
Deception of emotions

Helen's eyes flickered slightly as she continued, "As long as our vampires haven't harmed humans and you haven't caught us in the act of slaughtering them, even if you are vampire hunters, you can't just attack us without cause. Otherwise, it would be intentionally provoking a war and declaring war on the entire vampire race."

"I know," Dennis said, his lips curved with a faint trace, exuding an endless coldness.



"Why are you still standing here?" Helen glanced at him.

"Wait for you to come home." Dennis' voice was calm and steady.

Helen's face looked strange. "Go home?" That wasn't her home.

Camilla hid in the living room and eavesdropped, but she couldn't bear it anymore. She had to personally drive the people away: "Respected Queen Helen, are you showing off your affection? My ears are almost calloused from listening. It would be better for you to go back and rest. We will have plenty of time in the future, and if fate allows, we may meet again."

In fact, this human looks good and should taste delicious. We can keep them for now and enjoy them slowly.

"When did I say I was going back? And by the way, this is my new house," Helen said confidently.

"The house deed bears my name, so you should still go back to the suburbs and enjoy a cozy fire with this affectionate and righteous handsome man. There's no one there, so you can show your love however you want." Camila's tone was ambiguous.

Helen's face darkened as she understood Camilla's hidden meaning. However, in the end, she still went back with Dennis. She wanted to know what Dennis's true intentions were. Why did he repeatedly spare her and even help conceal her identity, obstructing other vampire hunters from pursuing her?


On a mid-May night, a gentle breeze blew softly, brushing against people's ears.

Helen walked out of the apartment building and got into Dennis's car. She stared at him with sharp eyes, trying to discern something from the cold expression on his face.

Dennis noticed Helen's gaze and lightly pursed his lips, saying, "What's wrong? Do you want to slap me again?"

Helen's face turned cold as she recalled what happened last night. She looked out the window and remained silent. An eye for an eye, a kiss for a slap, isn't that right?

Dennis saw Helen sitting still and reached out to fasten her seatbelt for her. Helen raised an eyebrow, sensing the gentle aura of the man, and she didn't mind it.

Dennis also felt the chilling aura that belonged to her, and his heart skipped a beat. He said, "I have set up a barrier near the apartment, so others won't be able to find it for now. Camila is safe."

"Why are you helping me?" Helen asked in a cold voice.

The sky won't drop pies, and there is no free lunch in the world. The reason why a human would choose to help a vampire is obvious: she possesses something that this man desires!

Dennis took out the car keys and started the car, a glimmer appeared in his eyes: "If I said I wanted your heart, would you believe me?"

"Dennis, I'm just injured, and not foolish."

In the cramped car, Helen leaned her head against the window, with dim and uncertain lights casting on her coldly beautiful face. The flickering light created an obscure atmosphere.

"I know you're very intelligent," Dennis raised his gaze slightly and said, "But what I'm saying is true."

"Why?" Helen didn't believe, but it wouldn't hurt to listen to his lies.

"Let's discuss it later." Dennis gripped the steering wheel, keeping his gaze forward, reluctant to delve into this sensitive topic.

Under the moonlit night, the bustling city gradually fades away. Ahead, a dense forest of slender and tall trees emerges, casting a chilly hue on the passing night breeze. Through the car window, Helen catches sight of two swiftly moving figures in the darkness.

They chased each other, one person pursuing while the other escaped, swiftly hiding along the rooftops of the buildings on both sides of the street, disappearing into the vast darkness of the night.

"Dennis, what is that?" Helen asked, believing that he had also seen it.

"Recently, there have been numerous cases of mummified corpses in Star City. We suspect that some vampires are attempting to infiltrate the human world and disrupt the peace treaty between our two races, so..." Dennis didn't continue speaking as he felt Helen would understand his meaning.

Helen's eyes slightly darkened, and her voice turned cold. "Have you ever considered talking to the superiors of both races? If such a situation arises, the best solution would be negotiation. Let the vampire community resolve their internal issues on their own. It is better than humans getting involved and causing unnecessary conflicts."

Dennis adjusted his glasses and lightly tapped his long fingers on the steering wheel, maintaining a rhythmic pattern. "I've reached out, but there has been no response. As for the reason, shouldn't you be more aware than me?"

Helen remained silent upon hearing this. Given the current situation, it would indeed be unwise for her to appear. However, there should still be someone within the vampire clan who can handle this matter.

Unless that person is currently in trouble or has fallen into the hands of those treacherous vampires.


After returning to the second floor of the small building, both of them went back to their rooms to rest. Late at night, Helen felt a bit hungry and went downstairs to get a blood bag to drink. She saw that the kitchen was lit up, and there was a man with a slender figure standing quietly in front of the stove.

Dennis came over to cook soup because he suddenly had a stomachache late at night.

"Good evening." Helen's gaze was profound, and in her mind, the scenes from last night slowly emerged and lingered.

Under the light, Dennis noticed Helen's gaze and felt a slight sense of unease deep within him. He wasn't foolish; he knew that this woman had some feelings for him, but it was a dangerous thing.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Are you thinking about me?" Dennis asked directly, without any embarrassment.

"No," Helen denied firmly, avoiding eye contact with Dennis and looking elsewhere.

"You're lying," Dennis's voice came softly in the quiet kitchen.

" don't think you have mind-reading abilities." Helen snorted lightly.

Dennis gazed at Helen, his tea-black eyes casting a shadow. His gaze swept over the snowy white nape of her neck.

Suddenly, he took a step forward, leaned slightly towards her, lowered his head a little, and was about to kiss Helen's lips...

Helen was caught off guard and her lips brushed against Dennis'. She immediately turned her head, avoiding Dennis' kiss. She didn't want to cross that line again.

However, a hint of anger flashed in Dennis' eyes. He turned his head slightly and quickly kissed Sharon's lips forcefully. This woman clearly liked him, so why would she avoid him?

Helen was slightly startled, feeling the touch on her lips and seeing the youthful face so close.

This kiss is different from last night. If last night was an accident, then tonight is a gentle temptation. Dennis's lips tremble slightly as he lightly kisses her crimson lips, soft and with a hint of coolness.

Although his gaze was clear, that touch reached directly into his heart, leaving him in a state of confusion. Helen remained indifferent, neither accepting nor rejecting it, but the sensation on her lips was so distinct and gentle.

Her heart couldn't help but ripple. She didn't want to ignore this feeling, as if she really liked this man.

What do you like about him? His youthful appearance? Or is it his personality? Maybe just his kisses? Unconsciously, the man in front of her seemed to transform into wine, making her drink more and more, getting intoxicated with each sip.

On the stove, a pot of water boiled and made a few sounds. Helen's pupils contracted as she suddenly woke up. She pushed Dennis away abruptly and left the kitchen.

In the moment before she ascended the stairs, she turned around and stood at the staircase, looking down into the kitchen. Suddenly, she realized that in Dennis' deep tea-black eyes, there was no wind or rain, only tranquility. There were no traces of emotions or ripples of any kind. This man... he simply did not have any feelings.