
Vampire’s Ransom

~ everything happens for a reason ~ And that’s why when she moved in a new completely new town, she had every hope of things being better than they were before. But in the new town ~~ She meets vampires. She meets werewolves. Gets mixed up by the witches. She gets sacrificed. She gets to witness a flying hybrid demoralizing Earth. And also gets to travel to the underworld and meet Hades, god of the underworld These supernatural become parts of her life, she fights with them, she falls in love with them and later on she discovered she has been exciting repeatedly for over thousand years. She is human but for how long? ~ Excerpt Scene~ Miraj took two deep breaths, what she feared most had come true. Her position as an alpha being challenged by a male wolf who will be favored by many because of his sex. "I can help you..." They heard a voice of a man sitting beside them. It was Nazar, but they didn't know him. He was all smiling and fixing his black leather jacket, and his black hat. "And who are you supposed to be?" Miraj asked him with arrogant tone. Simon intervened with a joke "A rich man I presume? Explains the leather jacket and your shoes..." "Well thank you for noticing but It's not wealth anymore that interests me. I mean, you would be surprised if it was millenniums ago perhaps, but now..." He stopped and sighed for a bit, crossed his legs and watched as Miraj and Simon being shocked with the mention of millenniums ago. "Wait...I know you" said Miraj and she looked at Simon "Have you never heard of him?" "No, am I supposed to know him?" "It's that vampire who was put down by witches millenniums ago. They say he has a werewolf gene planted by a witch but he never got to awake it because he cheated on her. He could have become the first of his kind, a pure blood hybrid" Nazar corrected her "Not cheating if it's true love. A man should never be punished for simply falling in love" "I totally agree" Simon said. Miraj was so interested in that topic, she even switched tables and moved to Nazar's while Simon followed her behind. They looked at each other "What's in it for you?" She asked Nazar. "I only require a sample of you. You see I was told that you are the last of your kind. The wolves of montegero who can fly" "What?" "Oh, honey you don't know your own background" He said grinning from ear to ear, then he whispered to her "Well, this is going to be interesting..."

Ami_Young · Fantasie
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185 Chs

Chapter 77

There was darkness and not that darkness which invaded a soul and crash it but that sort of darkness which made it hard for anyone to see throughout the room. And apart from darkness the room was also witty and wet - reeked of odor and blood. 

Blood was all over the floor and it has been for the last twenty four hours, blood of vampires who fought for Nazar and of werewolves who dedicated their lives for Nazar. They were all killed with their hearts torn apart from their chests - instead of being buried they were tossed inside the room alongside with Gladys and Regina who were still alive but beaten to almost their death. Their hands were tied up with chains which prevented them from using magic, and the shackles were tight they couldn't get them out.