

“Eh! I said get out and leave this place young lady! What is your problem" An army among the two armies that were standing at the front of the prison said with loud voice.

"Please! I beg you, just want to see him and have some words with him"

The lady that was running the small restaurant that Chameleon and his friends uses to stay and catch fun said with sad voice, sitting on the floor and begging the armies but they keeps pushing her away with their swords. The mane of the lady was Ae-Cha.

"I mean no aim just to talk to him and I won't stay long, please help me with this" the lady was really begging the armies just for her to enter into the prison and see Chameleon but no of them ready to let her in.

"Is it like you are dwarf or something, you cant go inside and see him be few minute or few seconds, you can't and it will better for you to stand up now and go" The second army said with loud voice.

"Take your leave now or we throw you out, even who are you to him?" The first army asked.

"I am just his friend, a friend" The two armies looks at each other.

"Just a friend and you are here doing like this" The lady looks at them and didnt really get what they mean.

Well! From the ladys behavior it really shows that she likes Wang Lie but right now it was another lady that Wang Lie like and trying to do anything for.

She came to the palace and at the prison side as she heard what happened to Wang Lie and his friend and everything that happens at the wedding party so she came to talk to him and know how he was.

Chameleon was putting his head on his laps, uses his two hands to hold his two legs together and sleeping, from what he had seen and Immortal sorcerer had told him it had makes him that nothing was going to happen to him and which could leads to death but he could surfer for his disrespectful.

Chameleon raised his head up as he saw the sound of the main door opened and he had known that some people had entered into the prison. After few minutes he saw two armies coming to his prison with their swords in their hands and with unsmiling face, Chameleon got up on his foot as he saw the armies and holding the iron door of the prison.

One of them brought out the key, opened the padlock at the door removed the chain from the door and opened the door.

"Come out!" The man staying at the back said. Chameleon looks at them for few minutes and coming out from the cell.

Two of them held his two hands as he came out, put their swords inside their pockets and taking out from the prison, it was the Chiefs that sent for him and it was about his friend that suddenly disappeared from the prison last night.

Ae-Cha was still there, sitting on the floor and didnt wanted to leave, she really wants to see him and it was what it takes that he wanted to give it.

The Lady whom was the daughter of the chief that dead entered the palace, wearing a lovely and beautiful gown and style her head. She was not smiling and didnt even look like a person that was happy at all. She passed beside Ae-Cha and walking closer to the armies at front of the prison.

"I am here to see the murderer that killed my father" She said with low voice and Ae-Cha looks at her.

The lady haven't believe yet all what chameleon told her, she didnt uses to believe or trust like that.

She was talking when she saw Chameleon getting down from the staircase with the two armies that went to take him, Ae-Cha got up from the floor as she saw Wang Lie and wanted to run to him but one of the armies sent her back with a sword putting at her.

"Wang Lie! How are you doing?" That was the first word she said to him and Chameleon was so surprise to see her and saw a tear on her face as she was looking at him.

"I don't believe you and all what-----" the Chiefs daughter said with loud voice and stopped.

"Can I have some words with him before you take him to wherever you are taking him to?"

"I am sorry my lady, you can't but you can see him later" One of the armies said with low voice and shows her some respect because of noble child that she was.

"It fine" She said with low voice and stepped back, took Chameleon passed beside two of them and the two ladies were looking at him, Ae-Cha was very sad and feeling like crying for him.


It was all the elders that where at the kings living room, sitting as they uses to and facing the king. Li Jun was seat, sitting on his chair and looking at them. Him was just sitting there like a robot and didnt understand what they were talking about. It was only what was happening presently that he knows, didnt even know if they arrest anybody again or many one of the chief dead.

That was exactly what they what just for the kingdom to know that they have king and they should be there controlling and running the Kingdom. So now it was in the hand of the first chief that power is.

“I haven't understand how we will lock two people in the cell and one would disappeared within a night and you are telling me that all those knows nothing about the crime" Fist chief said and directly the statement to head of the armies, he was standing at the front of them.

"That is what I don't get as well sir. Last night the security was very tight here and the kingdom so nobody knows how the second guy escaped and also the door is still locked as we left it" He explained.

