
Using Points To Get Stronger In Naruto

Warning: This is a translations of a Chinese Fanfic and may contain some Chinese elements(I try to remove/replace whatever I can, but forced to leave some in to maintain the chapter’s integrity). Sao found himself transported to the world of Naruto. Lacking ninja talent, he refused to be mere cannon fodder and contemplated dropping out of school to pursue wealth. However, his plans took an unexpected turn when he awakened a point system. These attribute points could be obtained through studying, exercising, and eating. They had the power to enhance physical fitness, spirit, and even instantly improve ninjutsu proficiency. As Sao stood at the pinnacle of the world, reflecting on his journey, he realized that his actions had unknowingly changed the entire world.

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3 Chs

Chapter 2: Experimenting

Training Ground No. 9

This training ground was chosen by Sao for its proximity to the ninja school. It was vast, and Sao found an empty space to train in.

His objective was to test and improve his attribute points.

"I'll start with push-ups."

After some thought, Sao got on the ground and began doing push-ups. With a base physique of 10 points, he found the exercise relatively easy. He completed a hundred push-ups in a short time, averaging one per second.

While doing push-ups, Sao monitored the changes in his attribute points. After finishing a hundred push-ups, his attribute points increased by 1. Encouraged by this, Sao continued with another hundred push-ups before taking a break.

"Next, squats..."

After regaining some strength, Sao moved on to squats. He completed another hundred squats, gaining 2 attribute points in total.

The next tests involved sit-ups and running to earn attribute points.

Upon completion of the various exercises, such as push-ups, squats, and sit-ups, Sao discovered that every 100 repetitions earned him 1 attribute point. Running, on the other hand, rewarded 1 attribute point for every ten kilometers.

Exhausted from the tests, Sao lay on the ground, unwilling to move.

"Hoo hoo..."

"I'm so tired. I overestimated my physical strength."

During the final running test, Sao pushed himself to the limit to complete it.

At this moment, he had no desire to move. After all, he was just a little over six years old, and his physique was only twice that of an average person.

The continuous testing included 200 push-ups, 200 squats, 100 sit-ups, and a 10-kilometer run, which pushed his body to its limit.

"That's enough. Let's try eating to gain attribute points now."

With some strength regained, Sao struggled to retrieve a Military Rations Pills from his ninja bag and swallowed it without hesitation.

Soon, he felt his body and chakra rapidly recovering due to the effects of the Military Rations Pills. Feeling revitalized, Sao stood up.

"But what matters most is the change in attribute points."

To his surprise, after taking the military Rations Pills, his attribute points directly increased by 5.

"It actually increased by 5 points? What about other foods?"

Curious, Sao ate a piece of bread and waited for his attribute points to change. However, ten minutes later, there was no change.

"It seems that the size of the food doesn't affect the attribute points gained. It must be the nutrition or energy contained in the food."

Sao wasn't surprised by this speculation; he had suspected it for a while. He silently continued eating various snacks he had recently purchased, and his attribute points increased by 3 after he was full.

Feeling a bit melancholic about the results of the eating attribute points test, Sao contemplated, "In the future, I'll have to eat foods with more energy as much as possible. I just hope my wallet can handle it."

Sao calculated in his head. Military Rations Pills provided the most attribute points, but he could only take a maximum of three pills a day. Meat was the next best option, as one pound would earn him 1 attribute point. Eating two to three pounds of rice and vegetables would yield 1 attribute point.

"Expensive high-energy medicinal materials are worth a try later."

Thinking about ginseng and deer antler(traditional Chinese medicine), Sao recognized their benefits to the body. However, such medicinal materials were costly and scarce in the Ninja world, where they could improve one's strength.

"They're just too expensive."

Regardless of the world, potent tonic medicinal materials were always pricey. Sao gave up on the idea and decided not to continue exercising for the moment. Strenuous exercise on a full stomach would harm his internal organs.

"Perfect, let's try adding some effects now."

Observing the 24 attribute points on his panel, Sao focused on enhancing his physique.

"I can clearly feel a slight improvement in my physique..."

Though the increase in physical fitness was minor, Sao could sense the progress.

With the enhancement of his physique, Sao noticed a decrease in the feeling of fullness in his stomach.

"Does improved physique also boost digestion speed?"

"It seems that enhancing physique not only increases strength and agility but also strengthens internal organs."

Carefully observing his body's changes, Sao reached a conclusion.

"With improved physical fitness, I can gain attribute points faster..."

"But wouldn't that make me a big eater?"

While acquiring attribute points faster was desirable, Sao felt concerned about becoming an excessive eater, not due to fear of gaining weight but due to his limited funds.

Additionally, the more he ate, the less time he had for other activities, potentially reducing his productivity. Should he give up adding attribute points?

"I'll take it one step at a time," Sao sighed, realizing that he could sacrifice his physique to focus on attribute points if necessary. One of Sao's greatest strengths was his ability to adapt and avoid getting stuck on a single approach.

Putting physical concerns aside, Sao decided to allocate some attribute points to his spirit and chakra.

Due to the substantial total amount of mental attributes, the upgrade's effect on Sao's overall feeling wasn't as noticeable as the physical enhancement. However, when it came to chakra, Sao's meager reserves doubled after adding points.

The sensation was remarkable—a warm current surged from his abdomen, blending with the chakra he had refined previously. It felt akin to soaking in a hot spring.

Exhaling a long breath, Sao marveled, "Being able to become stronger just by adding points feels incredible!"

"There are no bottlenecks; as long as I have attribute points, I can become infinitely stronger."

Then Sao's attention turned to the ninjutsu column.

Seeing the word "nothing" there left him feeling a bit helpless.

"It's no surprise; I didn't even have chakra until today. How could I learn ninjutsu?"

"Fortunately, I came prepared."

Lost in thought, Sao took out a scroll from his ninja bag...