
Vampire: Heart's desire of a Werewolf

AArya07 · Urban
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15 Chs

Jack Proposed Elena

Jack had already decided to propose Elena today. Since she had accepted that Drake was just her friend and nothing else. So, he thought to confess his love otherwise someone else would it and he would lose her forever. 

He got ready for the college. His heart was beating fast just at the thought of proposing her. He came to have the breakfast. 

" Jack, what's the matter? You're looking different today. Is there anything especial today?" his mom said. 

" No mom, it's nothing." Jack said and looked at Rosy. She was smiling, hiding her face. Jack understood that Rosy must had told something to mom. He stared at her angrily. He finished his breakfast and moved out of his house for the college. 

He had already arranged bouquet of red roses for her and kept it in the canteen. 

" I wish Drake may get absent today. " he thought and entered the classroom. 

" Hi! Jack. " Elena waved her hand and came to him. 

" Hello! How are you? " Jack said, looking around ,if Drake was there. 

" I was getting bored. Drake is absent today and you're late too. " She said in her complaining tone. 

" Oh! He is absent. Wow! how lucky am I? " he thought. 

Elena was wearing a purple- coloured cropped top and black jeans, looking gorgeous as usual. 

He was waiting for Rohan. The time was getting over but he didn't come. He took out his phone and called him. 

" Hello. " Rohan said slowly as if he was in half-sleep. 

" Hey! Still sleeping? Are you not coming college today? " Jack was startled. 

" No, i won't come today. I'm not feeling well. " he said and hung his call. 

" Oh, no. I'm alone now. What to do now? " Jack thought. 

As the time was approaching to propose her, his heart beat was getting faster and faster. 

In the break-time, Jack said, " Elena, let's go in the canteen. I'm feeling hungry." 

" Alright." Elena said and took her phone from her bag and stepped out of the classroom after him. Both of them reached the canteen. 

They sat on the chair. Jack was nervous. He didn't know how to initiate. 

" Did you order something? " Elena said, " Or i go and order something for you? " 

" No, no. I go myself. You stay here. " Jack said and walked to the counter. 

After few minutes, a boy who worked there, came to her and said, " ma'am, this is for you." and gave her a bouquet. 

" For me? " Elena got surprised. She took the bouquet and thanked him. He moved away from there. 

She looked at the bouquet, there was a card too. She took the card and opened it. 

" I am falling for you every single second of my life since the day i saw you. I love you forever."


When she finished reading, she looked up and saw Jack was standing there with a rose in his hand. He kneeled down and said, " Will you be my girlfriend? " 

She was surprised. She never thought that Jack would propose her some day. She took the rose from him, smiled and said, " Yes. " 

Jack got up and hugged her. It was the most beautiful moment of his life. He was in the seventh clouds now. He felt like he won the whole world now. 

Thereafter both of them sat on the chair.Jack ordered some snacks and drinks. 

" Can i ask you a question? " Elena said. 

He nodded and looked at her. 

" When did you start liking me? " Elena said. 

" Oh.. I think it was love at first sight. When you got admission here, that day before you entered the classroom, Rohan was talking a lot about you. " Jack said. 

" About me? " Elena got surprised. 

" Yeah.. about you. He was telling she is very beautiful, gorgeous, etc. . but i was not interested in him. But when you entered the classroom, i felt a kind of attraction towards you. You seemed very familiar to me as if i know you since ages. I don't know why but from that day my feelings are increasing day by day like never ending saga. " Jack said. 

Elena gave a smile to him. After spending some time together they returned in the classroom. 

After college, Jack dropped Elena at her home. 

" Come inside Jack. " Elena said. 

" It's alright. Not now but next time for sure. " Jack smiled and said, " okay i got go now. Bbye." 

" Bbye.. " Elena said,gave him a quick hug and rushed inside her house. 

Jack was amazed at her. Thinking about her, he was blushing that anyone could easily understand his emotions just in single glimpse of his face. 

With this lovely thought about her in his mind, he reached his home.