
chapter 29

"Anyway I will go fetch the boy if those things find him the multiverse itself is doomed."said katteshi.

"I can't allow that he needs to grow by any means necessary."said mesenga.

"If we fight it will excelerate the process putting the boy in danger."said mesenga.

"That's why you won't stop me."said katteshi."You and I both know that's not true."replied mesenga.

"You know if that thing finds him it will alter the course of this entire plan."said katteshi.

"You ruined the plan when you hid him from me."said mesenga.

"Be a I know you are an impulsive war monger who would do something like this."said katteshi.

"And you act like you're any better the reason this mess is taking place is because we both failed."Said mesenga.

"Well atleast I'm trying to fix that all you've done is sulk about our past and what we've lost."Said katteshi.

"What am supposed to forget we were stuck here for trillions of years waiting for that child.

And the moment you find him you hide him away.You may thing forgetting the past is best.

But know this I won't let you make him weak."Said mesenga.

"I never forgot anyone but I moved on because they never left.

And I the child is not ready you know what's down their I know what's down their!"Shouted katteshi.

"Like I said it's not about if he's ready it's a matter of he's going to be."said mesenga.

'Then you leave me no choice."said katteshi.Katteshi's body then started to mutate.

His eight eye's enlarging his body once completely made if darkness was now covered in a metallic armor.

That glowed bright green with hundreds of spikes on his body.

Mesenga created a blade from thin air as the two of them were about to clash.

A slash split the ground ground infront of them in


"I find it funny neither of you can come to an


Despite being the two who depend on this the

most."said a woman's voice.

"Oh please we could care less about what happens to us afterall this is much bigger."said mesenga.

"Whatever it doesn't matter that boy is in my hands now."Said a woman.

She had long white hair and pale skin with bright yellow eyes.

"What do you mean what have you done with him?"asjed katteshi.

"Calm down he's with my child he was easily defeated by her too showing how bad of a teacher you are."Saud the woman.

"Wait Aisuru you aren't planning anything are you?"asked mesenga.

"I assure you it's not what you think even if it was I doubt that would work."replied Aisuru.

"I miss the times where you're statements could be verified."said katteshi.

"Alright so their is no way either if you are touching the boy especially you Aisuru."Said katteshi.

"You're acting as I'd I have any interest in the child."Said Aisuru.

"And I find it strange neither of you can refer to him by name."Said Aisuru.

"Great now all of them are going to get their hands on him."said katteshi.

"You're saying it like he's some asset."said


"Well you address him as some war weapon."replied katteshi.

"Alright so can we each come on an agreement on how we'll share him."said Aisuru.

"Why do you care didn't just say you had no intrest in him."said mesenga.

"Well he cursed my child and it has to reversed somehow."replied Aisuru.

"Wait since when dud you have a child and how.?"asked katteshi.

"That's for me to know and you to die trying to discover."