
chapter 25

A child imerged from a portal the child had long blonde


Two more portals then opened as two other children stood beside him.

" we are on the world of naruto before the birth of the protagonist."said the purple haired child.

"It's only a matter a time before the curse takes effect and we forget who we are."said the pink haired boy.

The three boys looked down seeing ten kumo ninja's surrounding a young


"Yeah just be a good girl and complied."said one on the


The girl looked desperate and afraid for her life.The three boys faces twisted with disgust as black marks.

Immerged on there foreheads".You animals make me sick."Said the blond haired boy in a deep voice.

The kumo ninja's turned their heads and started to laugh at tge floating


"Huh laughter something i haven't seen in a while.Well you can keep that smile in hell"said purple haired boy as two of the men's bodies.

Started to rapidly age as infront of the eye's of everyone they turned to from bone to dust.

The men stared to scream as one of them jumped into the air.He attempted to slit the throat.

Of the blind haired boy but his body was pinned down by vile demonic


"Those who have thought of harming another person sha'll have their own thought afflicted unto them."said the blind haired boy.

The man was the violently raped by the demonic beast as the other seven men watched in absolute terror.

Seventy other demonic beast then immerged grabbing the other men as they kicked and screamed.

They then started to violently violated as the red haired woman watched in


"Oh I think you should erase this image from her memory."said the pink haired


The blond boy then waved his hand changing the woman's memory to make it seemed the men.

Had just been killed.Dozens of Uzumaki ni ja the rushed out of the three and stared at the sight infront of them.

Tye mangled bodies of tge kumho ninja's sticking out like a sore thumb.They saw the three boys who were now on the ground.

Their palms releasing green light that looked like healing chakra."We are about to die we shouldn't be using this much Mana."said tge pink haired boy.

"Tskukami are you okay?"askedan old man with white hair likely due to old age."Yeah these children they saved me."replied Tskukami.

"We don't have enough time I suppose she will have to be my mother in this life."Sau6d the blond haired

The three children then started to chant as a giant seal covered the area.

"What in all my years I've never seen a seal so complex how could children cast it."Said the man.

"My actions now aren't for a noble cause that will positively affect the world you live in nor can any reason for my actions.

I suppose in your perspective I am no better than those animals but I will atleast give you this much."said the boy.

Ad a mark appeared on the Tskukami's arm.

The seal then exploded into a burst of light causing the children to disappear.

And the tsukami was laying their unconscious in the giant crater.

Mia laughed seeing this memory as she looked at the person who possessed sukuru's body.

"Sukuru Uzumaki you had attached you're soul selfishly to your mother's body and are the reason she is dying."said Mia.

"Wait what's happening to me my body us being ripped apart."said sukuru regaining consciousness.

His arms and legs flew off his body as he dropped down in a pool of his own blood.

A giant explosion erupted through purgatory as sukuru's body released massive amounts of dark energy.

Killing countless surrounding creatures in the area.Mia stepped back her body almost being turned to ash.

By the giant wave of black flames surging around


Haqk and wild looked down from a small at sukuru from a small cave.

As they both started to sweat."Wild I think they are starting to come back."said


"We have bugger problems."said wild as he looked down.

"The seal has been broken the things the old man warned us about have been released."