

Door opened and closed by the two guard that uses to be at the entrance of the king's living room and for the First chief, he entered and going straight inside with a report in his. Few of the chiefs were there as well, both red and blue sitting at their place and waiting for the king.

Door opened again for one of the servant as the First chief sat down on his personal chair beside the king's own. The servant greeted them all and serving them tea round, gave it to the first chief too and leaving the living room.

"Where is the King? He has to approve this report right now and let me go and finalize everything that it would require!" First chief said as the door closed for the maid.

"We are told that the king is not around, he left the king angrily and with his sword in his hand. I pray he didn't do anything stupid because he was not ordered to do anything!" The chief which was next to the first chief said.

"I don't care about that! He is the king and have power to do anything, what I am consigned about is this report to be approved even if I could do that I will do it"

"Sorry! First chief. That is not the report from the other kingdom that they want to buy one of the status that was the treasures for this kingdom?" One of the red chief asked.

"Yes it's the one! Hope you don't have problem with it!"

"He can't have any problem with it!" Second chief said.

"You also know that it's an ancient gift to the kings and you want him to approve it, selling out the kingdom's treasures is very wrong and not that you are going to spend it on the people!"

"Are you the king that will approve it!" Another chief from the blue said with loud voice.

"We all know that the king is not normal! He just only use to do what you chiefs ordered him to do, just put him there so that you could be controlling him-----" one of them among the blue stopped him.

"Watch your mouth young man!" Said with loud voice.

"Don't let him! Who told you that the king is not in his normal senses, is he not know what his doing! Be careful young boy!" First chief said with arrogance.


Sound of horses entering the palace by the armies that found the body of the chief. All of them got down from the horse and bought the corpse down from another horse, laying it on the floor and servants looking at them.

Their head had took his bath, changed to another cloth and eaten. He was coming out from their apartment when saw the armies and the corpse on the floor, he walked closer.

"Our head! We have found the chief but he is dead!" One of them said, the head bend down and searching the body of the corpse maybe he could find anything.

"He was stabbed seriously that the sword reached out to his back. So the person that took him away didn't do it to safe him but to kill him by him or herself!" Their head said.

"We are surprised when we see his corpse, even it's one of the young armies that let us see him because moist sand and covered his body!" A man said.

"The king is not around now! Go and tell the chief that we have found the chief!" Ordered one of the young armies.

"As you said our head!" Bow and left the place.

The chiefs were still on their arguments and exchanging of abusing words when the door opened for the young army and closed back by the guards at the door.

"Greeting my chiefs!" The armies said with low voice. First chief and the next chief to him looked at the army angrily and First chief said with anger

"Who is this one? Why this distraction and why are you here!" Asked with loud voice and with angers.

"I am here to tell you that we have found the chief! Saw his body a little far from where we put our base at the back of the kingdom. We found him dead!" Explained.

"Good now! Before he suppose to be kill and someone took him away to be killed, so what consigned us again!" First chief said with loud voice.

"Let me see him! You found him dead!" A man among the red said with surprised and stood up, going out with the army and five others too followed him.

First chief adjusted his cloth very well and drinking his wine, the second chief shifted to him small and whispered to him.

"We first thought that the person saved the chief from us because they may think he was an innocent man as he use to do, without know that the person took him away because he wanted to kill him by himself!"

"What are you trying to say actually?" Asked with low voice.

"What I am trying to say is that we have to be more vigilant and careful, maybe someone has been some where and trying to be doing some secret job or what to be taking a stupid REVENGE because this is strange!"

"Realise your mind! Nobody can do anything on me or us. This is our kingdom and will own everything in it, if that person continues I will fish him or her out and kill him!" Said with boldness and didn't care.

"I trust you on that!" Second chief laughed and drank his wine, other chiefs were looking at them.

The few chiefs that left the living room were outside looking at the corpse and feeling bad bitterly for one of them that dead, all of them were standing beside each others and looking at the corpse.

Liu Wie entered the palace with his horse, stopped at the centre and got down from the horse. The sword was not in his hand and the demon was not inside him as well.

