
Chapter 22: Booking Another Dance Sow

“Oh, yes, Raylene. I should have called her by now,” Richard mumbled. He picked up the phone and answered.

“I’m just done eating. And you? Are you done with that pizza of yours?” he asked in relief at hearing her voice. Whenever they went out to eat casually, Richard preferred a hamburger and Raylene preferred Pizza. It was a welcome diversion from all the formal dinners which they were obliged to have at the palace.

“I’m done with my pizza yes. I’m on my way home now because I’m done with all the drama of today. Goodness! I’m really gonna watch this footage with so much fun at home now,” she declared in an excited tone of voice.

“Okay, but before you drive off now, listen here. I’ve just realized who that girl is. The blonde-haired girl who was with Raven?” Richard remarked.

“Oh yeah?” Raylene asked with a curious note in her voice.