
Chapter 8 Request

After Jiang Yixue finished her medicinal bath, it was already past five in the afternoon.

However, in this solar calendar month of August, it wouldn't get dark until past seven o'clock, so it was still early, and Ye Feng, carrying his fishing rod, went to the lake south of the village.

After over an hour of struggle by the lake, Ye Feng successfully caught a more than two-pound grass carp.

Although it was not huge, it was enough for him and Jiang Yixue to have a meal.

When he got back home, Jiang Yixue volunteered eagerly: "Come, come, come, I will cook personally, and let you taste the boiled live fish I make!"

Boiled live fish...

Hearing these four words, Ye Feng couldn't help but recall Jiang Yixue soaking in the pot for her medicinal bath, and his gaze became a bit strange.

Jiang Yixue seemed to have realized something too and suddenly bulged her eyes, pouted, and stamped her foot, huffing, "You jerk, you're not allowed to laugh, nor are you allowed to look at me with that disgusting gaze."

"Alright, alright, I won't laugh, won't laugh."

Ye Feng shook his head with a bitter smile, already speechless inside.

When they first met this morning, Jiang Yixue had seemed quite normal, but after spending half a day together and gradually getting to know each other, Ye Feng suddenly realized that this woman was just like a little brat...

He wondered if she was the same when facing her subordinates in the company?

Next, Ye Feng was happy to be idle, quietly playing with his phone on the side, while Jiang Yixue was busy making her boiled live fish...

About half an hour later, the meal was ready.

Ye Feng tasted the boiled fish made by Jiang Yixue, and it was indeed very authentic. He couldn't help but give a thumbs up, "Not bad at all, the task of cooking will be yours from now on."

Jiang Yixue curled her lips: "Aside from my dad, you're the first man to eat the food I've personally cooked."

Ye Feng's face darkened and he frowned, "What do you mean by that? You're not going to hold me responsible and make me marry you over this nonsense 'first time', are you?"

"In your dreams," Jiang Yixue glanced at him, "Plus, you're too young for me, you're just not my type."

"I'm young?"

Ye Feng glanced down at his own crotch and stood up discontentedly, "You womanizer, how can you say I'm young when you haven't even seen it? Want me to show you?"

Jiang Yixue was stunned, her face flushed as she spat out, "You're the creep, shameless, I was talking about age!"

Ye Feng: "..."

He sat down to continue eating, but just then, Jiang Yixue's face suddenly became weird.

At first, Ye Feng thought she felt embarrassed about what they had just talked about, so he didn't probe further, but as time went on, not only did Jiang Yixue's face look odd, but she also started covering her stomach with her hand.

Ye Feng asked in confusion, "What's the matter with you?"

"I need to go to the bathroom."

Standing up to leave, Jiang Yixue held her stomach, walking with an odd gait as if deliberately clenching her legs together.

"It's said that lazy donkeys have more to let out when they get moving, but you can't even eat a meal without making a fuss," teased Ye Feng, but this time, surprisingly, Jiang Yixue didn't retort; instead, she quickened her pace.

About ten minutes later, Ye Feng had almost finished eating, and Jiang Yixue still hadn't come back.

"What's taking this girl so long, didn't she fall in the bathroom, did she?"

Scratching his head, Ye Feng was about to go check when he had just stepped out the door, he heard Jiang Yixue's voice coming from the direction of the toilet: "Ye Feng, can you hear me? Answer me if you can."

Her voice wasn't loud, and if Ye Feng hadn't stepped out, he probably wouldn't have heard her.

"What's going on?"

Ye Feng arrived at the door of the old toilet, which was smelly enough to knock someone out.

He really wondered if Jiang Yixue had a problem with her nose, to be able to stay in there for so long without coming out.

"Um... I..."

Jiang Yixue spoke hesitantly, evidently reluctant, "I forgot to bring it, could you go get me a pack?"

Ye Feng was confused, "What 'it'?"

"Just 'it'..."

Jiang Yixue felt it was somewhat indelicate to speak of, but since she couldn't continue without saying it, she bit the bullet and said, "It's ... it's just that 'it', I forgot to bring it."

Ye Feng scratched his head, puzzled, "Be clearer, what is 'it' exactly? Why are you beating around the bush?"


Jiang Yixue was on the verge of tears.

She thought she had made herself quite clear, but to her surprise, Ye Feng still didn't understand.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Yixue intended to compose herself, but unexpectedly, the stench in the toilet nearly made her faint, she said in frustration, "It's... my period has come, go buy me a pack of sanitary pads."

Upon hearing this, Ye Feng suddenly realized, but immediately frowned, "Where am I supposed to buy them at this time of night?"

"Doesn't your village have a small store?"

"Yes, but..."

Ye Feng felt he couldn't stomach this task.

As a full-grown man, running out to buy sanitary pads in the middle of the night, what sort of errand was that? Besides, since everyone in the village knew each other, and Aunt Wang from the store knew him, if word got out, where would he put his face?

No, absolutely not!

While Ye Feng was internally struggling, Jiang Yixue said, "Whatever method you use, you have to get them for me today. Besides, with the toilet being so smelly, do you have the heart to leave me squatting here the whole time?"

Jiang Yixue was both firm and pitiable, making it impossible for Ye Feng to refuse.

"Then stay in there for now, I'll figure something out for you."

Having said that, Ye Feng turned and headed for Su Xiaoqin's house.

Now, he had no choice but to find that girl, since there was no way Ye Feng could bring himself to buy them. He couldn't afford to lose face.

Su Xiaoqin's house was just next to Ye Feng's, only a few steps away.

Upon arriving outside her door, Ye Feng dialed Su Xiaoqin's mobile phone, but it was turned off and he couldn't get through, so he had no choice but to go over and knock.

The person who opened the door was Su Xiaoqin's mother, Wang Yan.

Without waiting for her to speak, Ye Feng hurriedly said, "Auntie Wang, is Xiao Qin home? I've got some urgent business with her."

Wang Yan gestured toward the inner room, "She's in her room reading a book!"

"Then you go ahead with your work, I'll go find her," Ye Feng said with a smile, turning to walk inside.

Wang Yan opened her mouth as if to speak, but then decided against it.

Because of what happened that morning, she was still somewhat wary of Ye Feng.

After all, seeing her daughter's hair on Ye Feng's bed in the morning had made her anxious, fearing her daughter might be deceived by Ye Feng's sweet words and commit an indiscretion...

But upon second thought, her daughter was no longer young and should know her limits; why should she worry needlessly?

Ye Feng entered the inner room and saw Su Xiaoqin sitting seriously at her desk, reading.

"Knock, knock, knock..."

He knocked on the door and said with a smile, "You're studying so hard, are you aiming to be number one next semester?"

"Brother Xiao Feng!"

Su Xiaoqin put down her book and ran over excitedly, giggling, "Why are you here? Could it be..."

At this, Su Xiaoqin's face turned slightly red, she glanced down shyly at her chest, then continued, "Could it be you've come to give me a massage?"