"Greeting our King! Welcome back!" All of them greeted including the chief. Liu Wei was just looking at them.

"We have found the chief but he is dead, and we haven't found the man that released him!" Head of the armies said. Liu Wei looked at him, didn't remember anything consigned that again at all.

"What really happened to him? Why are you searching for him in the first instance?" Asked with low voice and all of them looked at each other.

"You wanted to kill him before but an unknown human released him on the judgement day, so it was since then we have been looking for him and now we found him dead!"

"He is dead right! Then burn him and tell his family to become to the palace for anything that they could need and also give them some huge amount of money!"

"He is traitor my King! And his family has been killed too!" Another army said.

"Who named him a traitor? For what, well he is dead now. Burn him and do all the necessary things because I don't remember at all!" Said with low voice and looking at the corpse on the floor.

"We have understand my King! You can go inside!" One of the chief said and Liu Wei left the place, going to the king's chamber.

The guard at the door greeted him with respect and opened the door for him, he entered and going inside.

He sat down on his seat as he got to where the chiefs were and looking at them for few minutes.

"I don't get what they are saying outside! A chief is dead and saying that he is a traitor and his family had been killed, who named him a traitor? What really happened?"

"Please my king forget about that! You can't remember!" Second chief said and Liu Wei looked at him.

"My king! Do you remember the report that I have been telling you about that I want you to help me to sign it?"

"Yes! I remembered that one!" Said with low voice.

"You will remember because I always use to sing it in your ear every day, so here is it and I want you to sign it now!"

"Don't sign it at all my king! Because it's not what you suppose to sign, at the end of the day it's their pocket the money will go to!" The red chief said with loud voice.

"My King! I approve it, you remember I have been telling you about it right! So please approve it now and let me go ahead with all the necessary plans that it could acquired!"

"Look at me my King don't approve it, it's not for the benefit of massive at all! If you keeps approving them it will just run down all the economic activities of this kingdom!"

"Are you alright at all! Are you okay, what exactly is wrong with you. Just shut up and let me talk!" Said with anger.

"We can't just keep silent and been looking at you destroying this kingdom because of how the king is now!" Said with anger. Liu Wei rubbed his face and looking at them abusing each other.

"I am so tried! What exactly do you want me to do?" Asked with low voice and feeling dizzy.

"What we want you to do is that! Don't approve it!" The chief said faster than the first chief and Liu Wei stood up.

"Okay! Good then. I want to go and sleep, I need a rest!" Said and leaving the living room.

"Do you know how many weeks I have spent keeps remembering him about this report for him not to forget when I brought it and you destroyed everything!"

"This is our kingdom and we can't let you destroy it. We know that you crowned him for you to be able to be controlling him but we won't allow you!"

"You are very stupid! Please go after him quickly for him to approve it today because tomorrow he won't remember anything that happened today again!" Second chief said.

"You just want all my effort to waste! I am coming" said with anger and leaving the living room.

It was the only thing that people keeps remembering him every day that he uses to remember. If they wants him to remember anything they must be telling him every day if not he wouldn't remember again.

First chief got to the King's bedroom. Met the guard standing there and guarding the place. First chief got there, replied to the greeting of the guard and wanted to enter.

"You can't enter my chief! He doesn't want to see anybody for today again because he want to sleep, except if there is a war. And you know how the king is, any knocks at the door he can kill anybody thought that it was one of the enemies!"

"Okay!" First chief said with anger and left the place.


The Demon entered the old palace with his invisible nature and with the sword in his hand. He entered the big room in that palace, where was so dark and everywhere was so dusty and full of cobwebs.

He used his eye to light the candles there and everywhere became brightly. There were like ten dragon's eggs on a big table there, his dragons always uses to lay eggs and that was why they were many.

The demon was standing at the front of the eggs, pointing the sword on top of the eggs and dropping the bloods on it. The blood stopped on the fourth eggs and four of them started cracking, the four dragons raised up and they were all blank in colour different entirely from golden dragon.

The demon laughed loudly and set the dragons out, without saying any words to them. The dragons fly out from the room and left the palace.