
vampire high

Mercy_Richard · Teenager
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8 Chs

Chapter 5

Summer got home , sending a text to Sean who didn't reply.

she knew that he didn't check who it was so she laid on her bed thinking of Sky and also asking herself if she really feel for him, she still couldn't believe it.

She picked up her phone again and dialed Sean number then he picked, " hey my queen " he greeted.

" why didn't you respond to my text ?"

" sorry dear I didn't see it "

" that was because you didn't check " she scolded.

" that's true "

" don't you dare that again "

" I won't but did you call me to scold me „

" I called to ask you something "

" am all ears go on "

" when you are jealous how do you feel, I mean what are the signs "

" who are you jealous of ?" Sean asked

" I asked you first " she screamed over the phone.

" OK, you will always frown and maybe not like that person "

" hmm, how is Michelle ? "

" I don't know "

" that's your problem, f**k off my phone " she said before hanging up.

She ran into the bathroom to bath when she remembered she was going to meet Kassia in restaurant "

she quickly dressed up and left the house ,getting to the restaurant she went in.

Just then she heard her name, " Summer am over here " she turned to where the voice came from and walked closer.

" how are Kassia " she asked as she sat down.

" fine and you? "

" am doing well thanks "

" OK " she said with a smile, a waitress came and took their orders before leaving.

" Kassia I will like to know more about you "

" OK, my name is Kassia as you know am 16 lover of music just like you am single, wait am a little crazy "

" I know I can see that " she said and they both giggled.

just then the waitress brought their orders, " so how many siblings do you have? "

" one, she's 3 years older than me "

" is she single "

" yeah after a break up that almost took her life " she said and slowly chewed the vegetables.

" same with mine, can you tell me yours then I tell you mine "

" well my sister met this guy at school and they started dating but she never knew he was a cheat, until she realized that he was dating her bestie who also knew this same guy was her best friends boyfriend so my sister gave up on their relationship, she cried for days till she became so sick that we had to take her to the hospital "

" that so bad, mine sister also met this guy at school, she always ignored him but he kept pressing to be with her, so they became friends and later lovers my mom knew him so did my dad, this love was like forever those who saw them believed so but it was different " she took a deep breath.

"she broke my dads rule which was keeping her virginity which she gave to him "

" that's worst " Kassia exclaimed.

" yeah "

" do you parents know "

" no, that's a secret we can't tell, we dont want my dad to know or he will broken "

" that's true " they kept discussing as they ate.

Antonio walked in with his friends walking beside him then his eyes caught Kassia and Summer and he made his way towards them.

" hey ladies " he greeted.

they both raised their heads while Kassia hissed and turned her face.

" what's up Antonio "

" am well "

" I was about leaving see you tomorrow " Summer stood up picked up her bag and left the restaurant .

Kassia kept quiet for a while before leaving too.

. *

Sean looked through the window while he kept thinking of Michelle, it hasn't been easy cause it wasn't easy telling girls he liked them .

you could find him working or fixing one thing or the other, he tries keeping himself busy.

Michelle and him had attended the same school and she sometimes visited with her family when it was holidays.

she didn't live far from them but he never checked on her , he will hold his phone and stare at her number contemplating whether or not to call her.

He sighed and looked at his bed all he could do was think of why he just couldn't tell her he likes her