
Lost Pride Part 2

What Li Long had said kept recurring in her brain, he wasn't wrong though. The last thing she could clearly remember was that she came to the hotel with Zheng Zheng for a job interview.

While waiting for the manager, they drank some juice and after that, everything all seemed like a blur.

Of course! The juice! Zheng Zheng must have put something in it. It was all clear now,no wonder Zheng Zheng had been so adamant on her drinking the juice.

She had this planned out all along, to set her up with Li Long. She promised herself she was going to teach them both a lesson one way or another.

Especially Zheng Zheng who she once took as the sister she never had, it was so hard to believe that the same Zheng Zheng did this to her just for money.

Han Bi got to their apartment and started packing. "Bi what are you doing?" Zheng Zheng asked feigning innocence.

"Yi Zhengshe get out of my way,I'm tired of the acting of yours. I came to Xing city in the hopes of a new life, I wanted to leave behind my past of suffering but what did I get from the one that I trusted most? Betrayal." Han Bi said and zipped the bag close, she was ready to go.

"Bi I don't understand, why did you come back so angry? Is anything the problem?" Zheng Zheng asked still feigning ignorance which angered Han Bi greatly.

"What do you take me for? A fool? I know you spiked my drink and took me to Li Long's room and left me there. I know about everything,he must have paid you to do this right? All thanks to your greed,I've lost my pride. I've lost my innocence which I treasured so much." Han Bi said in tears as she stormed out of the room.

"Where will you go? Xing city is very big and you don't know anyone. By leaving you'll put yourself in harm's way." Zheng Zheng said.