

Ichiru goes back to his own office, not sure what to say or even feel. Yes, he was jealous of his brother but he didn't want it to end this way. He knew that Zero had no choice, that this was set from the beginning. He knew it was going to come along time ago. He just wasn't happy about it or sure how Zero would let it go down. He just knew that Alexa would be the one to really suffer in the end. Ichiru knew how much she loved his brother. That life without Zero would never be the same for her.

Zero was offering his life to him, giving him, his wife and son, if he could get them to go with him. Would Alexa go for this? Or would she stay in her real life? Ichiru wasn't sure, which she would pick. He knew she loved his brother more than anything in this world or even the universe. He didn't want the fact that he looked exactly like him to be the only reason, she would stay. He did know it would have something to do with it though. That bothered him a lot. He didn't want to be seen as Zero, he wanted her to see him for himself. He cared very deeply for her, wanting to give her everything that Zero couldn't from the start. They were best friends for ten years, he just wasn't sure if their relationship could grow even more, or be blocked by Zero.

He did wish his brother would do it in a different way, letting things end where it should. Not going back in time. That way Alexa would have the closure, she needed. Still being Zero's wife, staying in their home and everything remaining the same. Just Zero didn't want it that way. He wanted to give her back everything, he took away from her. Knowing that it hurt her to let go of some things. Now she wouldn't have to, and if she did, it would be because she really wanted to. Not because she was pushed into it, to be with him.

Zero always wondered if leaving her home, and even her husband was something she really wanted or something she was thrown into. All this happening way to fast. Something that both of them thought would never really be. After all, it was supposed to be just a dream. Not something that turned into reality and got them to where they were.

Zero sat at his desk, watching Alexa work at hers all day. Watching everything she did, knowing the time was running close. He watched, how she interacted with the clients that would come in, how kind she would be to them.

He paid more attention to how she would kiss him and want to be close to him. Even after all these years, it never changed. He would smile at watching her, knowing he would miss her tons. Just knowing he had no choice. He just hoped with what he was doing, she would be happy in the end. With neither of them having any regrets.

It might have been a short time but Zero was happy. The happiest he ever has been. He knew that had to do with everything, Alexa gave to him. Everything he never had in his manga/anime life. It was hard for him to let go of this world, of this life. He was finally where he wanted to be, yet he couldn't stay. He just choked it up to be, that's how life goes. He was glad that for at least the last ten years, he was with someone who wanted him and only him. Someone who would do anything to make him happy. He just hoped that in the end, beneath all the pain, he did the same for her.

The next few weeks Zero stays very close to Alexa, being everything and more, she ever wanted. Even taken time off work to be together alone. Making sure, he tells her how much he loves her and appreciates her and everything she ever did for him. He wants to make sure, he didn't miss a thing. Making love to her more often than ever before, just so the thought would stay in each other's minds. Doing his best to have no regrets. Also keeping her as close to him as he could.

Zero also spends time with his son and mother and father. Knowing he would never see any of them ever again. It hurt him deeply to know this, its why he didn't want to share this with Alexa. If him knowing hurt this much, for her to know would kill her. It's not what he wanted, their last days to be. He didn't want them filled with dread and gloom. He wanted her filled with happiness and love just like she wanted to give to him.

His mother and father knew the truth, they were very low and hurt. It was killing them to have to give up their son. They also had the choice of staying or leaving and they chose to leave. Feeling the hurt would be too much. They also knew they were not supposed to be in this world. The way Zero was going to set everything back, they wanted no part of. They would be starting without him, yet his memory and the time would stay with them. They couldn't see doing that. They had a great ten years of being human and real. They had no regrets either. They didn't want to leave Ichiru but they knew that if he went back, they still wouldn't be together, as they were all dead.

They knew he didn't want to let go, he was happy being a human. Happy working at there agency. He would be the only Kiryu except for ZJ to remain here. Their name and life would live on.

Ichiru couldn't leave even if he wanted to, that would mean he would leave Alexa willingly. Zero had no choice, where Ichiru did. It was coming up, in the manga where Zero's death would take place, that meant he died here, and there. His time was up. Where for Ichiru and his parents they were already dead in the manga, so they would get to remain here and live out there life normally. Just his parents choose to go to, and Ichiru chose to stay.

Poor Zero even got screwed with that. Ichiru just laughs as he sees that his brother's life, no matter where always screwed him. In one way or another. He saw there was nothing to be jealous of, even though he had a great family he had to leave it. Then thinking at least he had it, where he never did. He just hoped that things would turn out well in the end. He just wasn't so sure. This would be a lot for them to get used to. He knew Alexa would be hurt and in pain. Would she grow to love him? Or stay in the past where she was supposed to be?


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Denise_M_creators' thoughts