
Vampire Roommate [Shinsou x Reader] [Twilight-Mix]

After getting accepted into UA University, things get suspicious living with your new hot dorm roommate, not realizing that he was another creature altogether. Not realizing that it was too late to turn back when you’ve fallen head over heels on a creature not your own.

Dimly578 · Anime und Comics
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35 Chs

34. Turn into a vampire?

You expected an answer, but found nothing coming out of his mouth. His reddish lips remained pursed, violet eyes narrowed with rummaging thoughts written all over his expression. Something you didn't imagine he'd say came out.

"Move to another country."

"...Ha? Move...to another country?!" You shrieked, jerked back, slightly taken aback. "...I can't do that, my future is HERE, my parents are financially unstable and I had to work hard to enter into this university, plus...I don't have that kind of money to start a new life, let alone in another country!"

"..." he stared blatantly at you, shifted his violet gaze to the side. "...Then I'll give you the financial aid, how much do you need?"

Your mouth slightly ajar, looking at him incredulously as if he committed a crime. "No, Shinsou, I can't accept that, you're just my roommate and you're probably paying off your own tuition and—"

"Me?" He laughed tauntingly under his breath, as if money was no issue. "Don't worry about me, you can pay it off once you've earned a living."

You shook your head swiftly. "N-No, I can't, my parents will be shocked to find out I moved out and...like you said, there's others out there who might try to get at me, so I just can't move!"

"Tch, fine, don't move," he breathed unevenly, moving towards you in a close proximity. His figure towered above you, his head ambled down towards your eye level. You held your breath, quite used to his usual closeness lately. That's a lie, you're not quite used to it actually, you got to admit it's a fact.

He parted his reddish lips to speak in a low whisper, "...then your death wish is found here."

"What?!" You gaped at him as you punched his shoulder playfully, but in a serious manner. "Shinsou, that's not helping!"

He chuckled softly, eyes softening slightly with amusement within those violet gleaming ones. A bit of his perfect teeth showcased adorned by those reddish lips. "...sorry, you're being too serious about this, you're usually carefree and adorably annoying, but now watching you fret is just weird."

"HAH?! Of course I'd be serious!" You yelled with a low growl. "I'm was so close to death! And now this whole Vampire thing caught me off guard...what would you do in my situation anyway, huh?"

"..." he remained silent for a while, pursing his lips slightly while the amusement in his eyes never left—leaving the impression that he was clearly not serious nor affected. You almost couldn't read him at times, or like, all the time.

"Well, if you insist on staying, and planning to stay alive, then you'll need to use some things against Touya to defend yourself, since he's sure to come for you at some point, you can attack him judicially...after all, he's a part of the Rebellion."

"...Rebellion? What's that?"

"Remember the death news I showed you many weeks ago?"

You nodded mindlessly, recalling the time he showed you in class of the murder news from his phone, now leaving a realization of how much you wished you had taken Shinsou seriously. It left a gurgling fit of nervousness in the inner recesses of your heart, as you pieced everything together. "...yeah."

"Well, like I said, he's one of those who drink off human blood, and that's actually illegal for Vampires."

"...wait, what? Illegal? What do you mean illegal? There's laws now for Vampires?"

He nodded promptly, uncertainty settling in his eyes with hesitation clogging up his throat from revealing too much. "...Touya is a part of a group that secretly feeds off human blood, he's also referred to as Dabi whenever their group is together, nearly hunting every other night."

"...how...do YOU know about this...if it's a secret?" You asked carefully, softer than you intended, hands trembling as you clutched onto your shirt anxiously.

"...I...Let's say I was involved in trying to get him out of that group, it was a deal I had with someone," he replied softly, shaking his head. "...but, it didn't work out and made him rebel more, and now we're at odds against each other, if you can't tell."

You shrugged lightly with a soft nod. "...Yeah, I can tell."

He sighed loudly, averting his lazy eyes to the side. "...Well, your existence in this school just made the tension rise, especially since you're my roommate, now I had no choice but to face him after two years of avoiding him, thanks a lot."

"What...? I didn't choose any of this, and what's your history anyways?"

