

Seventeen year old Sol Lee stared at the clock on the wall with irritation. Even though school didn't even begin yet, Sol was irritated at having to sit beside other humans. He had a deep dislike for all humans due to their lies and fake masks as well as his past experiences. Luckily there were occasionally a few who gave him hope that humanity wasn't so bad.

One such person was the girl beside him, staring him down with a frown. She had shoulder length brown hair and green eyes, wore shorts and a loose white shirt that seemed a size too large for her small body. Sophie Mint was her name and she was also seventeen years old, which brought up the continuous question of where her height went.

"You should really change how you dress Sol." Sophie asked, sighing as she did.

Sol looked at his clothing and wondered what was wrong with them. He wore a black hoodie, dark baggy pants and running shoes. He didn't know what was so bad about this, especially in high school when almost every kid wore a hoodie and jeans or pants.

"Why should I?" Sol questioned as he took his gaze off of Sophie to look outside the window.

Sophie shook her head and chuckled. "Because you've been wearing the same thing ever since I met you in middle school."

Sol thought about this and agreed as he had never had a wardrobe change even before Sophie appeared in his life. The main reason why he never wore any other clothing besides bland boring and non memorable clothing was due to his desire to not be noticed. Sadly or luckily, Sophie still approached him and ever since then had been following him.

"I'll try." Sol said as he took another glance at the clock, revealing there was about ten minutes left before his first class started.

"You always say that though!" Sophie complained with her hands in her hair, making her hair tangled in some areas.

Sol looked back at her and sighed out. "You shouldn't do that Sophie, you're going to ruin your cute look."

Sophie instantly blushed and started fixing her hair as she curled the tips. "You think so?"

Sol nodded before he turned back to look outside, trying to pass the time. Getting Sophie to go quiet for a while was easy, just compliment her and she'll be silent for at least five minutes. This was what Sol had learned through five years of friendship. He knew she liked him but the only problem Sol had was not knowing if he himself liked her back.

Sure she was tolerable as she never wore a mask like other humans but was always true to herself, but he just didn't know. Emotions were something he would never get used to and Sol was sure he would never be able to truly understand them in his life.

"So did you finish your homework?" Sophie asked after a few minutes, signaling to Sol that five minutes had passed by.

"Yeah, chemistry isn't that hard." Sol said as he pulled it out, getting the papers ready as the teacher always collected them right at the beginning of class.

"As expected." Sophie nodded before she leaned over and whispered. "Do you mind if I just take a glance at it for a second?"

Sol looked at her before he slowly set the papers back into his bag.

"Please Please Please! Pretty Please!" Sophie started begging.

Sol couldn't help but sigh once again. "No, you should have studied."

Sophie had her mouth wide open before she started laid her head on her desk, grumbling. "I'm doomed…."

Seeing this, Sol smirked before he pulled out the homework he had just put into his bag and threw it onto Sophie's desk.

Sophie looked shocked at this before she smiled, bowing her head down to her knees. "Thank you so much Sol! Thank you thank you thank you!"

"Quiet down. You have three minutes to copy as much as you can before class starts so you better hurry up." Sol said as he leaned back in his seat.

With the sounds of intense scribbling, Sophie finished in record time with thirty seconds to spare on the clock. Sol took the papers back and soon the bell rang, everyone was in their seats waiting for the teacher but this was strange.

Sol knew his chemistry teacher was always on time to class, but today he wasn't here. If it the teacher was so sick that the class needed to have a substitute, the other teacher would have been here earlier. As Sol thought about this, the doors opened and in came the chemistry teacher in his usual suit.

He had on a white dress shirt with a green tie and black dress pants and tennis shoes but everything about him was a mess. His shirt was only tucked in his pants in some areas, his shoes were on opposite sides and his tie wasn't even tied. For the mister perfect teacher, this wasn't something you would find him wearing at all in any time of the year or day.

Only this wasn't the only change as there were also physical changes to the teachers body. His skin was pale, just like snow and his eyes were yellow. Not just his irises but his sclera that surrounded his irises and encompassed most of his eyeball. His mouth was slightly open and his canines were larger than normal as well as his finger nails being longer and sharper. Most of the class would have thought that he was playing a joke on them but the teacher was never really a joker and the feeling he gave off felt wrong.

"Mr. Brune… Are you ok?" A student asked as she was worried.

The teacher stayed silent even though his eyes drifted over to the girl who had spoken. He seemed to look like he was going to speak until Sol felt a strange sensation coming from the teacher.

Ever since Sol had been a child, he had a special ability that no one else had and almost no one knew of. He was able to sense other people when they were within ten meters of his body, he was also able to sense their intentions too. Not only this but he was also able to tell if someone was feeling sad, happy, angry, greedy, jealous, when they lied or told the truth and finally, if they wanted to kill someone.

