
Vampire: Heart's desire of a Werewolf

AArya07 · Urban
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15 Chs

Mischievous Friend

" Ring, ring, ring... " the sound of the phone tore through his ear and into his nightmarish dream. He looked at the clock. It was almost 1 o'clock. 

"Who the hell is calling me at this time? "he muttered. 

He picked up the call. It was the same, his old mischievous friend, Rohan. 

Jack asked " Why are you calling me at this hour?Anything urgent. Can't you wait for the morning? " 

Rohan replied " No! I can't wait otherwise it will be so late. Don't you heard," whatever you have to do, do it now or it will be too late. " 

Jack got annoyed and said " Stop playing with me. If you don't have to say anything, I hang up the call. " 

"No, no! Wait. Actually I tried a lot but I couldn't prepare my presentation and day after tomorrow, i have to present it. So, can you mail me yours? " 

" Rohan, you could have call me tomorrow also. Why did you butt in now? "he got annoyed. 

Jack hung up the phone and slept again. 

In the morning, he woke up little late, freshened up and went for a walk to the river side. Since it was Sunday, there was no any super demanding, no rushing to get ready for the college. There was heaviness in his head. It was because of dream that caused him great fear while sleeping. He tried hard to remember the dream but he couldn't. 

He came back at about eight o'clock.He had his breakfast. 

After breakfast, he went to her sister's room. She was mad at him since that day. He knocked the door. But there was no reply from inside. He waited for few minutes. Then he opened it and went inside her room. She was sleeping while playing movie in laptop. He went near her. He didn't want to disturb her. So, he thought to switch off the laptop himself. 

As he was about to switch off, he stopped for a moment to catch the glimpse of the movie. There was a scene of forest, full moon night, some wolves came out and started howling. Listening the howl, Jack also howled but then the scene got over so he stopped. 

Rosy suddenly woke up and asked him " Who was making such strange sound? " She saw the movie and said " Oh! It's from the movie." 

She looked at Jack and said, "what happened? Have some work from me?" 

Jack said " No. It's nothing.You sleep. I will talk to you once you get up." and left the room in a hurry. 

He was shocked by his behaviour. " Why did he make that sound? " he thought. 

Again Rohan called him and reminded him for the presentation. He went in his room and got busy in preparing it. It took him about three hours in completing it. Last night he couldn't not sleep well, so he felt dizziness. He took a short nap. 

In the evening, he woke up. He was feeling fresh. He had his snacks. Rosy came to him and asked what he wanted to talk about. Jack asked sorry for the other day. 

She said " It's okay! " 

Both of them started talking and telling each other about their friends , college. 

Their mother called Rosy for helping her in the kitchen. 

Having finished their dinner, they went to their bed around 10 o'clock.