
Vaan Arundel

What would someone do if they are born in a prestigious swordsmanship family with little to no talent compared to their peers? Well, that's the life that Vaan has to live. Follow him in his journey to find his footing in the world as he navigates through his life, starting with highschool.

Sunamor_Idre · Fantasie
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31 Chs

Chapter 7 - Charles Military Academy (5)

"Behind you, Vaan!" Dorothy shouted. "Thanks," I maneuvered around the mechanical combat robot before me, avoiding an energy beam shot by the other combat robot behind. The energy beam hit the mechanical combat robot before me, slightly damaging its frame. "Here I go," I moved forward. Holding my sword high, I sliced down horizontally, "First Form: Severing," I muttered as my sword cut the combat robot clean into two. "Earth, rise up!" I heard Dorothy chanting from a distance as suddenly, a wall of earth emerged behind me.


An energy beam collided with the wall of earth, crumbling the latter to pieces. "Thanks again, Dorothy," I let out a smile. "Focus up! You can say your thanks later!" Dorothy barked. "R-right," I nodded. Turning my attention to the other mechanical combat robot, I saw the latter was prepping up another energy beam from that massive cannon on its back. "What kind of school tests their students with machine guns, chainsaws, and energy beams!?" I muttered while running toward the mechanical combat robot. I tried running in a straight line for as long as possible while the combat robot charged its energy beam. Then, I saw the mechanical combat robot crouched down, folding its four limbs slightly as it pointed the massive cannon on its back at me.

"I only have a split second for this. Hope it works," preparing myself, I gritted my teeth. When the energy beam was shot from the cannon, my eyes flashed. "This is it!" I said, determination flaring up inside me. I focused my energy on my eyes as much as possible, observing the energy beam closely. As the energy beam was closing in on me, I widened my eyes, "Now!" I immediately changed my direction by stepping to the side, causing the energy beam to miss my body by an inch. I slid with my left leg toward the inside of the combat robot. Holding my sword sideways, my eyes gleamed, "Third Form: Wave!" With a barrage of attacks, I dismantled the mechanical combat robot in front of me. "Hah, hah, hah," I wheezed as I looked at my handiwork. "Phew," heaving a sigh, I sheathed back my sword in its scabbard.

"No matter how many times I look at it, your swordsmanship is amazing," Dorothy said while approaching me slowly. "Oh, no, no, I'm nothing compared to my siblings. If it were them, it would be over with just one swing of their sword," I said while looking down. Dorothy shrugged, "Huh, is that so? At any rate, do you want to rest for a while, or should we continue along?"

"Let's continue; I'm still fine," I replied. "Sure, your lead," Dorothy gestured. I shook out my thoughts before proceeding to head forward with Dorothy.