And the teacher was currently oozing killing intent.

Within a second after the killing intent appeared, the teacher jumped over and pounced on the girl with an inhuman speed. The girl screamed but suddenly choked as the teacher had bitten into her neck, her jugular artery to be exact. Everyone in the room backed off from this event, just staring silently as the girl's breaths and screams got weaker.

Sophie who was staring at this tugged on Sol's sleeve with worry in her eyes. "Sol help her!"

Sol frowned before he quickly walked over and pulled his teacher off of the girl, throwing the tall man across the room. Everyone was shocked as Sol who was only about five feet and eight inches tall threw a man who was over six feet tall with quite some power.

After Sol threw the teacher across the room, the teacher hissed which brought confusion to Sol before he had to dodge the pouncing teacher. The killing intent only multiplied after his act of saving the girl and with the danger still present, Sol decided to end it with a lethal method.

As the teacher got up once more and started charging with his arms held high, Sol grabbed him and threw him out of the class. As for how the teacher flew out of the class, Sol had thrown him out of the window. Since the class was on the second floor, everyone gasped as they ran over to see what had happened to the teacher.

Outside of the broken window on the ground laid their teacher who was still. Everyone turned over to Sol with wide eyes as one student pointed at him. "You killed him!"

"I did what I had to do." Sol said before walking over to the girl who was still on the floor.

Crouching down, Sol noted that her skin was now also snow white like the teacher. On her neck were two holes that should have been bleeding, but it wasn't. After a few seconds, the girl opened her eyes and Sol was shocked at what he saw.

Her eyes that should have been brown and her sclera that should have been white were now yellow, and this could only mean that she was about to become whatever the teacher was, and Sol didn't like it as the teacher was far faster and stronger than an average human.

Being a kid who had learned how to fight and even win against master martial artists, Sol knew how strong a human could get. His teacher was stronger than some fighters he had fought before and Sol was sure that the man had never trained a day in his life.

"What happened?" The girl asked in a raspy voice as her breathing became heavier and heavier.

Sol ignored her question as he turned to Sophie and walked over. Despite being shocked at the events that had just transpired, she didn't really have any negative opinions of Sol at the moment. Though she was just confused and conflicted as to what to feel about her best friend killing another person.

"We need to go." Sol said as he stared into Sophie's eyes with a serious expression.

"....ok." Sophie answered.

The student body president who was in his class saw this and frowned as he ran over and blocked the door. "You aren't going anywhere you murderer. Wait until the cops show up and then you can leave, to jail."

"Looks like I have to be forceful with you." Sol said with a glare.

In an instant, Sol's right hand clasped around the neck of the student body president and raised his body into the air. The students in the class all looked on in shock, some even bringing out their phones to record. Some students even had their phones out since the beginning when the teacher appeared.

After Sol looked around the room, he turned back to the student president and spoke. "I've put up with your bullshit long enough, don't bother me and you won't die."

Throwing the student aside, Sol reached for the door but then a scream rang out. Turning around to the girl, Sol found her biting a students neck. Knowing this situation was getting bad and seeing as Sol didn't know who else was like that student in the school, he wanted to get out fast.

"Let's go." Sol said as he grabbed Sophie's hand.

Sophie was still confused about what was happening, just like all the other students. Why did their teacher attack a student, why did Sol kill their teacher, how Sol was so strong and why did the girl bite into another student. Luckily the one thing she did understand was that being by Sol's side would make her safe since he was strong.

Walking into the halls, Sol noticed that many of the rooms were getting louder. Screaming and yells for help were all that could be heard.

"Did all of the teachers become like this? If so, how?" Sol thought to himself as he dragged Sophie with him.

Knowing that many students would try to leave this school as those things were attacking and biting into them, Sol decided to go to the back exit. Many students naturally escaped from a building from the front, so there would be less people in the back of the school.

Taking a flight of stairs down to ground level, Sol's guess was correct and soon the duo was running through the neighborhood that full of chaos. Some people were pale like snow and some others were running as well, still being chased down.

"Where are we going Sol?!" Sophie asked as she looked at the chaos.

"My house." Sol said nothing more as they continued running, Sophie becoming exhausted after a few more seconds of running.

"I can't run anymore." Sophie said as she started to slow down, her breaths becoming heavier than before.

Sol frowned and picked her up in a bridal carry before he ran at an even quicker pace. At the speed Sol was running, he would be at his house within two minutes. Sophie couldn't help but look at Sol as he kept on running without any loss of breath. Becoming more curious about Sol as he had shown so many things that weren't normal.

His strength, his speed, his fighting ability and now his endurance.