He scoffed. "I told you not to date him but you still went on anyways, and I'm obviously not telling you everything, like I said, you don't need to know some dark history, it's confidential."

You clenched your fist, swallowed your parched throat. "…Hey, I have every right to choose who I date, and how was I supposed to know about this whole situation anyways? And the only way I could think of...like you said, to take advantage of Touya...since he let me go because of something special about my blood...and how I'm somehow immune to vampire powers...maybe I can convince him to keep me alive..."

"...How exactly do you plan on convincing him?" He asked carefully, aura darkening slightly.

"Well..." you swallowed. "...I'll make sure he'll find me valuable enough to keep and basically make him fall for me."

"Ha?! No, you're not."

"What?" You snarled with bewilderment. "What else am I supposed to do? If he's gonna he after me, then I might as well take advantage of this special stuff on me to keep me alive and make him to actually fall for me."

"..." He stood silent, fist curling to a ball as the creases of his temple darkened. "...No, you're not. I won't allow that."

"What? Why not? Don't you have better ideas? You're not helping either!" You retorted, a small gruff under your nostrils as you pursed your lips.

He sighed. "That's just plain stupid, don't you understand? He was trying to kill you and he'll end up feasting on you for his own consumption at the end of the road, your blood is too irresistible and he's just holding off on you for the meantime to be discreet, to ensure his tracks won't be traced, so making him fall for you is definitely not an option."

"Hah? But, remember the movie? Her blood was irresistible too! And yet he loved her enough to make sure he doesn't bite her!"

"That's just a movie, [Name]," he retorted, rolled his eyes off in disapproval. "This is real, a hungry lion doesn't spare a delicious looking lamb because of some affections, it will seize on it driven by its hunger, and Touya is no different."

You remained silent, feeling your chest nearly bursting by the longest argument you two ever had. It was ridiculous really, arguing about ways to help you survive but, ended up to no conclusion. If your younger self a few weeks ago had seen this, it would have sounded nothing but childish, and nothing but a mere fantasy. But, you couldn't dismiss this either, you had one week to come up with a plan.

"...okay then," you gulped, voice shaky. "...falling for him is a no-no, then What do you suppose I do then?"

He cleared his throat. "Like I said, a plan I'd do is take advantage of his secret life and report it to the head."

"...the head? Of the vampires?"

He nodded, tilting his head slightly as he took one step back. "...Though I wouldn't go there, I've had bad experiences with them after trying to save someone I loved...They're not very good with their dealings, but it's worth a try if it's your last resort."

"..." you remained silent, ears echoing with the words of someone he once loved. Everything he spoke peaked a greater curiosity in you, yet it feared you even more since there was a whole new dimension, a perspective, or a reality kept in secrecy you never knew of. You knew Shinsou to be an honest person, or vampire, but seeing how there were many things he was hesitating to say made you want to press in further. After all, if he was able to reveal a trickle of information, surely you'll be able to squeeze it out of him somehow—by being your 'annoying' self, as Shinsou claim.

"...So, you're basically saying that my situation is hopeless?" You asked, mood quickly glum further down. "...cause' you're literally telling me ways of solution and then telling me NOT to use that way...it's totally not helping."

He shrugged, raising his brows with a simple blink. "...suite yourself, I've said all I wanted to say, I'm going now, but don't use that stupid plan of making him fall for you though."

He began to walk off, causing a tension of panic to course through your veins, realizing that you had no one else to rely on, you had to find more information from him—just something to somehow keep yourself alive.

You managed to hold him off by latching onto his arm before he could leave further.

"...Shinsouuu," you whined with a pouty look "Please, I don't wanna die here."

Your tone made him press his lips together to keep from smiling as he looked towards you waywardly, concealing an urge to react. "...I told you what I could, what else do you have in mind? I have nothing else to offer you."

You knew he was your only hope at this point, you had to do everything in your power—not that you have any—to survive, in any case, to somehow change his mind or even convince him through whatever means necessary.

You pulled his arm, bringing him closer to your body as you kept a confident gaze onto his face, slightly surprising him with his brows creased. You drew nearer, brought your lips near his right ear, "...how about you turn me into a Vampire instead?"