

enjoy your day guys!!!

The Queen of Khitan river kingdom was at her chamber and at her living room with the Hand of the King sitting at the front of her, watching her as she was eating and smiling with a romantic looks on his face. Two maids were in the room with them, standing at the two egged of the house very far from them and waiting for the Queen to finish eating so that they could clean the table.

Hand of the King was the formal King's nephew but he didn't wanted anybody to know so he brought him up as his son's friend and whom was the king that dead.

Hand of the king was seven years old boy then but as an intelligent boy that he was, he knows everything that happened that time.

He had been always looking for the best time for him to avenge so he think this was the best time, because it was the formal king that killed his family and lied that they were attacked by some strangers for him to have access to the throne forever.

"Let me help you with that my Queen!" Hand of the King said, took the kettle and pouring wine for the Queen and smiling at her.

Hand of the King had wanted to forget about his parent's death since that it was this same king that brought him up, but when the late King now be the one that married to the lady that he loves. He felt bad and thought it was all the good things that should belong to him, they were taken away from him. His father took the throne from his father, now him too took his woman from him so he decided to avenge and collect all what belongs to him back.

"You have really make yourself hungry before you started eating! I have never see you eating rushing like this before my Queen!" Hand of the king said with low voice.

"Yes! You are right, even you that is sitting at the front of me and staring at me makes me to just be eating anyhow!"

"Oh! Should I go then?" Hand of the King stood up as he said so and wanted to be living.

"No! Now" The Queen held his right hand and draw him back. The Hand of the King was looking at her and starring at each other for few minutes.

"I don't mean you should go now! I am enjoying your company" She said with smile.

"Oh! Thank you for that then!" He said as he sat down back.

"I have a question to ask you, why did you lied to me that time? That you didn't loves me but you did"

"My brother loves you now and you too did! So I have to do that for me to forget about it and able to move one!"

"But you didn't tell me and heard my response first; for you to do that, you lied!" Queen said with loud voice.

"Hmm! I--- you know what!" he was trying to explain when they heard the sound of the door opened and one of guard standing at the entrance entered, so they had to stop talking.

"I greet you my Queen. The head of your armies is here said that he want to see you, Afghanistan!" Hand of the King looked at him as he said so thought maybe he came to say that the man had dead.

"Let him in!" He said faster than the Queen.

"As you said Hand of the King!" the guard bow and turned back, leaving the room.

Few minutes later. Sound of the door opened for the Head of the armies and entered, walking closer to them with the leftover food inside same plate and carrying it with his right hand.

"I greet you my Queen!" He said with low voice and sat down on the floor, the Hand of the King was looking at him and thinking what he could be doing here with the food.

"The head of the armies you locked up in the cell was tried to be poisoned with this food. He was lucky that he hasn't ate from the food when he saw the rat that always uses to be in the cell with him dead; this shocked him and he called my attention to it. I took the food to give a dog to confirm, my Queen the dog didn't swallowed the meal before he fell on the floor and dead instantly!"

"I didn't get you. They poisoned Head of the armys food. Who want to do that?" said in English language, and Hand of the king looked at her.

"Yes! And the poison is so powerful as I saw it from the dog, you can come with me to see or you can confirm if its true by yourself! "

"We have to think wise about this, what if its that man that planned this for the Queen to think or believe maybe he is an innocent" Head of the Afghanistan army looked at him.

"I always uses to be with him and monitoring him. Sir! You are the suspect here, you surely know about this poison-------"The Queen didn't allowed him to land.

"What are you trying to say! Are you right at all?" Queen shouted at him.

"You have to listen to me my Queen, I really know what I am saying. I saw you, Hand of the King with a maid as I am coming from the Kingdom talking to her and gave her a small bottle, its because I don't understand Chinese that is why I am unable to interpret what you are discussing with her!" said with loud voice.

"Are you alright? Is this army okay, my Queen hear the nonsense he is vomiting out from his smelling, sticking and dirty mouth!"Trying to just defending himself.

"I know what I am saying! It's this same maid that brought food for the man, now the maid is not in the palace again. Mean that you sent her away after you have finished using her!" the Queen stood up with anger and slapped the head of the Afghanistan armies that it sound loudly.

