to lose if she didn't stop him.

So, as sneakily as possible she hid her hand behind Everblood. Even though he could see her trying to free herself Everblood merely snorted in disdain and put more power into the hold.

'Humph, so what if she grabs me, she is just a mere rich, spoiled brat, what could she possibly do?' Everblood thought.

"..." Alicia with her hand behind Everblood started to lightly shake her hand side to side without touching him.

Her hand started to glow blood red and when Everblood finally noticed something was wrong it was too late. Like a flash of lightning, Alicia pulled her hand in front of her and pierced her own chest through to Everbloods neck!!!

Everblood let go of his hold slightly in pain and rage but collected himself before Alicia could get away. Alicia then started to struggle to free herself to no avail.

A vein popped in Everbloods forehead as he lost himself in rage. He grabbed his neck with one hand and snapped Alicias with the other!!!

As she fell to the ground she briefly saw a black wolf with blue glowing eyes appear before her and Everblood before everything went dark.

'Shit I wasn't supposed to do that' Everblood thought in panic as he thought about the repercussions of harming a member of 'HIS' family.

'Whatever, he'll never know anyway, but now what do I do about this werewolf!!!' thought Everblood in a calm turmoil.