
chapter 9

Sukuru hawk and wild walked through a place tjat seemed like hell itself.

Magma was coming from every part of the


Poisonus dust clouding their vision and despite it being incredibly hot it was also freezing cold.

Truly a place where no one could survive."It's time we go visit the master afterall it's been such a long time."Said sukuru.

Hawk and wild kept silent as they traversed the harsh landscape.

"Hey sukuru do you remember it the day we met the old man?"asked wild.

"Ofcourse I do I remember it like it was yesterday."replied sukuru.

Flash back.

A three year old sukuru was traversing.The harsh world of purgatory.

"You two sure I can find someone here willing to train me?"asked sukuru.

"Ofcourse we aren't bit if there is one place to train how to use you're demonic powers.

Along with the commandment of selflessness this is the place ."said wild.

"Wait we are definitely going to die out here have you seen those gigantic creatures."Said sukuru.

"Relax aslong as we don't provoke them we won't be attacked."Said hawk.

Sukuru fired a arrow into hawks head."you liar these things will kill us on sight."said sukuru.

"Stop reading my mind you bastard.!"shouted


"I wouldn't have to read you're mind if you weren't such a liar."Said sukuru.

The two began to argue as wild tried to calm them


Out of nowhere a giant sentiped rushed towards them.

They immediately jumped away avoiding the giant centipede.

Sukuru pulled out a katana they had fitted from the bones of a few demonic creatures.

The centiped looked at sukuru but suddenly it hurriedly scurried away.

"I guess you scared it off."Said hawk.Sukuru narrowed his eyes as a giant hand grabbed the centipede.

The centipede was tge devoured by a ginormous titan of a monster.

The beast looked at them bringing his hand down towards them.

"Run now we can't fight this thing."Said wild.Picking up both sukuru and hawk on his back.

He then rushed away with them as the creature disappeared in the darkness.

"Why did I let you two bring bring me here."Said hawk."It was you're idea to come here."said sukuru.

The three were hiding out in a cave as sukuru peeped through a whole looking if the coast was clear.

"You three seem lost this is not a place for helpless children."Said a mysterious.

Hawk screamed noticing a tall figure behind them.The figure was made of complete darkness.

It had four arms and eight bright red


"I did not mean to scare you three but I heard you're searching for a teacher."said the figure.