"What do you think happened to Mr. Brune?" Sophie asked as she looked at Sol.

"I don't know." Sol answered.

Sophie thought for a while, the white skin, the yellow eyes, the fangs and the nails. After a moment, she finally spoke her thoughts. "Maybe our teacher was a vampire? That would explain his looks and why the girl also looked the same and started attacking after being bitten."

Sol took a moment to think before he answered. "Maybe."

He had seen many things that seemed magical in nature but they could all be explained using science. Things like vampires, Sol figured it might be a virus or disease that made people this way, just like rabies made people think they those infected were possessed. It could even be a variation of rabies but then again, when did rabies ever give people or animals superhuman strength and speed.

"We're here." Sol said as he approached a small house.

Unlocking the door and entering the small building, Sophie glanced around. The room was bare with no decorations at all, no couch, no tv and no pictures. Following Sol, she wondered how long he had lived here and why it was so empty.

Then she wondered and asked. "Where are your parents?"

"Dead." Sol didn't even flinch as he said this, opening another door that lead to the basement.

Walking down some stairs, Sophie found a metal door and a combination lock. This made her raise her eyebrow before Sol entered the six digits. Sliding open, Sol entered and Sophie had wide eyes as weapons and armors of all kinds were displayed.

"Are you a ninja or something?" Sophie asked as she looked around.

There were katana blades of all sizes, scythes, shields, maces, bows, arrows, armor, suits of all kinds and then a massive amount of guns and food. This room looked like it was a movie setting, but considering Sol was never a movie geek and looked serious, Sophie knew everything was probably real.

"Put this on, it's my old suit." Sol said as he grabbed a skin tight black suit and threw it to Sophie before grabbing a larger one for himself.

The suit was black in color, smooth to the feel but also quite heavy and thick, being thinner only around the joints. Then there was the mask that covered the entire head and face with goggles covering the eyes.

"What is this?" Sophie asked after prodding the suit.

Sol glanced over before he answered. "It's a dyneema fiber suit, seventeen times stronger than steel and about two times stronger than kevlar. It also has the property to stretch, it's breathable yet waterproof, blade proof, and bullet proof. It'll keep you warm in cold climates and cool in hot climates as well as filter poison gas and allow you to breath underwater for a limited time."

Sol then started stripping in front of Sophie which made her naturally cover her eyes before she noticed the scars all over his body. There were gunshot wounds, long and deep scars running all around his body as well as smaller ones. Sol didn't have any spot on his body that wasn't wounded except for his face and hands.

"Why would you need all of these things?" Sophie asked again as she didn't understand how someone in a peaceful era could be so physically scarred at the age of seventeen.

Sol was silent for a second before he brushed the question. "Later."

Sophie nodded before she blushed, now now understanding that she would need to get naked to wear the suit. Slowly but surely, Sophie removed her shirt, shorts and shoes to put on the super suit. After she was done, the mask hanged from the back of her neck as she looked at Sol.

His now visible muscles were revealed as the suit covered his entire body except for his head as it also hung loosely behind his neck. Lost in thought, Sophie didn't even realize that Sol already but on his normal clothing, now also wearing gloves.

"I'll give you a knife and a five seven handgun since it has the least amount of recoil out of the weapons in this room. Using any other gun, and you'll most likely drop the weapon or break something." Sol said as he passed over a shoulder holster with the gun and knife already on it.

Sophie nervously looked at the weapons before she clumsily put it on. Everything on her felt heavy, different from her normal light clothing she was used to.

Sol on the other hand grabbed a larger holster with two custom made handguns. The two guns were black in color and were larger than normal, almost like a python but with a thicker barrel. All of the guns in the room were designed to be silent but these two weapons were even more than normal for him. The power behind the bullets were also quite strong and the magazine clip could hold twenty bullets.

After this was done, Sol strapped on a holster behind his waist that would hold magazines and two thigh holsters that would hold blades on his body. Two thigh blade holsters held four kunai knives on each leg and the magazine holder held six magazines, in total Sol had one hundred and twenty bullets on him. Checking all of his weapons over one more time, Sol walked over to a black jacket before putting his mask and jacket on.

"You look kind of scary you know." Sophie remarked after watching Sol finish getting his weapons ready.

"That's the point." Sol answered in a deep and mechanical voice.

Walking over, Sol took out the gun from her holster easily before he released the safety and handed the weapon back.

Pointing over to the manikin, Sol said one word. "Shoot."

Sophie looked at Sol and then to the dummy before raising her hands up. "I don't think i'll be shooting people any time soon Sol. Plus, aren't guns loud."

"These weapons are all made to be silent, some more than others so it won't be loud. If the rate of, infection is as fast as what I think, then you'll have to kill someone soon. If not to save your own life then to save someone else. I know you so you will try." Sol said before he pointed once more to the manikin. "Now shoot."

