
Vampire Shadow

Luna with her personal little, but remarkable secrets when determined the biggest lie of her life is dispatched to the vampire castle academy, Where no secret will remain secret. She indeed will cross paths with a mysterious hybrid with whom she might fall in love. What has the destiny composed for her, destruction for others with her relentless powers, or adoration and care from companions and family?

butterflybee204 · Fantasie
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5 Chs

The Pain Written in Fate:

"I know that you are upset, you're angry at us, but please try to understand that neither you are safe nor your friends, especially... Annie," said the lady gently.

"What! How do you... How do you know her and what do you mean? " I was shocked, were these guys spying on me.

"Before meeting you, we want to know everything about you that's why..."

"Yeah, right..."

"... Some bad people are coming... For you, they think you can be used as a weapon in their fight. In order, to get to you they might want to harm your close ones, which means Annie is in danger. Her life..."

"Ok! I will come with you, but as soon as the matter is resolved, I will leave," I interrupted the man. "But before that, I want your phone, I have to call someone and the location pin."

"Ok, but why do you want the location pin?" the man asked while handing over the phone to me.

" I want my luggage and I want it from someone close to me, not some strangers who left me in danger," I mocked.

"Hmm... Here is the address," the man handed me a chit, "the place where we are going does not have a pin."


"You must be hungry, let me cook food for... "

"No! I am not hungry. I will just make a phone call, then let's leave."

"Ok! Then we are outside in the car. There is a man outside, he will lead you to us," the lady said.

"Alright," I replied never taking my gaze away from the phone.

"We're here, sweety," the woman's voice and the act of caressing my hair woke me up. I didn't know when I went to sleep in the car. "Hmm... Don't touch me again, ever and my name is Luna, not sweety. " The lady looked upset. Huh! What the heck! Why is this bothering me? Whatever.

"What is this place?"

"It's the CASTLE OF THE LEGENDS, from where vampires graduate," the lady answered enthusiastically.

It really looked like a castle, although it was night, still, it looked beautiful.


"You will also be a student here so that you can learn how to control your powers and strength, you can either live in our home or the dorm..."

"Definitely in the dorm."

"Well, whatever you like, the school will..." My so-called father explained everything.

"Hmm... Ok. " I was about to go outside when I saw 2 familiar figures both talking to a group of... I guess students. They were talking so frankly that it looks like they knew each other for a long time.

Seeing me looking at my twin brother, Eden, and best friend, Annie, the man told me that they knew, Annie knew it from the start and was sent to me especially for becoming my best friend.

So you had been spying on me for two years and Annie had just completed her assignment. Great!"

"And Eden..."

Before he could say anything, I got out of the vehicle and towards Ed, he saw me coming toward him, and he waved at me.

"Hey! Cham..."

"You knew that?"

"Luna..." Annie tried to reason him out.

"I'm not talking to you so shut up!" I never even saw her.

"Champ! I was going..."

"Yes or no?"

"Yes!" He looked guilty. But it didn't matter, nothing does. My own parents failed to protect me, my own twin brother betrayed me by hiding the truth, and the girl I thought was my best friend was never my best friend. Everything seems to fall apart.

It appears that pain has long been written into my destiny.