
chapter 12

Sukuru hawk and wild stared at katteshi who slowly disappeared into an oncoming dust storm.

Sukuru rapped darkness around his body getting up off the ground.

He grabbed hawk who was unconscious as he and wild followed katteshi.

"Sukuru we shouldn't be following this old man."Saud wild.

"I know but if he wanted to kill us he would have done so and also he could teach us something."said sukuru.

"But it's strange this place the only reason we can withstand its pressure.

Is because of the magic of you're sacred tree but this man he moves through it no problem.

But tge strangest thing if all is no one gourds the gate to purgatory so he could leave whenever he wants."Said wild.

"These brats are observant unfortunately they have no idea how vast this place is."Said katteshi.

"You three have very high magical powers and you all seem like you posse.

three character templates from the seven deadly sins world."Said katteshi.

"However that is simply not possible.Only one of you is a transmigrator the other two.

Are simply manifestations of the others abilities."said katteshi.

"Tell me child why did you come here.Afterall i have just met you.

And I can already tell you don't seek Power."Said


"Let me guess your body it's unstable isn't it."Said


"And how would you know about that?"asked


"For starters the fact that the orbs have not devoured you're soul is a miracle.

But even so if a human birthed you.There is no way they could survive."replied katteshi.

"So I take it you're an orphan."Said katteshi."No my mother is still alive.

But because I kept devouring her life energy she doesn't have long to live."said sukuru.

"So in order to stop both of you from dying the otbs purposefully.

Used their power to create a third party weapon that stored all that excess power am I right?"asked katteshi.

"I think that's what happened hawk and wild were alsi created by the tree the orbs created."replied sukuru.

"But about you without you're normal amount of power the commandments

Will require you to devour the souls of living beings to keep you're body stable."said katteshi.

"I take it you don't want to become sadistic and twisted by continously feeding the commandments."Said katteshi.

"I found away to fix the problems for n


by obsorbing energy from the tree however it only dies so much."Said sukuru.

A giant dust cloud then rushed a sukuru blowing him back down the mountain.

Katteshi grabbed both him and hawk before they fell in the pit of lava.

"Sukuru are you okay?"asked wild rushing over tiwards sukuru.

Sukuru's eyes then turned black as hus dark energy started to fluctuate.

Katteshi then placed his hands on Sukuru's head canceling out the commandments.

"Usually when one is given alot of power too young they are a danger to everyone around them.

But in his case the commandments want their lost power back.

But Sukuru can't fully observe the tree without going berserk."said wild.

"I see his mind just can't handle all that power since he's not use to it."said katteshi.

"I can help him however it will take intense mental and physical training.

Lisen this training is not going to be easy it's likely he'll be traumatized for the rest of his life."Said katteshi.

Katteshi appeared in a dark space as he looked at eleven dark orbs.

"Strange there are only supposed to be ten."