Sophie understood this but she still didn't know how loud or even if she was going to use the gun so she was nervous. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god."

As the trigger was pressed, the gun recoil but not enough so that the gun flew away. Sol helped fix her posture before he pointed once again and she shot the gun. After finishing a magazine of fifteen bullets, Sophie was getting used to shooting.

"It's not good but it isn't bad, the gun is now yours. Don't lose it and make every shot count." Sol said and Sophie nodded.

Sol replaced her magazine and handed her a magazine holster with two of them. Seeing that Sophie was already winded from the weight of the equipment, Sol didn't want to add anymore weight to her body.

Sol and Sophie then walked out of the basement armory and locked the doors. Sol put on his hood and Sophie rolled up her mask and helmet. Despite the goggles being black, the world looked the same but even clearer.

"The goggles allow you to see in the dark, see hear and see far into the distance with a press of a button." Sol said as he pointed at the buttons in front of the ear. "The top one is normal vision, the next one is night vision, the third is infrared vision and the last one allows you to zoom in like a camera."

Sophie nodded but before they could leave the house, Sophie grabbed Sols sleeve.

"Really, why do you have all of these things?" Sophie asked.

Sol looked at her, his expression not visible due to the mask so Sophie had no idea what he was thinking. She could only imagine his normally stoic expression as he answered her. "I worked for the government, and then I was taken in by my master."

"Master?" Sophie whispered.

She wanted to ask Sol more about his life but before she could, she suddenly remembered her own family. "Oh my god!"

Sol looked at her before he spoke. "Just remembered your family?"

"How did you know?!" Sophie asked as she felt worried.

"You've stuck around me long enough for me to learn a lot about you." Sol said before he closed his eyes.

Usually when Sol wasn't concentrating, he was able to sense every living being within ten meters but when he focused. This range of ten meters became fifty meters and using this, Sol could tell if the outside was safe or not. It was also the reason he was still alive today in this world.

Within seconds, Sol could feel life around him. There were a couple people with a stronger life energy, also known as qi than others, the vampires had a stronger source of this energy for some reason, about two times more than normal humans and rivaling his own. Not only this but their energy was more dense and powerful. Sol was lucky that these vampires didn't know how to use this energy or else it would have been bad.

As for why Sol was sensing the life energy of other around him, he wanted to sense the area around him to see if there were any humans left. Sadly, it seemed like all of these humans were turned into vampires.

"Where does your mother and father work?" Sol asked Sophie after he was finished.

Sophie thought for a second before she answered. "My dad works at a paint shop at the new mall and my mom works at a company office job downtown. As for my twin sisters, they go to Blue Elementary."

Sol nodded but had a frown as all of these places had a large population. The mall might be less busy due to the time being only nine but it was still dangerous. Sophie's mother worked in a company building which meant it would be harder to go there and save her. There could be a whole double digit or more number of vampires.

As for her twin sisters, Sol found that this would most likely be the best place to go to for now since kids who might've been turned wouldn't have that much power. At least this was what he hoped and after making this decision, he told Sophie of his plans.

"That works but how are we going to get there? It's an hour away from your house." Sophie wondered but was soon answered as they entered the small garage,

In the room was a black custom car that was similar in design to a Ford GT500 but was entirely different internally. The engine was more powerful and had more miles per gallon of gas. The frame was made of a gold titanium alloy and everything was bullet proof from the body to the glass to the wheels.

"Can you drive?" Sophie asked as she quite liked this car, feeling it's body.

"Yes." Sol answered, touching the car.

The car unlocked and turned alive but with no sound at all. The engine started when Sol touched the car with his pinky, middle and thumb finger. A special way to start the car as well as open the door and only he was able to do this unless he registered someone into the cars system.

Getting into the car along with Sophie, the garage opened and he drove out with little noise. The garage closed and the car sped up quickly. Traffic wasn't so bad but there were still cars and turned humans around, which Sol just drove over.

"What if the government can turn them back into humans?" Sophie asked as she watched a lady get run over.

"Then i'll decide what to do at that time." Sol answered normally.

Sophie silently watched as Sol plowed through the cars and people alike with no remorse. While this situation was strange and she now knew that Sol could kill her easily, she also knew that he was her only hope for saving her family. She was sure that Sol understood this well too but was now confused.

Sol hated helping others but now he was helping her which was strange. He was contradicting what he always said and was helping Sophie save her family. People he didn't even know nor cared about for no reason at all.

"Maybe he….." Sophie blushed the thought appeared before she silently returned to worry.

New story and hopefully better than the last, since I kind of have a plan for this one.

Fantasy1overcreators' thoughts