"Now those boys are not innocent, it sure that they really know about what happened at the wedding party. So we have to hold the second boy well and tell us who sent them" a middle age man from the red clothed elders said.

"The armies haven't able to bring him here, is prison far from this place" First chief was talking when they heard the sound of the door opened and the armies entering with Wang Lie. The door closed and the armies walking closer to them.

The armies dropped Wang Lie on the floor as they got there and laying on the floor at the front of the king, Wang Lie was just looking at all of them and knocked his two figures together.

"Here is he my King" One of the armies said and two of them stepped back a little.

"Hey! Firstly what is your name and where are you from?" First chief said.

"My name is Wang Lei and I am from this kingdom" He said with low voice, King was just looking at them and trying to get what they were really talking about.

"Your name is Wang Lie but I heard them calling you Chameleon, what does that mean?" Head of the armies said, he looks at him but he didnt replied to it.

“Leave that! How did your partner escaped from the prison?" First chief asked again.

"I have no idea, I dont know" Said with low voice.

"Its show that you are lying, how can you said you dont know not two of that are in the prison together. So how would one will escaped and you won't know" Second chief said.

"I am asking for the last time! How did your partner escaped from the cell?" First chief said with loud voice.

"Let him go my Chief. I am the one that they arrested so leave my friend from this and let him go. I know the reason why I am here and so let me serve my punishment" Chameleon said with low voice.

"I told you that is something about these boys" second chief said.

"Who sent you to kill the chief? Who are you really working for?" another chief asked.

"My elders, get it right I am not the one that killed him. And for him too to be killed like that he may have done some bad deeds. I am not the one that killed---" Sound of the door opened and the chiefs daughter entered. Chameleon stopped talking looking at her.

"My King! I want a justice on my fathers death and he is the one responsible for it" Chameleon looks at the lady.

“I swear to you, I am not the one that killed your father. Dont you believe what I told you and what my friend said" Chameleon said with low voice and really like the girl.

"I dont trust you or believe all those lies coming from your mouth, if its not you then who did?"

"Please trust me, you can even ask your sister what she knows that happened on that day"

"She doesnt remember anything, she doesnt even didnt know you" She said with loud voice.

"Oh! But I am telling you I am not the one that killed your father, even that I did it for you and so that you can be happy. I like you I cant do anything that can hurt you"

Chameleon had known that it was possible for her sister not to remember him again because that scene always erased from his victims heads and for them not to known or put him in trouble.

"Eh! Please dont give me that! Like me means that you can kill my father. You are the only stranger at the wedding that day and now all this happened, there is nothing you can say that I can believe"

"Saying you are not the one that killed him that mean you know who killed him and it was this same person that made your friend to escape from the prison. I am putting it to you, who is that person?"

"I dont know who killed him" Chameleon said with low voice.

"He is lying? If its not because I have met you before that is how you will escaped with your friend after killing my father" The girl said with loud voice.

"Listen to me! I am not the one that killed your father but I" Chameleon stopped talking as he see that he had wanted to be saying what he didnt supposed to talk on.

"You want to say you know the person right! Who is he?"Head of the armies asked.

"Dont push words into my mouth, I didnt say so" Chameleon said with low voice.

"Then why dont you complete your statement" The girl said, Chameleon looks at her and didnt say a word.

"Hmm! There is something about this boy and I think we need to uses iron hand on him" First chief said.

"He has decided not talk and we have to let him talk" Second chief said.

"Since morning that I have been sitting here, dont understand what is going on. Who is he an she? What is going on" Liu Wei asked.

"Dont worry my King, you will understand soon" Another chief from the blue said.

"Take this boy back to the prison, also keeps searching for that his friend and make the security of the cell tighter for him too not to escape" First chief said.

"As you said my Chief" The two armies walked more closely to Wang Lei, held his two hands and he got up from the floor.

The armies were taking him out and everybody were looking at them. Chameleon stopped walking as he got to the girl and didnt gives the armies power to carry him.

"Something! Its always good to have trust in someone because that is what the person want for you at that time" He said with low voice and continued walking. The girl turns her head and looking at him leaving the room and didnt know what to say or to do.