
The hungry vampire queen

The dog in the backyard started barking incessantly upon smelling Helen's scent, especially the restless Samoyed.


Helen's face twisted in a grimace, revealing two sharp teeth, instantly scaring the three dogs back into their kennel.

Dennis walked over with a bowl of dog food, his eyes casually scanning the surroundings. He asked, 'Aren't you a pure-blooded vampire? Why are you arguing with a dog?'

'Agreed,' Helen concealed her sharp teeth and nodded in agreement.

She put on a friendly smile, lightly tapped her palm, and said, "This silly dog is quite obedient to its owner!"

Dennis crouched in front of the doghouse and froze. His wrist trembled and the dog food in his bowl spilled all over the ground. Is this woman cursing him?

Helen walked into the vegetable garden and looked at the lush greenery all around. She couldn't help but feel a bit puzzled and asked, "Dennis, why don't you pull out the weeds? Are you keeping them to play soccer with?"

Dennis looked at it disdainfully and said, 'That's cabbage.'

At noon, Dennis pulled some cabbage from the vegetable garden and paired it with a piece of tofu. He made a pot of soup that balanced both meat and vegetables.

Helen took a blood bag from the cold storage and drank a few sips, then sarcastically sympathized, "Poor humans, they have fallen to the point of eating grass."

"That is cabbage "Dennis's face looked unpleasant.

Helen turned her gaze away, refusing to communicate with Dennis. She raised her chin and continued to mock: "Foolish humans, ignorant humans, pitiful humans, grass-eating humans..."

Dennis put down his bowl, his face darkened, and he got up and left. This annoying woman!

Today, he took a day off mainly to pick up the troublesome vampire and tidy up this place that hasn't been cleaned for years.

Previously, with Emma around, everything here was well organized. Now, Emma has been lying in the hospital for six years, and he has been at a loss, unable to come up with any solutions. It is all his fault.

Dennis gently pushed open the door to the basement, and a faint green light seeped through the crack. Inside a glass cabinet was a silver-white sheathed longsword, with a carved golden hollow lotus flower at the hilt.

At this moment, the blade is emitting a faint cyan halo, with strands of blue light floating in mid-air, mysterious and unfathomable.

Helen walked into the basement and stood in front of the glass cabinet. She asked, "Dennis, is this lotus flower referred to as 'emerging from muddy water without being stained, pure and untainted' by the Chinese?"


Dennis took the key from the glass cabinet and put it in his pocket. The ancient sword was too bloody, easily detecting the murderous aura of vampires and waiting for an opportunity to capture and kill them. It needed to be locked up.

Helen opened a book on ancient Taoist classics, her beautiful lips curved into a half-smile. "Are you still an intellectual?"

"Of course, what's wrong?" Dennis furrowed his brow slightly, sensing something ominous.

"Scum of society."

Helen's smile turned eerie as she said, The smell of blood on this man is strong. He must have killed many vampires!

Although she doesn't care about the life or death of other vampires, Those who are not our kind are enemies to be killed!

Dennis's face darkened, and he remained silent.

"Who is this? Is she your girlfriend?" A photo slipped from Helen's hand.

In the photo, there was a young and beautiful girl.

"She is my childhood friend, do you have any objections?" Dennis picked up the photo and snatched the book from Helen's hand. He placed the photo back in the book without any changes and put it back on the shelf.

Helen's eyes dimmed slightly, showing a hint of displeasure. She had taken an interest in this man and naturally didn't want others to interfere: "So you two grew up together since childhood. However, as far as I know, it is not allowed for close relatives to marry among humans!"

Dennis's thoughts came to a halt for a moment. His dark eyes were covered with a layer of deep darkness.

"It would be best for you to leave now."

"Are you angry?" Mu Li disdainfully snorted and turned away. As she walked out the door, she asked one final question: "Where is she? Or did she dump you?"


Dennis closed the door and spoke with restraint and self-control: 'I don't need to tell you.'


For five consecutive days, Dennis seemed to deliberately avoid Helen, leaving early and returning late or not at all. If it weren't for the fact that the blood bags in the refrigerator remained unchanged in number, perhaps no one would have known he had come back. Helen was self-sufficient on the second floor of the small building, drinking expired blood when hungry and resting in her room when tired.

When there is sunshine, she goes to the yard to swing on the swing. Occasionally, she also waters the small grass that can be eaten or takes a look at the grape tree that grows longer and denser. She lives quite contentedly. Of course, if she feels bored, she will go to the backyard to play with the little dogs. Now, those three silly dogs worship her like a goddess.

"Dennis, where is my food?"

On the sixth day, Dennis finally left work early and was caught by Helen at the door. She took away two fresh blood packs.

Helen is currently in the recovery stage, so she is particularly malnourished and in urgent need of supplementation. She faces each day with a bald head, feeling extremely depressed and craving blood. Dennis just brought back 800cc expired blood from the hospital, which she finished drinking in less than five minutes.

"I'm hungry, I'm so hungry. You better feed me," Helen complained as she followed behind Dennis.

Dennis put down his coat and walked into the kitchen. He opened the refrigerator and found it empty, 'Did you drink everything?'

Helen's lips twitched. 'Not drink? Am I supposed to starve?' she asked.

"You keep starving me, and you won't be able to see those three silly dogs in the backyard," she said.

" 'Stupid dog? Drink what you need, don't you worry about turning your own brain into mush?' Dennis mocked."

The esteemed bloodline queen has fallen to the point of having to drink dog's blood? Helen's face turned ugly. Of course, she would never drink such disgusting blood.

Dennis glanced at her. After not seeing each other for five days, this woman seemed to have gained a lot of energy and her eyes were much brighter. Especially when looking at him, there was a strong desire in her eyes that almost gave him the illusion that she wanted to drink his blood!