
I cannot hand her over to you

Fortunately, Frank has already left; otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable. However, if Helen continues to release the vampire's aura so recklessly, it won't be long before other vampires catch wind of it and come back in full force.

Dennis held his chest and stood up. He found the ancient sword on the ground and slowly pointed it towards Helen, saying, "Helen, please stop! Otherwise, I won't be able to save you!"

However, she lost all her senses and became lifeless. She relied solely on her sheer determination to make the world tremble and the sun and moon change colors. Helen stood in the center of a massive storm, roaring without restraint. Suddenly, she leaped towards the direction of Sunshine Community.

"There, it seems to have the fresh blood she likes."

He reached out and embraced Helen tightly in his arms, commanding, 'Helen, you cannot go!' Helen's figure stiffened, her silver-blooded eyes slightly frozen.

She briefly paused her aggression, with stiff movements and slow eye movements, dragging out a long howl: "ROAR..."

The howl seemed to come from hell, full of misery, pain and despair.

Dennis has heard that the dispersal of vampires is like a rebirth. The pain they experience during this process is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. As for the current situation, there is no choice but to resort to that last resort.

"Helen, I'm sorry."

Denis held Helen tight, not letting her move.

He quickly bit his finger and used the blood as vermilion to paint a bloody lotus on Helen's forehead.

The lotus touched Helen's skin and immediately seeped away. It left a faint dark mark on her forehead, shimmering with a crimson flower imprint.

However, a mere lotus flower cannot suppress the surging restlessness within Helen.

Dennis sucked a mouthful of blood from the finger and held it in his mouth.Before Helen could react, Dennis had her under control.

In an instant, Dennis kissed Helen. This time, there was no indifference, no coercion, and no apathy. He just wanted to save Helen. The cost was his own fresh blood...

The warm blood was pure and sweet.It came from the man's lofty and upright body temperature, as if with a wisp of lotus fragrance, floating and illusory, and planted a lotus in Helen's heart.

Slowly, the beautiful lotus petals opened. Helen tasted the blood and became uncontrollable. Without hesitation, she threw her arms around Denis and sucked the blood out of his mouth.

Under the pure white moonlight, the two seemed to be affectionate and kissed each other deeply. Helen bit the tip of Dennis's tongue roughly. She was crazy to absorb the man's repressed gentleness, not letting go of any bloodstain, greedy without bottom line.

Dennis holds Helen tightly, silently enduring her rough treatment.

However, Helen doesn't need to breathe, but he does. Dennis's breath gradually becomes disordered. His thoughts are a bit dizzy, and his vision starts to have brief blanks, even his body seems to sway along.

Time, slowly passing by. Suddenly, a cold wind blew around , chilling and eerie. The air was filled with countless icy and savage vampires , along with the distinctive howls of vampires.

Dennis opened his eyes and found a circle of vampires surrounding the two individuals. They were all large in size, with fierce faces, and some even flapping their heavy dark wings. It looked very much like the legendary ghosts and demons.

"Did you all see that? She kissed that man!" Grant's arm still ached faintly.

At this moment, she wished she could kill Helen. Because once again, she had failed in front of Helen.

When night falls, Eric's voice finally becomes more pleasant and his personality returns to normal. He is never afraid of anything, but finds it somewhat perplexing: "Why does she have to fall in love with a human when there are so many other options? Is the blood of human lovers tastier than that of ordinary humans?"

In the afternoon, Garrick had already left early and returned to the vampire family because there were still matters that required his attention. As a result, he did not witness such a distressing scene.

"Shut up!" Brandon glanced at Grant and Eric, coldly reprimanding.

He slightly bowed his body, maintaining a polite posture, and said, "Mr. Dennis, according to the Treaty of Eternal Peaceful Coexistence, humans and vampires have always refrained from interfering in each other's internal affairs. Therefore, I kindly request that you return Queen Helen to us."

Dennis picked up Helen and walked towards the artificial mountain. He placed Helen in a safe place, turned around, stood in front of Brandon, and coldly said, "I'm sorry, I can't hand her over to you."

"Why? I hope you can give me a clear reason." Brandon's tone turned cold and his face darkened. How could this human hunter be so bold?

Dennis lifted his slender finger and lightly brushed it along his lips. As a result, a string of icy blood beads dripped from his pale fingertips.

Dennis frowned slightly, showing a hint of displeasure, and said, "Because your Queen Helen bit me."

The implication is that Helen bit a human. As a vampire hunter, he has the right to detain her.

"You!! You're twisting the facts!" Brandon was infuriated . When did humans become so shameless?

But he forgot that thousands of years ago, he was once a human. The powerful second-generation vampire gave Brandon The Embrace, making him a vampire. Therefore, he will not have offspring, only endless life and the desire to pursue money and power at all costs!

Dennis murmured softly and indifferently, saying, "Am I not human? Does it not count if I bite?"

"Brandon, we can snatch Helen away. Humans have already killed many vampires, so there's no need to waste time talking with them," Grant impatiently said.

After considering for a moment, Brandon said, "Dennis, since you insist on going alone, I won't force you. However, Queen Helen is one of our kindred and it is imperative for our vampire clan to obtain her!"

After speaking, he took a step back and tacitly allowed the vampires to attack.

"Sure. If she can leave with you, consider me defeated."

Under the pure white moonlight, Dennis held an ancient sword. His beautiful and cold face exuded a chilling aura. He stood tall and proud, with a solitary figure.

In the dark night, vampires have no inhibitions. They howl and leap up, their fangs bared as they pounce towards Dennis.

Dennis held the ancient sword and slashed out blossoms of sword flowers. In an instant, countless silver threads emerged from those flowers, emitting numerous cold gleams that pierced straight towards the vampires. The vampires bared their sharp fangs and grew sharp nail fragments on their ten fingers. They surrounded Dennis in a circle, trapping him in the center...