
Uzumaki clan: rise in a cultivation world

Haru is reincarnated as the heir to a dying clan named the shen clan and just as he is about to become the clan leader he awakens the uzumaki bloodline. Not only that he can awaken it in the entire clan however the information that the inheritance comes with, informs him of how truly dangerous this cultivation world is. the story is about the rise of the clan from its lowest to its highest point while garnering greed, envy and a hell of a lot of enemies. [i have never written a cultivation story before so...comment on how i do anyway, have fun]

Narciss84 · Anime und Comics
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12 Chs

Asahi and Kirito

[ok i'll just stop making promises on when i'll post chapters cause clearly some cosmic force is fucking with me, anyway here's your chap. and i have only 2 exams left, which honestly should'nt have been a hindrance to me since their both paper 3]

Haru left out of the front door with the elders Mei, Shun, Yu, and Rioto walking behind him. Beside the group were five guards who were wearing shinobi clothes and had a forehead protector on, showing the clan's new symbol. As they walked, they couldn't keep their attention on the clan's gate where they were headed. Everyone was dazedly looking around. The path was paved and led to various outer areas and buildings. Spirit trees lined the surroundings, and in the center of the open space surrounded by the trees, herbs, plants, and green grasses was a large fountain showing a cat-like beast with two tails that seemed to be made of fire. Contrasting the fire, though, was the fountain of water that spurted from its tail. The group didn't even seem to notice when they finally reached the gate until the crowd outside's noise became louder.

[Haru's POV] Smiling, I nodded to the four people standing behind the gate that two of the four shinobi went to open. They consisted of a beautiful woman with an elegant demeanor. She wore a long purple dress and had black silky hair, giving her a kind appearance. Beside her was an average-looking man with short brown hair, wearing a disbelieving expression as his eyes wandered over the clan. I smiled at that observation. Between the two was an 8-year-old boy exuding the breath of a martial artist, likely already in the body refinement realm—a genius. The boy had black hair and was extremely cute, inheriting those looks from his mother. He had a curious expression on his face, showing a spark of innocence that I knew this harsh world would eventually snuff out. Or maybe he'll keep a bit of that kindness...like his parents.

The Lindhou clan, basically the leading clan. Its affiliated kingdom is either non-existent or unknown. It owns most of the territory in this town and is tasked with keeping order. This family is the only one that did not turn its back on the Shen clan and treated us with respect. I walked forward and extended my hand toward the man to shake, and he met it with his own.

"Greetings, Mr. Lin," I spoke with a smile, to which he also reciprocated. "Please, Haru, call me Kirita."

"Where is your father?" he continued, looking around and nodding at the elders when he noticed them.

"He's no longer the clan head," I continued. The man looked surprised for a moment before looking at me closer and seeing the crest on my forehead signifying I have become the leader. Only... the clan's crest was different.

He frowned. Seeing Kirita frown, I moved aside and pointed towards the castle within the clan grounds.

"Let's talk inside; there are many ears listening," I spoke, gesturing to the crowd that had made space for the Lindhou clan to enter. When the man went inside, I took his beautiful wife's hand when she offered it and gave its back a peck.

"Good to see you, Asahi," I said.

"Good to see you too, Haru," she spoke with a smile and followed after her son, entering before the two shinobi guards closed the gates again. As it shut, a seal appeared on the lock momentarily before disappearing, like an ambush predator ready to strike.

As we moved towards the house, I kept my company with Asahi as Kirito was conversing with the elders animatedly, gesturing to their red hair and youthful faces, to which they were smiling. Normally, this would be seen as disrespectful, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt.

Asahi, though, was currently walking while analyzing the surroundings. The castle was built on a mountain face that had various parts of it releasing waterfalls whose droplets met sunlight, creating a truly auspicious sight—a rainbow that seemed to be made of spiritual energy was visible. She could barely remove her eyes from the sight but she did and looked below the mountain.

The front part of the castle or the entrance could be seen, and shinobi guards could be seen running around trying to find their new posts. Others went to the grounds where they lived with their families. The area was on either side of the mountain in which various buildings that looked like typical Chinese ancient castles on a smaller scale were visible, and the families of the clan's servants, maids, and guards could be bustling in the area. She noted they all had red hair, just like Haru and the elders.

She also noticed how everyone, regardless of status, now had the breath of a cultivator. This was absolutely preposterous to her. Guards she could accept... no, this clan was failing, so she could barely accept. But how did the maids and servants' families have cultivation talent? What had the Shen clan obtained? It was simply divine if it could achieve this.

