
chapter 18

Sukuru looked up seeing tge mountain they were just standing on convulsed into a giant tree.

The tree was over a thousand meters tall as it cracked open revealing a giant one hundred meter monster.

Made of wood the creature had eight arms and the face if a demonic statue.

"That old man really sent me to kill a gian tree monster that has been devouring energy.

From purgatory for who knows how long."said sukuru.The creature released a primal scream.

As it looked down at sukuru hawk and wild.Vines then erupted from the ground.

Poisonus gas was then released from the giant plant titans vines.

Sukuru covered his nose as hawk and wild created mask made of darkness over their nostrils.

The gas tgen made contact with all of their skin as giant roots began to erupt out if their bodies.

"Shit it doesn't have to be inhaled."said hawk."Counter vanish."Said sukuru.

As the wave if poisonus gas vanished a giant vibe then grabbed hawk.

Bit hawk created a giant blade of magma using it ti telepathicly destro the vines.

The giant titan then grabbed a giant wooden sword from the ground.

It then slammed it down to the ground.Sukuru created a giant darkness blade blocking tge giant.

As he fell to his knees."Hell blaze."Said wild as a giant wave of black flames burned and destroyed the colossal sword.

Sukuru then jumped into the air.Sukuru geld up his arms creating a giant ball of fire.

He then slammed it down towards the tiran but a giant sun flower immerged from tge ground.

The sun flower then devoured his attack as the titan giant hand slammed him to the ground.

One of the titans arms were tgen blown off by sukuru's full counter.

As hawk appeared behind the titan.Hawk then created a giant wave if ice freezing all the titans arm in place.

Wild tgen jumped up into tge sky as he zigzag around the creature shattering each of it's arms.

The creatures arms immediately grew back as a giant rose came from the ground.

The rose then shot out a giant spike which grazed sukuru's arm.

Sukuru immediately cut off his arm as it turned into a giant plant.

Hawk then used he'll flames destroying a giant vine about to stab sukuru.

A gian sun flower then immerged from the ground as a giant light beam flew tiwards the three.

Sukuru utilized full counter which destroyed the right side if the creatures body.

The creature started to regenerate but hawk immediately froze the wound.

Wild then started to sick tge life force of the


"It may be able to move but it's still a plant."said sukuru."meteorworks. "Said sukuru.

A giant magma rock then dropped down from the sky incinerating the titan.

"That was easier than I thought it wood be."said hawk.

The tree that released the titan them changed transforming into a creature similar to the titan.

But the tree was over ten time's larger.A giant wave of smaller titans then came from the ground.

"You just had to jinx it."said wild."Another day another bullsh#t task by the old man."