
Vampire high: Human is not allowed.

Proofreading and continuation by December 2022 Please don't read till then... "Who- what the hell are you?" Nicole trembled, she knew she was trending on a dangerous path, for she was the only one here with him and if she screamed for help no one would come. "What am I? Seriously Nicole I feel you already know the answer to that question." *** Mary Hills is a small town in Pennsylvania, where everyone lives in peace and harmony with no threat of the supernatural. But before this, there was an incident 200 years ago that still makes the people fear, of an evil that may come. Vampires ventured into the town and fed on their blood until some Vampire hunters came to set things right. Vampires were made to go into hiding forever and they became an animate tales for children of nowadays. Nicole Ellsworth, a girl with tainted reputation after a long break from school, decides to resume back to school and pretend everything is normal. But she knows something is different with the present of a new circle of friends, Countess, Marmony, Samuel, Lewis and Nicholas. From their ivory skins to the weird menu lists and outlandish personalities to the strange disappearance of students in school. Gracie and her best friend, Tori are bend over finding out who they really are.

Queen_Leti · Fantasie
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118 Chs

Chapter one {Every Angel’s broken wings}I

Every Monday was always an exceptional day, different from every other day of the week. Monday was special everywhere, apparently the same in this small town called Mary Hills?

Monday had everyone out their butts, working to bring the best. Children kissing their parent's bye for the adventure ahead, workers making sure they were on time at work.

"Good Morning, Uncle Evans... Be prepared- my Nona will come, a mishap came for her flowers during the last storm."Nicole wheezed as the wind rushed down her throat, tempting the entire bologna sandwich she chomped earlier to stream out.

Before the bald man in green collar shirt could turn from the clothes he was putting a perk on, Nicole already fled, catching up with the yellow school bus labeled Mary Hills High.

"It came for my roof too." The man said softly, since the girl couldn't hear for she was already in the moving bus and it was evidently true, half of red roof the house he stood before, had its body curved, shifted on top of the other side.

It was great that she had informed him so he could make her Nona's reservation.

Nicole laughed in relief and joy as she settled at the tail seat of the bus, fortunately, she was the first person in the place, so it all to her before any interruption for other student on the road.

She sat uprightly and arranged her cluttered hair orderly, pushing every golden strand out of her face.

She groaned at a particular stage of kinkiness, "C'mon!" Sometimes, her hair twist into some exasperatingly striking ringlets which she despised.

When giggles started embodying the vicinity, Nicole got the hint that people were filling up the empty seats and they were drawing near to school. Her heart bit fast as she brushed her hair back in a concealed manner.

She made a speedy search for her ear plugs in her bag before the buzzing of their condemnation and put it on while she played some song for the collections on her phone, one of her Jhene Aiko's jam.

She stared out from the window, at multiples of trees dashing in a rhythm. That way, she was hidden from their condemnation.

But not totally, as some threw on her way sneer and scornful looks, they smashed their faces on each other's ear and whispered, "She's back."

"Did she really come back after that?"

Good enough for Nicole the music was loud to clear off the gossip as her eagerness to start seeing the gate of the school and scurry off the bus increased.

But for a moment her mind traveled to her last memory with school, moments with her best friend, Aimee Beaumont. Aimee has been really helpful ever since she had to stay home, she usually records the teachers' lectures and send it to her…

A gasp escaped Nicole's lips as she felt the heaviness of something splashed on her face and she knew it was definitely not good. The thing slipped down her face, dropping on her lap, a bright yellow banana peel sat on her red uniform skirt.

She removed the plug from her ear in rage and glared up at the boys with red face, their laughter echoed. Nicole recognized some of them from her last class before her departure, including the girls who hid their chortles behind their covered mouth with their hands.

"Choke on it, bitch."

Nicole foamed in anger, as she knew nothing could be done. They are bunch of bullies who found pleasure in tormenting losers like her and some of them were in the basketball team, she hated all of them in the basketball team.

As soon as the bus came to a stop and gave shift for everyone to step out, Nicole flung her purple anime backpack behind her and bounced out, neglecting the rebound mockery. She regulated her panting when a fresh air blew her face, stimulating a mild smile at the tips of her lips.

While scanning the environment and some boys deliberately brushing her shoulder off just to piss her, she glared at their skulls as they moved on in her front.

Only if she had super powers like one of those fantasy supernatural-horror romance novel she does read, their skulls would be under her feet as a footstool.


Turning to the source of the noise, her facial expression softens as she recognized the person, "Aimee" said Nicole softly.

"Is that really you, oh my, you're finally back!" The girl in short hair and skirt ran her way into her arms and cradled her in a bear hug.

Nicole grunted in a happy way.

"I- think-I need to breathing-" She stuttered breathlessly as her whole body had been felt like a bread squeezed in a toaster.

"Oh!" Aimee hopped back, acknowledging the fact that she was killing someone's child.

"I'm elated you finally show up!" It seemed so hard for Aimee to stop shouting at the top of her voice while she talks to her best friend she was so excited to see back.

Nicole rolled her eyes. Why was Aimee pretending like she didn't affirm to her few days ago that she would be coming back to school? "You're been dramatic."

"I don't care, my motherfucking best bitch back, hehe." Aimee giggled, then proceeded to check Nicole out with their hands interlocked.

Many things had changed about her body, she appeared thinner and that made her look taller, in some way fairer. A little bit too pale with her skin, feeling soft in her hands and some circle of bags under her eyes which was noticeable. She'd not get to rest on her break, even though, it was supposed to be a break from the world.

"Oh gwad, you look pale, isn't it supposed to be four weeks break for you?" Aimee sounded sad.

"Hen, more like a mental break but I had fun and look at you." Nicole covered up with a turn to her best friend as she twirled her while examining her.

The case was obviously different on the good side of Aimee, she was shining. Her perfect olive skin matched accurately with the season and everything about her was like a blossoming flower. Her once long red hair that Nicole used to be familiar with was now replaced with short bob slashed by a side parting, the color of her glossy lips still matched that of her hair.

Nicole was not surprise but Aimee sent a pic after she got the haircut.

Just then, Nicole noticed the pattern of her skirt.

"Your skirt." She mentioned.

"Oh," Aimee looked down at her red pleated shirt, she forgot Nicole saw her last in the straight one.

"It's for Ave." She made clear.

"Ave?" Nicole repeated in confusion.


A bell bonged out of the blues, calling both their attention as all students hurried in through a foot-high main door.

Aimee swiveled back to Nicole, "You'd not forget our assemblies, do you?"

Nicole nodded her head, showing that she still remembered the hot morning tea of lectures they all had on Monday mornings before normal activities. The duo stepped in and walked through the corridor that led to the basketball court.

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