

Enjoy your day guys!!!

There was a rain over night at Dragons kingdom which was Zhang min's kingdom, even still now the rain was still dropping small. That was the name their kingdom had been named by their forefather because they were the first Kingdom to have dragon in china that time and also still now they were still the only one that have dragons.

The floor was very moist, rotted vegetable and dirt on the floor at the market made everywhere to worst that people were walking carefully for them not to fall or got injured and using different umbrella to cover their head and going to their destinations or shops.

Those that got to their shops quickly opened it and entered because the weather was too hot for them to stand apart from double cloth that they were putting on.

Xiu Ying (Mother Commander) used her hands to cover her face as the light of a sun penetrated into the room that she was through the window and it was affecting her sight. She got up from the floor, struggled herself out under the kitchen cabinet that slept overnight.

Xiu Ying slept at the restaurant that she was working and it had been two days that she gone home last since from that day that she had escaped from her Aunty; she didnt wants to going that house again but she didnt have choice. The shop was not really safe for her because anything could happened like rubbery.

"Oh! It's morning already!" She said with low voice as she looked out throw the window, yawns and stretching her body.

"There is cold! The rain really fall heavily and still now"She removed her cloth from the nail at the wall that she hanged it on, removed the wrapper that she wrapped on her body and wearing the cloth. She washed the cloth overnight as the man that own the shop went home; dried it outside for few hours before she brought it inside.

"Let me start with the cleaning, arrange everywhere and start calling customers inside, by then boss can meet me on it!"

She said to herself as she adjusted the cloth and started the cleaning from the kitchen.

Took a rag and started cleaning the cabinet, arranging the raw food together as she was doing so and also putting some equipment properly to where they were.

She put the rag down as she finished with the cleaning. Took the broom at the back of the door and started sweeping everywhere, she swept the kitchen down to the main room and closed the kitchen door. She entered the small room that they uses to stay and display food, swept the place down and continued with the sweeping; sweeping it out and cleaning the table and the chair along so that she wouldnt waste time.

She opened the door widely and sweeping the dirty out to the road, the man that own a shop beside them hadnt arrived his place was still closed. Xiu Ying stopped weeping as she saw that everywhere had been cleaned and looking at the people passing by.

"It's cold! The weather is so cold, enter here now and drink a hot tea so that you can be free from the cold and your body will become hot!" Xiu Ying decided to call peoples attentions first to them before she go inside.

"Hot tea is the best for you this morning! Take it once and able to walk freely without catching cold again!" She said loudly, held the broom very well and wanted to be going inside. She couldn't stand there for long because she too was catching cold. Mother Commander really know how to advertise.

"Excuse me Young lady, we will like to take a cup of tea before we processed with our journey!" Xiu Ying heard a males voice from her behind and faced them, saw a guy and a lady.

"Alright! Come in" She said with smile and welcoming them inside. She was really using her power Command to help the man by commanding people unintentionally into his shop.

Xiu Ying closed the door as she entered after the customers.

"Sorry! Let me quickly light the candles to keeps this warming before I get you the tea!" she took permission from them, took a matches on the table at the small room and started lighting the candles in the room round and very fast with it. She returned back the matches and went to the kitchen.

She put the tea leaves inside a small stainless kettle, poured water into it and put it on fire. She took two ceramic cups on the wall that they hanged them, washed it and placed them on the table waiting for the tea to cook.

She removed the kettle of fire as she off the light under it after few minutes and pouring the tea inside the cups.

She put the kettle down, put the cups inside a wood tray and taking out to the customers.

"I am sorry that it take a bit long!" She said as she down to room and putting the cup down from the tray at the front of each of them.

"How much is it per cup?" The lady asked.

"Its fifty yen per cup, very cheap and not too thick" Xiu Ying said as she was standing at the front of them.

"Alright! We will pay you as we done!" The lady said.

"You can be coming here, we have lovely food and very cheap to afford" Holding the trey with her two hands and standing straight like a student at the front of her teacher.

"We are researchers, don't have a stable place but if we come to China again we will surely come here!" The man said, the man and the lady were Americans.

"Alright! Safe journey as you are going back-------" She was talking when she heard a voice at the door, she left the man and the lady and going to the entrance.

