
chapter 15

"It's not possible for us to kill it luckily we don't have to."Said wild.

They had attempted to slit it's throat but the thing had scales all over it's body.

Even on it's stomach and they were almost impossible to pierce.

"Well I guess we'll just eat on of it's horns."said hawk pointing towards the twelve foot horns.

Kattesgi was watching them from the shadows knowing tgat they stood no chance against it.

Even he'd struggle against it but he needed to teach them a lesson.

The serpent eyes then opened flinging sukuru off it's head as it was very angry.

Magma then started to erupt from the ground as the barren wasteland was then turned into a sea of magma.

The serpent looked at sukuru who had dark wings coming from his back.

Hawk and wild were also floating in the air.Sukuru pulled out a sword from a small round orb.

"Sukuru what do we do this things eye ball is the same size as all of us combined."Said wild.

Sukuru created a small punk arrow as he fired it into the snakes brain.

"Sukuru you know that's useless this snake's magical power is far too great.

You're mind control will be ineffective."said


The snake opened it's mouth releasing a stream of acidic volcanic gas at sukuru.

"Full counter."The snake cried out in pain it's own attack hitting it straight in the face.

Sukuru tgen stabbed it in the eye but the blade could not Penetrate the snake's eye.

The snake swallowed sukuru hole but was then surprised that sukuru appeared ontop it's head.

"The illusion won't last long I can't control what the snake see's forever."said sukuru.

"Hawk now!"shouted wild as wild pulled out one of the snake's horns.

Throwing it towards hawk who grabbed it and flew away.The serpent was now very angry.

It did not pay any attention to sukuru before because he was like a spec of dust to it.

The snake fully got up sukuru and hawk falling off it's


Magma then started to fall from the sky as the entire area was engulfed in magma.

A giant magma rick then peirced sukuru throught the chest.

Sukuru then turned into a after image appearing above the snake's head.

Sukuru was tgen swallowed whole by the snake.Sukuru grabbed onto it's fangs.

Trying to avoid falling into it's stomach.sukuru looked around him as he had an idea.

He tgen dived into the snakes throat as he started to sense where it's heart was.

The snake sensed what he was trying to do immediately vomiting him back up.

Sukuru was now covered in the snake's saliva while holding it giant fangs.

Which were over three feat tall.Sukuru swung his hands a giant wind blade heading toward the snake's neck.

Tge snake was unaffected by the attack but hawk immediately slammed into it's head.

The snake moved back a few inches but was barely affected by hawk's strike.

Sukuru grabbed wild attempting to run


They were tgen hit by tge snake's hear pricing


Sukuru's hears started to bleed as he held his head because of the pain.

"This thing it's far faster and stringer than i am but I have one advantage."Said sukuru.

Sukuru then flew onto the snake's head he slammed the snake's own fang into it's head.

He then pulled out it other horn jamming that into it's skull.

The snake screamed in pain as sukuru pierced it with it's own horn in it's eye.

He then pulled out it's eye ball as looked at it.

"I'm going to hate myself for this later."Said sukuru as he took a bite out of the snake's eyeball.

Sukuru then grew scales on his body as his teeth turned into giant fangs.

His green eye's turning

yellow.Sukuru grabbed the snake's fang.

Covering it in darkness creating a brand new


Hawk can devour and steal tge abilities of anyone.Wild can convert life force into power.

And steal life force from others.Those are their inate abilities.

But because they were once apart of sukuru their abilities can be given to him.

While he can do the same and while sukuru has yet to figure out his unique ability.

"No matter how much I try I can't damage this thing or kill it.

It won't let me escape either so u will have to distract it."said sukuru.

Magma engulfing his blade along with his entire body.

Sukuru then started to chant as a giant arrow appeared above him.

The snake rushed towards him but wild jumped on top of his head.

Taking away some of it's life energy the snake then hauled it's attack.

But before it could react the arrow peirced it through the eye.

The snake then fell down.It was severely injured now being blind in both eye's.

But the snake screamed it's two eyes regrouping as a giant spike peirced sukuru throw the chest.

As sukuru fell unconscious wild tried to help him but was then hit by a giant ball of magma.

Hawk then grabber wild with his bat wings before he could be incinerated.

But the snake move swiftly about to swallow all three of them.

Katteshi then appeared infront of them using his katana to slice the snake clean in half.

"Just as I expected you three aren't even strong enough to take on a mere infant serpeant."Said katteshi.

"That things an infant."shouted hawk."Yes It's parent is easily ten time's larger."replied katteshi.

"But considering in purgatory you're physical strength can't evolve because.

You're aging stops in you're childhood meaning you're body can only grow so much."said katteshi.

Looking at sukuru knowing what he must do.