
Reunion. Part 03.

"Elly, this is my wife Natasha." 

The moment she heard those words, Eleven felt the world crumble around her. She didn't know their true meaning, not entirely. Still, she somehow realized that it was something special.

Ryan, the Aurora's Producer, gazed at his wife with warmth. That look was unlike anything he had shown the idol before, and the moment he turned his eyes to Natasha's swollen belly that warmth only grew stronger.

"It is so nice to finally meet you!" Natasha said, stepping forward with a beaming smile. "I've followed your career since your first concert! Ever since, your songs were the only thing that kept me going!" Stopping as if she just realized something, the pregnant woman blushed. "Ah, sorry, I… I'm Natasha Wilson, I'm… I'm a really big fan of yours…"

Seeing his wife grow embarrassed of her own actions, Ryan couldn't help but chuckle.

"Somehow, this went exactly like I expected."