
Vampire King In Legacies

Guy dies and gets reincarnated with 6 wishes into the world of the originals by the One Above All Warning: I DONT OWN ANYTHING IN THIS FANFIC. AND IF YOU DONT LIKE RIDICULOUSLY OVERPOWERED MC THIS AINT FOR YOU CUZ.

RealHybrid · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs


Hope, Silver, and Rafael were sneaking out of the school when Alaric came up behind them. Hope didn't want to bring Rafael and wanted to take care of it herself but Silver convinced her to bring him. They already took the keys from Alaric's office and were already heading out but he showed up, unfortunately.

Alaric: " Going somewhere?" He said before looking at Hope's hand which had his keys.

Alaric: " Better question, where the hell do you think you all are going with my keys and without telling me?"

Silver: " Uhm, camping, yep," He said getting a quick nod from Hope and Rafael.

Hope: " Yep just wanted to go camping"

Rafael: " Yeah I was also just going to camp with them."

Alaric: " At 3 am with the car keys. None of you are going out, plus you're ditching school for some kind of reason right before the midterm exams. So tell me why I shouldn't suspend all of you this very second?"

Silver: " Uhm...Hope?" He asked looking at Hope for help. Hope then sighed before showing her magic watch which was glowing.

Alaric: " And what is that?"

Hope: " A supernatural compass in a nutshell."

Alaric: " So?"

Silver: " So that means if it's glowing that Landon is in trouble and we are going to get him"

Alaric: " *sigh* Then we are going and I'm driving."

Silver: " You know I can drive right?"

Alaric: " I know, I just don't trust you with my car."

Before it all started and what I mean is before Landon called Hope for help with the watch, he was searching for his mother using the information Hope gave him. He ended up in Kansas where he found a coffee shop with a woman who looked exactly like in the picture he had. Ever since then, he had been visiting the shop every day for a week. Eventually, he introduced himself as Landon when she asked for his name, to write on the cup of coffee for him to go order. She told him that it was a beautiful name, to which he responded by saying that she gave it to him while handing her the picture of her holding Landon when he was a baby.

Meanwhile, Alaric was driving while Rafael sat in the front seat and Hope and Silver sat in the back. Alaric was asking all sorts of questions about school for their upcoming exams but Silver answered all of them correctly making Alaric barely able to finish his sentences.

Back at Landon's side, Seilah brought him to her house where he ate a sandwich and also gave her dog some. He was looking around for a little until he saw a weird anubian urn. Something was drawing him to it but just when he picked it up, Seilah spooked him by saying not to touch it. He put it down carefully trying not to break it before asking about not knowing Seilah's life story at all. Seilah took out a dessert from the oven and apologizing to Landon about how harsh his life has been but while they were talking, her dog started to lose her breath before going unconcious. Landon started to worry before Seilah asked him if he fed her from the table. He responded saying only a little bit but he didn't think it would do this. Seilah told him to relax and that the drugs will wear off soon. He started to feel dizzy and also started to lose consciousness and fell on the floor but not before pressing his watch and completey losing consciousness.

Alaric arrived at the place where the watch was pointing at. But just before he could say anything about a plan, Silver interrupted.

Silver: " This isn't the right place."

Alaric: " How do you know?"

Silver: " Because I don't smell his scent here"

Rafael: " What do you mean?"

Silver: " You're a wolf, use your senses." He said making Rafael close his eyes and focus on his sense of smell. He concentrated on how everything smelled, and how Landon smelled and his eyes shot open.

Silver: " You found something right?"

Rafael: " I think so, Landon's scent is a couple of blocks away."

Alaric: " Okay tell me where to drive"

Landon woke up tied in a chair when he started to panic because of his phobia. He started to yell out Seilah's name before she walked out from behind him. When he saw her, he started to beg her to release him since he didn't do well in captivity. She started to ask who he really was and eventually he told her everything about the Salvatore school and the supernaturals in it. Suddenly, the lights went out and Seilah told Landon that they're here and that they followed him before going out of the room sneakily. Landon was confused about who they were but he was also nervous that he was still tied in a chair so he called for her to cut him loose but no reply was heard. The stairs then started creaking and an ugly ass monster was walking weirdly down the stairs. It arrived in front of Landon who was kinda disgusted but it then opened its mouth but before it could go further, Seilah sliced its head cleanly with her katana.

