
Chapter 13: Richard Plans for Independence

“That's another reason why I'm happy about being busy with my projects here,” Richard stated.

“Yes, it can be a definite distraction from all the stress when needed,” Raylene responded.

“Yes, well that as well. But I'm actually thinking about my future,” Richard remarked.

“What do you mean?” Raylene asked. "All you have to do is study hard and get good marks.”

"Well, I'm gonna try my best to excel with the robots that I've created. I want to become independent of the palace, just in case we need to look out for ourselves,” Richard remarked in a serious tone of voice.

“Wow! What makes you think so far ahead of yourself?” Raylene asked.

“I just have this urgent feeling of chasing my dreams and being able to provide for myself as well,” Richard declared in response to Raylene’s question.

“As long as you don't do anything out of fear,” Raylene commented.