"What are you thinking about, Lady Lin?" Her thoughts were disturbed by the boy in front of her. Unlike other members of his clan, he was born with his red hair; only its shade was a tad bit lighter. Speculation had long since spread in the town that he was a bastard son, especially since he had a lot more talent than any other Shen clan member. But others speculated that he just awakened some bloodline. Now that the same red hair could be seen on everyone else here except for her family, she thought there was some deeper secret behind this hair.

"I'm just curious, is all. This," she spoke, gesturing to the surroundings, "is quite spectacular. Willing to share?" Haru smiled at her deeply and replied curtly, "You'll see inside," as they finally reached the main door.

Haru ushered Kirita, Asahi, and their son into the heart of the Uzumaki clan's inner sanctum. As the grand doors swung open, a breathtaking scene unfolded before them. The space was adorned with the iconic Uzumaki symbol, proudly displayed on every available surface, blending with beautiful walls that seemed to tell the clan's story through the ages.

The room itself was a testament to the Uzumaki's rich heritage, with intricate carvings on the walls depicting legendary battles and significant moments in the clan's history from the warring states period. The Uzumaki's red hair emblem was woven into the fabric of luxurious drapes that hung gracefully from the ceiling, creating an air of regality.

In every corner, portraits of the tailed beasts adorned the walls, their majestic presence captured in vibrant colours . Each image told a story of strength, power and a mountainous figure.

The center of the room boasted a grand table, a masterpiece crafted from rare, enchanted wood. It showcased an array of fine delicacies and fruits from the spirit trees that had newly emerged in the clan's grounds. The air was filled with the sweet fragrance of these otherworldly fruits, adding to the sensory delight.

Haru gestured for them to take a seat at the table, flanked by plush chairs that seemed to embrace them with comfort. As they settled in, the panoramic view from the balcony became evident. The lush grasslands, spirit trees, and waterfalls outside painted a picture of tranquility, creating a stark contrast to the bustling town beyond the clan's protective barrier.

The room resonated with an energy that felt both ancient and revitalized. Asahi and Kirito couldn't help but marvel at the seamless integration of tradition and culture, a harmonious blend that spoke volumes about the clan's resilience and adaptability.

Their son, wide-eyed and curious, took in the surroundings with a sense of awe. The Uzumaki's legacy was now not just a tale from the past but a hope that lay within the blood of the elders and most importantly, Haru.

The child had left to play with the clan's children, and now seven people were seated around a table. The original six who had come out and Rioto. Kirito and Asahi now looked pensive after pleasantries with Rioto.

"So... What exactly happened here to the extent that Heavenly Dao appeared?" The clan members looked at each other and then to Haru, waiting for him to answer Kirito's question. "I'm sorry, but you know I can't disclose clan matters to you." Kirito frowned at that answer. "This matter has caused a great commotion over the town. It is not something we can ignore, as the other clans will clamor for answers."

Haru held his steady gaze with Kirito and sighed. "Kirito, you know your family is the only force we have a good relationship with as a clan, so I will tell you. Our clan has been given an inheritance. We are no longer the Shen clan but are the Uzumaki. That is all I am willing to disclose. The scale of the phenomenon or the presence of heavenly Dao are consequences of what we have gotten."

The couple stared at me in astonishment and looked at me closer, seemingly not finding what they were looking for. They started looking at the elders present for confirmation, and they merely nodded. They paused and then looked at each other again. All that ruckus, the insane amounts of spiritual energy released, the appearance of heavenly Dao— the two trembled as they looked at Haru.

"All that because of one inheritance," I said curtly, to which Kirito's response shocked him. "I see... whatever you obtained, the other clans won't let you have it in peace. They're likely waiting for somebody to act. They don't want to offend heavenly Dao, though, so they will likely wait for another day or so before testing the waters."

Looking at the man, Haru was a little befuddled. "You're not gonna ask for more information... or a piece of the pie?"

The man and woman just smiled at me. "No, no, honestly, I feel that this is good for your clan. We are semi-Buddhists, you see. Anyway, I should probably leave now. If we get more information than necessary, we might be pressured into revealing it by the clans." As he got up, he spoke to me again, "And be careful when you open your gates... you'll find tha..." As he was warning Haru, a commotion caught everyone's attention. They looked at each other and sensed energies where the children were playing, and everyone ran there to find the child of Asahi and Kirito throwing a punch at another red-headed kid his own age. The punch released a golden energy projectile that was met by a bluish, greenish chain that propelled out of the red-headed kid's stomach to form a protective barrier. The golden energy struck it and was immediately neutralized.

[I apologize if any parts feel disconnected, due to...complications i had to write this chapter and edit over a period of 2 days. pls review the story so i know what its missing and what you'd like to see, hell even the writing style hasn't been fleshed out]