Alaric was driving with the directions Rafael was giving when they saw some workers at a house where the road was partly blocked off. Everyone stepped out of the car and walked towards the house a little but someone from the workers approached them first.

???: " Hey can I help you?"

Alaric: " Yeah i hope so. Whats going on here?"

???: " Gasleak, don't worry though we have it under control. You wouldn't happen to know who lives here would you? We tried knocking but no ones home." He said looking weirdly at Silver for a second who staring at him with a frown.

Hope: " We're looking for-"

Alaric: " The highway! See we are lost and saw you guys so we thought we might ask for some directions" He said cutting off Hope.

???: " At the end of the road, you make a right, cant miss it"

Alaric: " Cool, thanks. Lets go guys and one girl" He said before they walked to the car and got in.

Hope: " Do you think they know about Landon?"

Silver: " Not sure, his heart rate was weird though."

Alaric: " What do you mean?"

Rafael: " Its like he was too calm"

Silver: " Well someone is learning fast"

Alaric: " Well all we know is one thing. We have to find him before anyone else does"

Landon and Seilah arrived at a motel to stay for the night or a while and got into their room. Landon was asking questions almost non stop while Seilah answered them one by one. Eventually she asked him if he had a girlfriend.

Landon: " No...I don't "

Seilah: " A girl you like?"

L: " I guess you could say that, but it turns out she has a boyfriend, who is a vampire that has something called a mate bond with her."

Seilah: " Well damn. That really complicates things. But hey, there are plenty of girls who would love to be with someone like you."

Before Landon could respond to her comforting words, she sensed someone approaching the door and told Landon to hide.

In the next second the door suddenly burst open leaving the lock broken.

Ric entered through the door with his crossbow in hand while cautiously looking around.

He took a few steps into the room before he felt a gun pointed to his neck from the side.

Seilah: " Who the hell are you?"

Ric slowly lowered his crossbow but when Seilah tried to move to the front of Ric, she realized she couldn't move an inch.

Silver: " Don't worry Ric, she's paralyzed. And this is why I told you to wait."

Three other people entered the room in the next second, these people being Rafael, Hope and Silver.

Rafael then suddenly marched inside and called out for Landon.

A moment after, Landon revealed himself to be hiding in the bathroom behind the curtains.

They hugged each other in the next before Alaric spoke.

Ric: " Hate to ruin the reunion but who is she?"

Landon: " Oh she's good. She's...my mom."

Everyone looked at him for a moment before she could finally move again.

With her being released, she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

Seilah: " So you must be the supernatural kids from the school huh?"

After that event, she explained about her experience with Malivore and how she worked for Triad Industries.

She left right after out of the room while Hope and Silver also left to give Rafael and Landon some time together.

Ric however went after Seilah to get some more answers since he knew she was hiding something.

That's when she told him about how she got pregnant and the rest of her story while Hope and Silver were getting some snacks.

After telling Ric her entire story, she left with her car while Ric went to tell Landon the entire story.

A few minutes passed with Landon trying to understand the situation when something broke the bathroom door open.

It was ugly and fishlike. Alaric thought it to be some kind of merman.

Hearing the commotion from this room, Hope and Silver entered and upon seeing this monster, Hope casted a spell making it fly back into bathroom while the door was closed tight.

After closing the monster in the bathroom, Hope came up with a plan to put the watch she gave to Landon into the Anubis artifact they discovered the monster was after.

Ric reluctantly going along with the plan, they eventually followed the monster to a company called Triad Industries.

They broke in through the hole the monster had already made.

Walking towards the building, they saw the monster standing still before it suddenly blew up via a landmine making the others unconscious except for Silver who was unaffected.

Everyone later woke up not remembering why they were there except Silver of course.

Alaric decided to take Landon to the school so he had a place to live.

INSTAGRAM: @officialrealhybrid