
chapter 27

Sukuru and Mai were currently treading their course down a deep maze.

Wild and hawk were both shrunken sleeping in sukuru's head.

As to protect him they hadn't slept in days."Alright you sure you k ow where were going?"asked Sukuru.

"Yeah I'm sure what I want to know is how you ended up here."replied Mai.

"Well I got basically one shot by this giant tree titan who threw me down here."Saud sukuru.

"You say that like this is some giant hole in the ground."Saud Mai.

"Wait isn't it just a giant hole in the ground?"asked


"I'm not really sure I've only been here for ten years."said Mai.

"That's about only a few minutes in my world."said sukuru.

"Alright need to find a great fighting strategy we've both lost our biggest strengths."said Mai.

"I'll support with magic and help with defensive spells.While protecting from sneak attacks.

While you three fight on the Frontline's."said


"How come we haven't run into anything trying to eat us yet?"asked sukuru.

"I don't know ever since you lost and went beserk all the creatures are in hiding."replied Mai.

"One things for certain they aren't hiding from us."Said sukuru.

"Wait if you know tye way out why didn't you try to leave?"asked Sukuru.

"That's abvious it's because that thing won't let me."said Mai as her voice filled with anger.

"You're very weak you know that."Said Mai."Yeah I do incomparison to everything here I'm very weak."Said sukuru.

"Acknowledging it won't change it you lost the only thing that somewhat.

Made you a decent combatant your a Medicare swords man at best have great magic potential but.

You are abviously a novice.You have barely any hand to combat knowledge."said Mai.

"Maybe it's a good thing you lost your power maybe you'll finally get strong."said Mai.

"You're right but that's a bit hypocritical considering that without you're magic.

Or swordmanship your much weaker than me."Said


"Yeah but I focused on mainly two combat area's my magic ability and hand to hand combat.

You focused on everything so you never developed any one individually.

Meaning as Doon as you lost tgat power boast you were screwed."said Mai.

"Lisen I'll teach you how to fight if you teach me how to cast spells."said Mai.

"I thought you couldn't use magic."Said sukuru."No you're curse took my magical ability not my mana.

One more punishment and u would have lost that too."said Mai.

"Alright I'll teach you magic you teach me how to better my hand to hand combat."said sukuru.

Mai was right sukuru had great development in all areas but relied to much on his dark powers.

And because he just recently started to age again he has not gotten used to his body.

Meaning he us much more sloppy when it comes to fighting.

"Sukuru lisen the chances we leave alive are damn near zero.

The monsters are the things least likely to kill us from now on it's the diseases we need to worry about."Said Mai.

"It's best if we stop here and begin practicing to better work together."Said Mai.

The two then stopped entering a abandoned


Time skip.

Sukuru was currently laying in a crater on the wall as Mai had slammed him into it.

"This is definitely revenge for me almost killing you isn't it."said sukuru.

"When dud I say it wasn't."said Mai slamming her feet towards sukuru's skull.

Who narrowly avoiding the kicking counter attacking wity a fist to the stomach.

Mai grabbed his hand as she gave him a vicious gut punch causing sukuru to cough up alot of blood.

"We have alot of work to do."