

 "Sandra Sage, calling Sandra Sage. Please report to the principal's office." Went the PA system. 

 "Uggh, what now?" Sandra groaned, and then she took an excuse from her teacher. She made her way to the principal's office hoping that she wasn't in trouble.

 She knocked on his door and a voice from inside told her to go in. With the door partially open, Sandra stuck her head in and asked the principal if there was any problem.

 "Come in, come in. We have a lot to discuss." The principal said. Sandra went in and he offered her a seat. "Thank you, principal Jobs." She said as she took her seat.

 "Long time no see Miss Sage." Principal Jobs said with a smile. Then she replied with a fake smile. "How have you been? You know, with your guide Jesse and all that." He asked her.

 "To be honest Mr Jobs, Jesse hasn't been that much of a help lately. And honestly, I don't think I need a guide. I'm doing perfectly fine." Sandra said confidently.