
Chapter 12: Conspiring with Aunt Crescia

“Yes, Aunt Crescia will mix a potion which will make Raven crave for nobody else. I will be like his very own breath to him,” Salicia declared with her chin set firmly in determination.

"Princess Raylene will bow to my orders then. Goodness, she might even beg me to make her a bridesmaid!” Salicia laughed when she drove in at the big gates of her family home. She was lucky that her parents were away and the servants slept early.

“So, nobody will notice how late I’ve arrived back,” she told herself.

Salicia rushed out of the car and into the house, where she rushed up the stairs.

She made sure that nobody was within earshot while she phoned her aunt. Salicia had to wait to get home before phoning because her cell phone battery had gone flat. So, she had to use another phone.

“Hi aunt Crescia,” she greeted when her aunt answered her phone.

"Hello my dear. How are you doing?” Crecia, the local fortune teller responded.