
chapter 5

Black ghost floated in the sky off tje coast of uzushio.The mask of darkness disipated frim around his face.

His long blonde hair dropping down to his back and his demonic black eyes reverting back to their green color.

"Well I guess my days of peacefully being a bounty hunter are over."Said the boy.

"It's times like this I wish my chakra wasn't taken away but if it wasn't It's likely that I would be an orphan."said black ghost.

He then landed on the coast as uzu slowly walking into the forest.

He then stumbled upon a two story house that he entered without a second thought.

"sukuru you're back so hiw did it go?"asked a strange purpl pig.

"Oh hey wild how is hawk and why don't I sense him around her."replied sukuru.

"Oh he's at mount kusu dama but why are you avoiding my question."Said wild.

"Even though I can't lie you still know when I'm not being honest."Said sukuru.

"I ran into three if thr seven ninja swordsmen I killed one myself and was about to kill the other two."said sukuru.

"What happened after that?"asked wild.

"A person appeared and he claimed to be a transmigrator he even possessed mahito's powers."replied sukuru.

"I did not detect any lies and he even killed his own comrades abating our secret can't get out."Said sukuru.

"So how strong was he?"asked wild."He was not bad but considering who's vessel he is he is very weak."Said sukuru.

"So did you spare him but I don't think you're a person who would spare an enemy."Said wild.

"The mizukage saved him but considering his skillsrt his growth potential.

is equivalent to mine could be even greater if he knew what chakra could actually do."said sukuru.

"I also got three of the seven swords I'm planning to sell them afterall this career isn't useful anymore."said sukuru.

"But what are you going to do you're a ten year old with no chakra.

And even worse you're a member if the Uzumaki clan.So even if you wanted to become a shinobi it's almost impossible."said wild.

You have more money than you'll ever need however it isn't enough to cure her."said wild.

"I know nothing in this world could cure her except maybe the person I just encountered."said sukuru.

"Well sukuru you're going to live forever but it doesn't mean you shouldn't enjoy life don't let it pas you by you'll regret it."Said wild.

"You're right but how can I live with myself knowing that I'm the reason she's dying."Said sukuru.

"In this world their are only three people I care about you hawk and my mother."said sukuru.

"Sometimes I wish I didn't have the commandments as their was not a single moment that I could deny that I'm the reason my mother is dying."Said sukuru.

"Not being able to lie to others is not what makes the truth commandment so hard.

It's not being able to lie to yourself."said wild.Wild then smacked sukuru in the head.

"Stop moping around it won't change you're circumstances the only thing that changes those circumstances is you're actions."