"How dare you putting that allegation on him, do you know how he is to me. I trust him than anybody even my husband, do you think we are just friends when I got married to the King. No! We have been friends for a long period of time and I dont think you remember what I locked that Head for, I want him to say the truth on what happened to my husband. He should stop lying!" Head of Afghanistan army breathe in.

"You now opened your mind saying he knows about the poison, why will he want to poison him? For what?"

"With all due respect my Queen! You said that you are not around when that happened, so nobody should be trust! Trust nobody my Queen. For the Head too to keeps silent that mean this is far than what you respect.

Hand of the King too can't say he doesn't know anything about it! The only problem is that I don't hear Chinese if not he can't sit there and defending himself-------" The Queen slapped him again with anger.

"Shut up! Shut up!! It will better for you to just keep quite what are you driving out. I trust him! Nobody again in this world except from him. How dare you talking rubbish about him!"

"I can't see you are very stupid! Saw me with a maid mean I am planning something with her, what nonsense is this my Queen! If the Head has been telling you rubbish, it will better not to bring it here"

"It's just that you don't want to listen to me my Queen. What did you gave the maid? Why did she disappeared from the palace? I know what I saw and the way I saw you is so suspicious so no lies. I have sent armies to the Kingdom and I am sure they won't find her because you have known what you_______"The Queen shouted at him.

"What came over you? Have you drunk before coming here or you have mad. Keeps shouting and talking to my Hand in a rude manner! Leave this place right now, I said get out" She shouted at him.

Head of the Afghanistan's armies looked at the Queen, got up from the floor and beating himself up.

"Leave! Get out!! I am sorry my Hand!" Head of the armies looked at her and walking very fast out with anger showed all over him. Hand of the King was looking at Afghanistans armies with bad eye as he was going out.

"What rubbish is he saying?" Queen said

"A maid should come and take this nonsense food from here!" used her legs to kick it away and sat down.

"As you said my Queen!" One of the maid standing in the room said and walking closer to them.

"My Queen! You have to been monitoring that army, its like he has been hearing rubbish from that Head. What stupid allegation is that now?"

"Dont worry! I know how to handle him!" The Queen said with low voice, she had trusted Hand of the King even the King too as well.


Sound of the prisons gate opened for Afghanistans head of the armies by the guards standing at the entrance, he entered with red eye and his cheeks showed red colour at where the Queen slapped him. Walking like someone on a horse and with anger.

He got to the cell that Head of the armies was, met him sitting down and just looking.

"The Queen didn't believe me that Hand of the King had hand in this. For her to listen to me, instead she slapped me twice for comforting him" He said with low voice.

"That is the problem and that is why I keep saying the same thing because nobody will believe me!" The man forced out, Afghanistans army looked at him.

"Tell everything now because right now, I am the only person that can help and have been trying to know what is happening. Tell me, I am ready to get to the root of it!" Head of the armies looked at the Afghanistans army.

"There is nothing you can do! The Queen won't accept or believe you!" He said.

"I know but with good evidence, she will believe willingly or unwillingly!" Head looked at him and two of them looked at each other.

"Fine then!"

"The Queen was not around as you know went to treat her son. It was in the evening that day, the late King, I, Hand of the King and few of the armies were escorting the King to the Kingdom to greet the victims. We have got to the Center of the kingdom when two dragons attacked us, as armies we faced the dragons and started fighting them.

The day had been getting dark because it was in the evening ready, dragons were blowing out fires so everywhere was so dark that some didn't see clearly but I did!" He stopped talking, and the army sat down.

"I saw the Hand of the king brought out a sword knife and stabbed the King, he knows that I saw him and I too know that he knows. He came to the prison after the Queen had arrived to threating me to keep silent and said a word on that day that Minority can never carried the vote Mean they are many that knew about it"

"Minority can never carried the vote!" Afghanistans army repeated what Head of the armies said.

"Yes! I am the only one that know the truth, and they are many. He is right, my minority can never carried the vote even not from this Queen, she is a woman and women's heart are flexible also trust people deeply!"

"Who among your armies heard English language and that you can trust. Right now I need someone that we be working for me, it's because I didn't hear Chinese that is why I am unable to talk deeply!"

"Who do you know that its trust ward among them?"

"Its only my son but he is still a student! He will come here so you can meet him" Said with low voice.

"Be a student is not the problem! Alright!" he put his figures on top of his mouth and thinking, Head of the armies just breathe in and looking.