
Vampires and Giants Eternal brotherhood

Charles a reticent idiot unknowingly becomes the key to a plan spanning centuries to create the world of worlds capable of supporting true immortality in world where former heroes and legends strive for supremacy and dominance will our MC stand tall and forge lasting alliances or fade to the background and become a stepping stone for the real legends of the world

Solomon_Odok · Fantasie
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3 Chs

The new world

All of a sudden Charles felt an enormous force tugging at his still immaterial soul, as the pull got more intense he saw what looked like a massive globe being pulled out of his soul the globe looked both illusory and real at the same time, it looked in its essence the source of all contradictions it was there and it was not there it was black but it was also white, just as he was trying to observe more of what was happening his face suddenly contorted in agony his spiritual body was rapidly disintegrating merging with the sphere that seemed to contain all the information in the universe he tried to scream but no sounds came out. A soul couldn't scream, at this moment he began to marvel at the insignificance of his own existence, his soul and consciousness were rapidly fading away being assimilated by the sphere of knowledge at this moment he remembered a piece he had seen somewhere before "dying he knew not the assailant and surviving he knew not why" it was at this moment when he had given up and made peace with his inconsequentiality that his dying consciousness resonated with a ruby like drop of blood that seemed especially incongruous with the blood sphere this particular drop of blood gave out a feeling of malevolence and bloodthirst that was different from the ethereal wholeness of the sphere willing his dying consciousness he made a leap of faith.

Charles had a long dream In this dream he seemed to see intermittent pictures flashing hearing conversations that resounded in his ears like thunder seeing record of creatures dominating the heavens and sundering the earth, he saw mystical abilities that made the universe creak and saw spellys that decimated entire regions, he saw creatures that were a world onto themselves and humanoid creatures that looked small but harboured auras that made nature bend to their every whim, all utterly fascinating to him all of a sudden a voice that seemed to have descended from ancient times resounded between his ears "I Sauron sunders first born son of the world of sunders have traveled throughout all the known universe and have never seen a planet strong enough to to contain transcendental beings of great power like us, We, being all of us seated here are the mightiest beings in our version of the known universe but why are we here today, its because we are all RATS, a wave of murmuring swept through the crowd along with sighs of discontent at been called rats but the voice was quick to back up his point, "Who dare sighs as if what I speak is false Baldur

The caveman you who is to be the strongest cavebrute since the days of Konan the first weren't you chased by void creatures till a respectable man like you had to hide in in the anal canal of a void caterwhale the smelliest place known to all creatures and what of you immortal demons who although a bit better than us have their lives and power bound to the abyss and with every abyssal deconstruction have your consciousness wiped out, a wave of agreement rang throughout the crowd it was at this moment that old man Yuan a shriveled old man a real testament to his name spoke up we all know this things,knowing is not our problem a solution is, so if you have gathered us here to remind us of our woes I'd rather not be here, tsk tsk old man sit down always so impatient like a barbaric bull on heat no offence to you old bull, None taken came a gruff reply from among the crowd,but your Intel is a bit off you can ask your daughter I always take my time, sunders was about to retort when a dry wipsy voice that seemed to come from the pit of hell spoke out, alright sunders that's enough it's time to tell us why we all are here any other person sunders will have responded but this was "Bly the terrible" you don't have the sobriquet "terrible"for nothing.

The booming voice sounded again we are all creatures that began our path to greatness on planets all of whom provide us with milder forms of energy as compared to void or primordial energy, the planet protects and nutures us from when we're weak to the point when we are strong enough to harness void energy at which point we're basically immortal and share the same energy source as the planet, at which point the planet pushes us out to sustain its own energy levels, but out of trillions of people In the planets a miserly one percent of the population manage to reach our level once every century or so nowhere near enough to match the hordes of void creatures prowling around even with our alliance our void strongholds are being decimated every other week or so by marauding, hungry void creatures,we can't stay in our planets because of insufficient energy levels to maintain our perpetually immortal existence and in the primal chaos with endless reserves of energy we are harangued by chaos creatures and aberrations a vicious and deadly cycle. Of all of us present only Bly has the ability to contend with high level void creatures the rest of us are just meat on a chopping block.

Every day new species of void creatures are being born, with the uncontrollable evolutionary patterns of these creatures who is to say one won't evolve into a being capable of disregarding the world membrane and consuming world's which would mark the end of us transcendent lifeforms,our planets have a limited capacity to absorb void energy even the largest abyssal plane is no different but I the great sunders Lord of flames and gore , mastermind behind the curtain, lord of ....bang.. a gigantic shoe landed on his face,he turned to curse at the owner but upon sensing the change in the atmosphere in the room he smiled embarrassingly and said have come up with a plan and then with a sudden pause for dramatic effect he proclaimed with a solemn countenance proclaimed "WE ARE GOING TO BUILD OUR OWN PRIMORDIAL WORLD"