
Urban Seduction: Housewives Club

(Warning: Harem, if you don't like it, please refrain! Boldly breaking taboo ethical norms, not letting go of any beautiful women encountered!) A young nobleman with a delicate constitution, pure and kind, has always been protected by everyone. However, after two months of military camp life, he began to change for the worse. With unbeatable power in his hands, he became lawless, targeting countless beautiful women in the city. In his eyes, every beautiful woman is like a delicate flower. He wants to gather these tender flowers around him, then extend his strong wings to shield them from any harm...

ShawnBee · Urban
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339 Chs

Chapter 313: Meyer's Brilliance

Seeing Reinhardt's motionless body lying on the ground, even knowing the rumors of his power comparable to a magister, all the young knights were unable to accept this sudden turn of events. They stood there, dumbfounded.

The ladies present were more able to face reality. Except for a few particularly infatuated with the "Sun Knight," the majority applauded Eric's unexpected display of strength. Especially Meyer, the "Pearl of Europe," who was very pleased that her idol had such an outstanding boyfriend in both looks and strength, and they all cheered and blessed them.

The women who admired Meyer were mostly impressed by her ability to carve out a space for herself in the male-dominated world of knights. It could be said that many of Meyer's fans had a bit of a feminist inclination. Therefore, they had no aversion to Eric, the "foreigner" who gave those self-important knights a lesson.