
chapter 22

Sukuru layed in a small ditch as he opened his eye's.Nothing but darkness greeted him.

The raw magical power was suffocating.He knew not to call for hawk or wild.

He tried to examine his body but he could not even see his arms.

"My mana reserves are completely dry my physical stamina is also gone."said sukuru to himself.

He tapped the ground beneath him as the siud echoed throughout the area.

A giant snake like creature lunged in hus direction as another massive three headed.

Wolf like creature stepped out from the shadows using one of it's heads to rip tge snake in half.

The six headed dog hastily devoured the giant snake as it turned it's head.

Sukuru had jumped into a cave.He then witnessed as the giant dog tried to fine his scent.

The dog was tgen grabbed by a giant hand as it was picked up off the ground

As the hand carried it off into a giant cave.Sukuru stepped back as he fell down deeper into the cave.

He fell into deep pool of black lava.He immediately jumped out of the lava.

Onto the ceiling withstanding the heat because of the natural resistance he built up over the years.

A giant bat then lunged at him from the shadows.The bat used his claws.

To slice off his left arm as it flew back in to devour him.Sukuru tgen grabbed tye bat.

Biting iff a giant chunk of it's head as he used his remaining arm snap it in half.

He then jumped into a small cave entrance he saw landing into a smaller cave.

He saw giant eggs litering tge entire cave as a 30 foot spider lunged at him.

Sukuru gritted his teeth."My arm it still hasn't healed."said sukuru.

He tgen jumped into the air as a spider ten feet larger than the other.

Jump from the shadows biting his leg.His leg went limp as it started to decay.

The first spider went in for the killing blow but sukuru opened his eye's.

He stabbed the spider in it's forehead with his arm as he started to pull out it's brain.

"Guess I'll have to do it."said sukuru.A giant blue ball then came from the spiders head.

As sukuru instantly devoured it.His arm and legs instantly regenerated as he grabbed his katana.

Slicing the other spider in half as he took his soul and devoured it.

He then looked at all the eggs as he lit his arm ablaze."Hell fire."

Dozens of spider eggs were then reduced to ashes.As sukuru ripped the souls from.

The burned corpses devouring every last


"I must survive.It doesn't matter how it doesn't matter how many souls I have to devour."said sukuru.

He tgen left the cave as he saw a group of small


The bats turned to him revealing their demonic


He then saw dime of the bats were feading upon the corpses of giant spiders.

Sukuru vanished appearing in tge nest of bats. All their heads then started to fall of their bodies.

"Eating souls is a unique ability shared by some demons but while it doesn't grant them any extra power.

It refills our stamina but I'm life thanks to tge abilities of both hawk and wild."said sukuru.

He then started to pike all the souls of tge bats together as he swallowed them all.

A giant arm came from tge shadows as it punched away sukuru.

A giant demonic figure wearing armor then imerged from the black lava.

Staring at sukuru with killing intent.The creature appeared infront of sukuru.

Kicking him in the stomach as he curled over in pain.The creature then swung his axe.

At sukuru who raised his sword."Full counter."Said sukuru.

Black blood then splashed in his face and hai as he got


He then looked at the soul that floated infront of him seeing it was just another.

Unfortunate creature unlucky enough to fall into this


He did not care though immediately devouring it to gian more power.

The darkness around him grew thicker as he walked out of the cave.

He used echo locating which he obtained from the bats to search the cave.

He held his head in pain trying to resist the overwhelming will if the commandments.

Then looked around him seeing the way hawk and wild had fallen.

Sukuru then remembered the question his master had asjed him.

"Would you save your mother if it meant casting away everything including morality."

"I didn't know how to respond but that was a lie i told


Ofcourse i would do it without a second

thought."said sukuru.

"No how will I ever look them in the eye's if I gave in to my thoughts."said sukuru.

As his eyes turned back green.

"Why do you reject us aftersll we have no sentience we are just you."said a voice in sukuru's head.

"Stop lying to yourself or you'll die."