
Final checks.

"Oh! You're finally back!" Elina exclaimed the moment Sam entered the lab. "How was your date?"

"Great, actually." Sam replied with a rare smile. 

He took the cup passed to him by the female scientist and as he was about to take a sip he noticed the smug grin she had on.

"Guess sleeping with underage girls is something else, huh?" 

"We have been through this already." Sam grimaced and glanced in Wolf's direction. "They are far from being underage."

"Not that it would've stopped you if they were." Elina shrugged.

He wanted to deny it, however it sounded pointless to do so. Nothing he says will help his case. In fact, the more he tries to deny it the more of a predator he would appear to be. 

"Now that I think about it, I've always wondered why the Valkyries looked the way they do. I mean, them being females is understandable, but why exaggerate their appearance to such extent?"