"Thank you for checking on us, please come in" She welcome another customers inside, two young lady and wearing school uniforms.

"We want tea and a cup, we heard you saying it!" one of the lady said.

"Please! Sit down, and give me few minutes!" One thing was that, it was what she said with command tone that anybody that heard it would be doing or asking for, didn't even have the sense to ask for another thing.

Collect money before you go! the man said as she gave Xiu money and they leaving.

"Thank you! I am coming please!" She said to the girls and going to the kitchen. She put the same kettle on fire just added a little water to it and giving it time.

The man that own the shop arrived to the entrance of the shop, off the umbrella and put it down outside for the water on it to dry off. He was looking for the extra key that him had in hand except from the one he gave Xiu Ying, he didnt know that Xiu Ying spent over there. He was looking for the key when he saw opened at the door, he opened it and the door opened, looked round and entered.

Xiu Ying was coming out from the kitchen with the tea inside the same tray when she saw the man entering; looking at everywhere cleaned and tied up.

"Good morning Sir!" She greeted him and serving the girls.

"Morning and how was your night? You arrived early today for you to have done all this!" Man saying as he was going inside the small room.

"I don't go home Sir!" She replied as collected money from those girls.

"Why? And you don't tell me you will stay by!" opened the locker and checking something there. Xiu Ying walked to the place and looking at him inside.

"I am sorry Sir, it's rain and also this place is better then where I am living when rain is falling" Pointing the money at him. The man collected the money from her and counting it.

"Two hundreds yen! I thought it's two cusps, one for each"

"Two people just left before you arrived Thank you! Come back next time!" Xiu Ying said with smile to the girl as they were going out.

"Wow! You are so great, I don't ever believe I can be selling by this time. People don't use to come until now that you arrived and I have never know why. Well! Thank you" the man was so happy.

"You always use to say so Sir! But I just use to call them in and they will responses! I will just say we should be cooking on time not waiting for afternoon again" She suggested.

"It's what you say that will be done!" as an old man, the man know there was something about Xiu Ying but didn't know it was a command tone. Just know that she was a lucky person and special.

"You are such a special person as I am seeing you! Cook tea for me and you too, let drink something for the cold. After that let start cooking!"

"As you said Sir!" Xiu Ying said with low voice and going to the kitchen.

Sound of the kitchens door opened and closed. Xiu Ying took the same kettle as she entered the kitchen, poured another little inside the kettle with the leaves inside it and put it on fire.

She rest her back at the door and thinking to what the man just said and remembering her uncle.


Flash back!!!

"It's you that should talk to it, it's powerful leaf!" Her uncle said and two of them were at the small guardian that was at the back of their house then and planting a leaf.

“Why Father?" She fourteen years old then.

"Because you are special, don't you know that? You are special from other people so you shouldn't be compering yourself with other!" She looked at her father.

"Why am i special from others?" She asked with low voice.

"There is something about you which makes you special and with this it as make you the head for all the creatures, that is why I always say you shine like that star you always use to look at"

Her uncle had known and he had been told that she had the power of commanding by a sorcerer and he had told him how he would teach her and discovered herself on time but he was unable before he dead.

"What is that thing that make me special Father?" Looking at her fathers eye; he smiles at her and rubbed her hair with his elbow because of the dirt in his hand.

"I will tell you that when its time! Okay my daughter" Smiling at her.

"Okay! Father" Said with low voice and talking to the leaf as her father instructed her.

"Alright! Let go home now" her father got up and her too did, washed their hands with a water from a bucket there and cleaned their hands. Her father carried her on his neck and going inside.

"What is that thing that make me special?" Xiu Ying asked herself as she came back from the flashback.

She breathe in and stay away from the wall, she took the kettle off from the fire and pouring it inside two cups. She took one put it on the wood tray and taking out for the man.

The man was setting the tables and the chairs very well when Xiu Ying got there, put the tea on the cabinet at the small room.

"Sir! Your tea is here and I will be in the kitchen!"

"Okay Xiu Ying! Thank you very much!" Said with low voice.

"I will be with you shortly just make sure you put all the necessary thing ready!" Xiu Ying said YES and going back to the kitchen to start doing that.