
Chapter 40: An Evening with the Prince

“This isn’t such a big country, so one shouldn’t be too concerned about spreading big celebrity news here,” Raven responded in a teasing tone of voice.

“Oh, but it’s not the size that counts. It’s the drama, the wealth, the international relations, etcetera,” Adrian remarked.

“That’s true,” Gwyneth replied. “There are many small countries which are highly influential internationally,” she added.

“I won’t call our country that rich or influential,” Raven remarked.

Gwyneth looked at him with wide-stretched eyes.

“I would not agree to that,” she said with a giggle.

“But was that girl the shoe shop owner’s niece?” Adrian asked, gesturing towards the stage where Lucinda was dancing.

“No, that’s a dancer who happens to be a friend, but Salicia is around somewhere and her hair is dark, not blonde,” Raven responded.

“So, she and her aunt are said to be witches and vampires?” Gwyneth asked.