
chapter 10

Hawk stared at the creature infront of them with unease.They could all sense it.

If this thing wanted them dead they would already be


"Don't won't harm any of you but you three creatures have high potential and it intrigues me."Said the creature.

"Wait why should we trust you afterall purgatory is a place where every creature looks out for themselves."said hawk.

"Wait but how can you understand us and how can we understand you?"asked sukuru.

"Well ofcourse it's only natural demons speak the same language."replied the man.

"Wait you're a demon but how?"asked


"Well child you see just because you're a transmigrator.

it doesn't me you're the first one I encountered."said the man.

"Wait their were others like me?"asked sukuru."No not really my master he was sort of a balancer for people like you."Said the man.

"Wait who was you're master?"asked


"That is not important let's just say he got betrayed and was killed by his contemporaries.

And as his closest subordinates I was banished here."said the figure.

"My master he liked to create real places based off the different multiverse's.

So he created this place and unfortunately.Amd his killers used it to jail me."said the man.

"Yeah that's great on all but what dies that have to do with teaching us?"asked hawk.

"Well I get quite bored here so I often watch over the creatures here."replied the man.

"How did you get here no soul can enter this realm not even those who put me here can freely enter?"asked the man.

"Well I crossed over through a tree you can kinda say it's a secret relic I got for tranmigrating."replied sukuru.

"He's not lying but that should not be possible."said the


"Oh I almost forgot my name is katteshi."said

the man

A giant wave of magma then rushed at sukuru and the other's.

Sukuru jumped out of the cave as looked at his arm which was badly burnt.

Katteshu then stepped out of the cave a staff and a sword in two of his four hands.

"I need to see if you're worthy of possessing the commandments created by my master."said katteshi.

"What do you mean their created by you're master?"asked hawk.

"As I said my master had a habit of replicating abilities from the many dimensions.

It just so happens that you posses the ten orbs he mimicked from that universe."Said katteshi.

"So child do not disappoint me and maybe I'll teach you all the magical knowledge I've gathered from that world."Said katteshi.

"Sukuru what do we do this old man is way too strong for us."said wild.

"It doesn't appear like he wants to kill us just test us but stay on guard."Said sukuru.

Sukuru then took a strand of hair from hisheae and fed it to hawk.

A demonic mark appeared on hawks forehead."I hate when I have to do that."complained hawk.

"Yeah yeah I don't like giving you my hair either but I don't plan on being killed today."