
Chapter 26: Vampire Dance in the Palace

“What do you mean? I have to obey the rules,” Tyler responded in a slightly offended tone.

“Great but I really need you to do this for me and for yourself tonight,” Lucinda responded.

“So, these young royals need some exceptional entertainment you say?” Tyler asked with an eager tone in his voice now.

“They really need some top-class dance entertainment,” Lucinda agreed. “And the two of us can work out something which should really stun them don’t you think? We’ve had so many rehearsals,” Lucinda continued.

“Okay then, just because I’m sure that you usually know exactly what you’re talking about, I will take the chance,” Tyler replied.

“Great, then I’ll meet you at the palace gates,” Lucinda said excitedly. She loved to witness Crescia’s power but only from a distance. So she could not wait for Crescia’s response when she heard that she, Lucinda had taken the mighty, muscular Tyler to the palace for the first time and as a dancer.