
going bald

Helen looked up and gazed into the distance. She saw, in the dust rising without wind, hundreds of figures appearing on that shaded path.

The vampire hunters from the human race have arrived. Among those people, there are three leaders: Dennis, Albert, and a young man with orange hair.

At this moment, Helen had no idea that this young boy would become the biggest disaster in her life in the days to come. Even though, that disaster was indirectly caused by him.

With a loud crash, the roof tiles beneath Helen collapsed in an instant. She fell unexpectedly and landed on a chubby ball. That ball happened to be Sam, the vampire elder who had been knocked unconscious by Camilla earlier.

"Helen, hurry up! I dug a hole in the fence behind us," Camila helped Helen up and carried the meatball as they ran towards the back of the chicken coop.

Helen followed and ran over. However, when she arrived at the place, she suddenly stopped and said in a gloomy tone, "Are you digging a dog hole?"

Camilla pushed the meatball out first, then turned back to Helen and said, "What's wrong with the dog hole? It's already this time, and you're still complaining."

Just now, she almost used all her strength to dig this fence. Now, her hands and feet are weak. If those hunters catch up with her again, she's done for.

Just as Helen hesitated, Camilla decisively kicked her out. Well. She was forced to do it, definitely not voluntarily, absolutely not!

Outside the fence, a shiny golden stick appeared at the right moment. It was placed just in front of Helen's smooth neck, blocking her way.

A snow-white lotus blossomed in front of the long stick. The lotus leaves were crystal clear, like a thin layer of snow, and each petal was thorny and extremely sharp. Just an inch closer, it could pierce Helen's windpipe and drain the vampire queen's blood. However, it seemed that the owner of the long stick did not want to end the game too soon.

The person suppressed a smile and said, "Don't move, raise your hands."

Helen squinted her eyes. She had strained her eyes earlier and now her vision was blurry, making it difficult to see things clearly. In this unknown situation, she reluctantly raised both hands and muttered a curse word in frustration: "Shit!"

She had just been kicked out of the doghouse, and then was threatened with a long stick pointing at her head, what could be worse?Suddenly the golden stick onto the ground.

The stick's owner squatted by and laughed, "Ha ha!"

Camilla crawled out of the fence and saw the person sitting on the ground laughing heartily, as well as Helen raising her hands. Although she was somewhat confused, she cautiously stood in front of Helen and asked, "Who are you?"

"I? I am definitely a vampire hunter, here to capture you all. However, my sense of humor is quite low, so let me laugh for a while first, ha ha!" The man continued to squat and laugh on his own, completely ignoring the weapons he had already let go of and not particularly worried about being attacked by the bloodsuckers.

Helen raised her hands, slightly furrowed her brows, and said uncertainly, "Are you... Albert?"

No wonder this man's laughter sounds so familiar and annoying! However, meeting in such a situation, I don't know if it's lucky or unlucky. Albert laughed for a full ten seconds before finally stopping his amusement.

He picked up a long stick, walked up to Helen and waved his hand, saying, "Helen, we meet again. What's wrong with your eyes? Can't you see me?"

"Just used my eyes too much, went blind." Helen put down her arms and rubbed them.

"Are you kidding me? And you make me to raise my hands..."

Albert touched his forehead and took a deep breath of cool air. He sympathetically said, "Without me, how did you end up in such a miserable state? How about this, if we have the chance, let's go to a hotel and get to know each other better, okay?"

"I refuse," Helen said, raising her chin and rolling her eyes at the air with arrogance.

Albert tapped Helen's forehead, correcting her direction. His words carried a hint of indulgence as he smiled and said, "Silly girl, you can't even get the right direction. I'm standing here, who are you rolling your eyes at?"

"Hmm!" Helen snorted coldly. This time she aimed in the right direction. However, she wouldn't appreciate it, absolutely not.

Albert glanced at Camilla, then kicked the meatball on the ground and said, "Not bad. You vampires are all talented. Hurry up and leave. I let you go doesn't mean others will."

Especially for the person who just returned to the country and harbors a deep hatred towards vampires.

Helen groped her way out. Albert watched as Helen disappeared into the distance. Holding a long stick in his hands, he loudly said, "Helen, you owe me a favor. Next time we meet, treat me to a meal."

In the forest, Helen's figure gradually disappeared.


In the chicken farm, silver powder filled the sky and various silverware flew around. It was a large group of hunters capturing vampires. Dennis held a frying pan and moved effortlessly between the black cloaks. Every strike hit its mark, never needing a second attempt.

The orange-haired young man had extraordinary skills, with a silver revolver spinning continuously in his hand. Bullets were loaded one after another and all hit the fleeing vampire without missing a shot.

Brandon and others bit several vampire hunters, tearing a way out of the encirclement. He led a small group of bloodsuckers to escape, saying, "Oh shit! we fell into that woman's trap."

Grant's arm was covered in silver powder, and white smoke kept rising from the surrounding skin. She said unwillingly, "Helen has indeed sided with humans, intending to join forces with them to eliminate the vampire clan."

Brandon's injury is not serious,"he gritted his teeth and said in a low voice, "This despicable woman! It would be best if I don't catch her. Otherwise, I will make sure she suffers a fate worse than death!"

"You are so hypocritical. All this talk about righteousness, but isn't it just to catch Helen and exchange her for those Two hundred million dollars?" On the run, Eric smirked all the way, stretching his neck.

Although he doesn't particularly appreciate this aspect of himself, there's nothing he can do about it. As one of the purebred vampires, his innate talent is to provoke others. The unhappier someone else is, the happier he becomes. While others may try to avoid escalating situations, he has no fear of making things bigger.

"Shut up. You damn thing." Under the silver moonlight, Garrick, dressed in a flowing black robe, exuded an ethereal aura as he rode the wind ahead. His icy voice resembled the glaciers in a cold ravine, chilling to the bone with an eerie coldness.

"Helen, I won't let you go." Brandon raised his head with a sinister look in his eyes. He shouted loudly at the sky but accidentally shook off the hat on his black cloak.

Immediately, a wisp of white smoke suddenly ignited and burned off a few strands of hair on Brandon's head. Following that, Eric's joyful announcement began again. The celebratory sound echoed one after another, circling in everyone's ears with great delight, completely unconcerned about the seriousness of the matter: "Oh, Brandon is going bald, he is going bald, he is going bald..."